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Show s OF CLASSES FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL = WEDNESDAY = AUGUST 28th — LE ALARROGIS MEL, TO /. Assembly CE TORTR NEST 8:00 a.m, - 9:00 &.m, a periods will be 15 minutes it Dogs for sale in the Cafeteria Gym long with 5 minutes between periods iW | FREE Matinee dance in the pym starting right after the 7th period, EDULE OF CLASSES FOR THURSDAY »~ AUGUST 29th ~ 4st Period 8:00 = 8:55 2nd Period 3rd Period Ist Lunch 9:00 = 9:55 10:00 = 10:55 10:55 ~ 11:25 Ath Period 11:00 = 11:55 2nd Lunch 11:55 = 12:25 4th 5th 6th 11:30 12:30 1:30 Period Period Period 7th Period =— 12:25 = 1:25 = 2325 2230 = 3:25 b LUNCH: All students and teachers 22° to 40 56 to 60 All Seminary rooms ~ who have their fourth pe iod class in the following have their fourth period class in the following Classes Boys and Girls P,i. nd LUNCH: All students rooms = ow fark Su ee and teachers who + te 20 a 26 61 55 to 68 BATRA CUARICULAR ACT IVITINS : At this _ Mish to time of the school year, take advantage ‘MPogram offered of it, at Ben Lomond any guilds, clubs Most all fields: a great opportunity This opportunity High School, StiVITY CALENDAR is available the extra to those who curricular activities and associations have been or will be formed, These will cover art, language, sports, danne and others, Active participation ‘ i these clubs will greatly benefit anyone Aonn, is . interested, 1963=6/ a ___ -This schedule is in the "PLAID PARADE" , PERMITs ees udent ait, el, -— om “oO excused from class to indicating time of yeaving ating tine of return, of the period, so that go to the class, he may ~ 2 Library, should be issued a Library The Librarian should sign this take = it to the class teacher at permit, the |