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Show Highlander Thursday 1963 21, November auditorium VOLUME 11 ‘Curtain Rises on DIAL 'M' FOR MURDER MADHOUSE | Ben Lomond High Production of “Arsenic School’s and Old Lace,” written in the Scot’s Joseph Kesselring, will be by pres ented to. night at 8 p.m. The play takes Place in an old house inhabited by two lovyable old maids who enjoy killing single men, Members of the cast Dave Archibald, Joel include: Steve Christelli, Rebb Brown, y Flem ing, Ron Hursburger, Johnson, Scott Jones Russell , Robe rt Keyes, Arlette Linf ord, Steve Malan, Benson Sloots, Ann Thomas, Ken Vanderdo es, and Craig Watts. Accordin g to Miss Choules, drama instructor, the scenery, cons truc ted by Mr, Hansen’s shop classes, should contribute to the success of the play. Tonight, students will be admitted by their stud ent body cards only. Friday, the be &(c and adults 75¢. fee will Tickets will also be sold in the ticket booths tonight and tomorrow night. Juniors Vow Best Assembly’ The Junior class assembly on BEN ; nel 21, 1963 SCHOOL NOVEMBER HIGH THURSDAY, LOMOND: OGDEN, UTAH, Mr. NUMBER 5 Lythgoe, an electronics B.L. HAILS HYPNOTIST “ engineer by profession , entertained two Ben Lomo nd student body audiences with the magic of hypnotism November 12, 1963. \ His program consisted of the three main Parts. First he ex. Plained that hypnotis m consists of three main departments: light, medium, and deep. Second, he ealled for eleven volunteers from the audi ence to Particiate. He explaine d that of the six main ways of putting a Person under hypn otism, he would use three. After placing the eleven students in a Sleep, he performed Several simple experiments to decide which depth each stuent had entered. He also con- uctd an audience Participat ion _ experiment where sever al std: } \ |