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Show MONDAY, HIGHLANDER PAGE 4 JANUARY 27, 1964 LAKERS — WHEW! WARRIORS — OOPS! BEARS — WHEW! DARTS — OUCH! TIGERS —RATS! Kich Kightabout By RICK Highlander Tigers Claw Scots, 72-61 HASSETT Sports annual basBelieve it or not, gang, it’s time for our tickets to ketball quiz. Remember, winner gets two free held over films of the Ben Lomond-Ogden football game, to Prombecause of popular demand, or a one-way trip lifetime’s free ontory Point by Pony Express. Loser gets a ble Sting subscription to Playboy magazine and a converti Ray. Now, who would like to be first? in Q. What do we call a team that finished second tradition, the state tournament last year, ‘has basketball bench seven returning lettermen, height, speed, added has strength in tall and talented juniors, a coach who years, missed the state tournament only twice in eight by an and who lost their first three Region Two games average of 23 points each? A. The “mighty” Bountiful Braves. Q. How would you counteract a zone? A. Use the Zip Code. Q. What type of offense do you consider most effective? A. The point-making type. Q. What is a “forward?” -A. A sociable, eryone a piece of Q. What is a A. A friendly from his forward. Q. How about uninhibited guy who enjoys giving evhis mind. “guard”? teammate who protects the other team a “center?” A. He’s a big moose who always gets called for three second violations. Q. How does the “fast break” work? A. First, you need a player who has weak bones, and second, you need a big, semi-literate player on the opposing team who’s an expert in karate. _Q. Do you think “ball control” is The Tigers of Ogden High, around some flashy steals by Henry Owens, pumped through 23 points in the fi* nal canto to defeat Ben Lomond, 72-61, before thousands of fans who jammed Ogden’s multi-balecony gym. The Orange Streaks opened the game with a harassing, full press and raced to an court 8-3 edge early in the first quarter. But it didn’t take long for the Scots to erase the Tiger’ lead and finally move ahead at 14-13. Kirk Black pulled off regalore and_ assisted bounds Ogden’s Terry Monson reaches up for ball during Scot-Tiger Spence Wright in the scoring battle, surrounded by Spencer Wright (at rear), John Culverdepartment to fire the Scotties well (23), Stan Buchanan of Ogden, Kirk Black (11), and Vesto a two-point advantage at the first period buzzer, 21-19. tell Wright (34). The Scotsmen, superbly controlling action during the second quarter, moved out in front of their arch-rivals by seven points before Hank Owens and NON-LEAGUE SCORES: Scott Larkin popped the nets Bear River 50, Ben Lomond 41. with short jumpers to pull the Ben Lomond 67, Morgan 45. Bengals within striking distance alt the half, 36-22. Box Elder 61, Ben Lomond 59. After scrapping its zone deBen Lomond 62, Morgan 36. fense, Ogden outscored Ben LoBen Lomond 61, St. Joseph 43. in the third period, 16mond Jordan 42, Ben Lomond 41. 11, and wound up the stanza Ben Lomond 56, Bear River 55. with a slim 49-47 margin. Average B.L. non-league score: 55.3 points per game. Then Ogden’s fabled cat went to work. Owens swiftly snatchAverage opponent’s score: 44.3 points per game. ed the ball away several times LEAGUE SCORES: and fired buckets off his hip in mid-air to put the Tigers Ben Lomond 52, Bonneville 51. ahead by ten points midway in | Editor effective? ss SCOT SCOREBOARD | the fourth Davis 60, Ben Lomond 41.00 Q. Whatis the biggest factor in a winning team be- Average B.L. league score: upset? A. Too many after-game champagne parties in the locker room. I’m sure you’ve heard of a “tight” defense. See what I mean? Q. What would you do to overcome an excessive amount of traveling, or progression, during a ball game? A. Outlaw dribbling. Q. As players go, what do you think of Henry Owens? A. Henry who? Q. Owens, you know, that guy who ran for five touchdowns against Ben Lomond? Average opponent’s ing it that he doesn’t basketball season. time to study the you think of the A. They got more points. Q. But what about the huge attendance and the school spirit, considering it was just a region game? A. Oh, I’ mean, wasn’t that a state tournament game? Shucks, you’d never know the difference. Q. What do you credit Davis High’s always-great showing to in the basketball race? A. It couldn’t possibly be their coach, Grant Cullimore, now could it? Q. And how about Ogden’s record? A. I’d chalk it up to Hank what’s-his-name, but that’s silly, isn’t it? Q. What do you believe it will take to get Ben Lomond into the state tournament this year? A. Oh, about 8 wins and 4 losses. Q. If you were a coach, how would you handle the current basketball season? A. By not losing. Q. Do you know any of the Region Two referees personally? A. Heavens, no. But I understand most of them are trustees from the Point-of-the-Mountain. I know you won’t believe me, but just take a look at their uniforms some time. Q. Do you approve of booing the referees after an unfair call? A. No, I don’t. I believe in throwing things. Q. If you had to pick three teams to make the big tourney in March, which ones would you pick? A. Golly, let me see now. Probably Skyline and East score: = =o i to 51.8 points per game. 60.8 points per Total and average Hgt. Yr. 671%” Sr. 64" SY. .6" Se S10” Sr. 63" Sr: 6’ Sr. 511” .Jr. sr points computed ‘ 2 Paar aS canned points and Kirk Black made game. Total Pts 45 53 41 82 42 30 84 196 ice Spence — right 19 his best showing of the season with PLAYER PROFILE Player No. Neil Bergeson .............. 25 irk: Bisco i David Bott =... ca. ot John Culverwell .......... 23. Boyd Egan .................... §3:..Steve Taylor .......:.:.<:.... 1S Jim Van Leeuwen ...... 45 Spencer Wright .......... 2 canto. weaving stall kept them— ee Ogden 72, Ben Lomond 61. their hands in molasses beforehand. — A. Oh yes, Hank. I’ll lay odds on get a single touchdown during the entire Q. Now that you’ve had a lot of statistics and analyze them, what do Ogden basketball game? working Avg. Pts 4.0 4.8 3.7 7.5 3.8 2.7 7.6 17.8 after 11 games.. 16 tallies to pace the Scotch lads. Jim Van Leeuwen and. Dave Bott both swished the nets for 8 while Neil Bergeson and John Culverwell each tanked 5. Score by quarters: Ben Lomond sce 21 36 47 61 Ogden Fess cylensssqateneae 19 33 49 72 This Week's Cage Tilts Scots’ Week has arrived, and to provide Ben Lomond Gloom prevails on the Ben Coach Dinsdale discusses fense of the Davis Darts Lomond a remedy who lead bench for in the during the time out as impeccable de- contest. and South. Q. No, no, in our district? A. Oh, that’s and the Y.W.C.A. easy. The Bonneville Teachers, Sav-on, sports fans with entertainment during this traditionloaded week, two region basketball games have been booked. The Scotties will travel to Bountiful tomorrow night to battle the Braves in an 8 p.m. contest. The Red and Gray closed out their preseason schedule with a 4-2 record, defeating East, Highland, Granite and Hillcrest, while losing close ones to South and Jordan. Bountiful plummeted into the region war with losses to Davis, Ogden, Clearfield, but finally picked up a win over Bonneville. On Friday, Ben Lomond will open its second round of region cage action with Bonneville High. The Scots defeated the Lakers in this year’s Region Two opener, 52-51. The sailors, currently anchored down in last place in the region, sport a 0-5 record However, both games must rate as_ tossups. No loyal Scot will want to miss ei- ther game. |