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Show Social Studies Semi- I very much appreciate receiving the letter which you wrote to me because it gives me an opportunity to present my point of view on this question of the activities of the 88th Congress during its first session. a slow-down; and it became necessary to keep us in session all year even though very little was being accomplished. Every year Congress has to pass the appropriations bills which provide the money on which the government operates. In order to be ready when needed, this money must be appropriated before July 1 of every year. Last year we didn’t finish these appropriations until after Christmas. To me, this is the key to the situation. There was nothing controversial about these that should have taken this much time; but as long as they had not been passed, we could not go home. You talk about our “premature Christmas vacation”. ConOf course, I am a member of gress ordinarily goes out of sesthe minority party; and ‘mem- sion, as I said, in July or Augbers of our party have no choice ust and does not come back unsetting the program of the til January; and members of Corigress. This is the privilege |¢ BY have these four or Female women’s teams compose all fe- grown-up the division. Teams entered in these two divisions debate a strenuous mandatory five rounds. Teams must win four of those five rounds to qualify for the sixth round of debates. To qualify for further rounds teams must continue scoring consecutive wins. Teams entered in B division, designed for the inexperienced debater, consist of any malefemale combination. The rules applied in the two previous divisions apply also in B division. However, officials judge the men’s and women’s divisions, while the B division teams judge each other. Teams which successfully complete seven rounds on Friday rest overnight and then return to the campus on Saturday \for final competition. Again, they must win to go on. Eliminations last until only the top teams remain. Last year two Ben Lomond teams, composed of Susan Wahlquist and Ellen Wallace and Nikkie Dabling and Holly Wim- directions on reform Pepperdine Awards To B. L.'s Gay Estes Another honor has come to “Hear all! Tell all! See all!” Ben Lomond via the efforts proclaims Ben Lomond’s 1963of one student, Gay Estes. 64 yearbook, now in preparaGay participated in the NCTE tion. (National Council of Teachers According to Mr. Boyle, adof English) Writing Competi- visor to the publication’s staff, tion last year, as did Kelly Spar- “This will be the best yearbook row and Don Haacke. Ben Lomond has had in eleven Because of her achievement years.” It will feature such innovain this national test, Gay has cartoons, received a letter from Pepper- tions as “Mad’-like dine College, a small liberal arts drawn by Joe Battisti and Dick school in Los Angeles, congrat- Brown. It will enrich the memories ulating her and offering her a $2,200 scholarship for distribu- of this year’s students and faction over three years of study ulty via many color pictures and duo-tone prints. there. “Thistle,” B.L.’s literary magPepperdine has a trimester system in which students may aizne, also proposes to outdo its predecessors, with an enthusattend classes for ten months each year for three years in iastic staff to select its quality contents. order to earn their degrees. The deadline for manuscripts Definite formulation of her falls on March 13 this year, acplans still awaits Gay. Her past cording to Larry Huston and | record of initiative, though, will Gay Estes, co-editors. Mat —Robert Burns The Highlander Staff would like to thank Judy Bennit for the fine work she has done on the paper the past two years. OO ON fm mm fm fm fm re rn em dn a en in i ONO OOOO OGG ’ "Mr. Taylor has designed a silk-screen cover to enhance “Thistle’s” outside appearance. His art department, involving over a hundred B. L. students, will participate in making the covers before the literary magazine’s availability late this spring. Members of the “Thistle” staff include Larry Huston, Gay Estes, Barbara Ficklin, Connie Furniss, Layne Belliston, Mike Deamer, Charlie Brown, Ruth Brown, Norma Reed, Claudia Turner, Linda McGrath, Linda Watts, Dale Wing. NEED AUTO GLASS or MIRRORS Ogden Auto Parts Among her many jobs she has been Secretary of the G.A.A., Publicity Manager for the Red Cross Clan, Secretary of the Interclan Federation, Advertising Manager and page editor for the Highlander. She also held down six regular classes. Judy Bennit, we congratulate you for your fine performance as a “fighting, friendly Seot!” 363 22nd Street NEED SEAT COVERS? See Ogden Auto Parts & Glass Co. 363 22nd St. etn am el Prd dada PI add add ad ad adda PBB PLO el” tin a a tt LANE CEDAR CHESTS ates aati ~Now All eee i FEBRUARY SALE PRICED Buy for little as $5 down, $5 month ' BOYLE’S a Highlander Motto A FAREWELL TO TYPEWRITERS ee only. You say in your letter that competition on Shura Eleven debate teams and nuyou feel you must consider the until after Christmas, and we defenses of those whom you cen- merous orators and extemporspeakers represented have been called a “do nothing” sure. As a member of the Sen- anious Congress. ate who had no opportunity to Ben Lomond this year. My own interpretation of what have a say in the scheduling of Teachers happened is that the majority Senate business, I do not feel Student party leadership could not agree that I should be subject to censure for its lack of progress. I on a program. This trouble beTrain at B. L. here all year ready to work gan with President Kennedy, | was ' if the Democratic leadership Ben Lomond High School will who had sent a lot of proposals up to the Congress (more had been able to provide work be the setting and the Ben Lofor us to do. In making this mond student body will serve than we possibly could have actstatement, I think the real re- as the guinea pigs for fifteen ed on) and then found it difficult to make a choice as to sponsibility rested on the Presi- new student teachers this quarwhich ones should have been dent rather on the men of his ter. Mr. Blanchard will teach Mr. handled. In this atmosphere of party in Congress. indecision, very little action was | Again, thank you very much L. Hawke’s classes; Mr. Hilltaken. for your letter. I hope my re- man, Mr. L. Bingham’s classes; Mrs. Hunter, Miss McAllister’s On top of this, there was ply is informative and useful classes; Mr. Loose, Mr. R. Hangreat agitation last summer and to you. sen’s classes; Mr. Newby, Mr. early fall for a civil rights bill. Boyle’s classes; Mr. Osborne, Kindest personal regards. There were riots and demonMr. A. Felis’ classes; Mrs. Post Sincerely, strations in many cities in the under Mr. Jensen and Mrs. GibWallace F. Bennett South; and the President’s son; Mrs. Ralley, Mr. Nelson’s classes; Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Bragger’s classes; Mr. Simpson, Mr. Bailey’s classes and a class of Church History under Mr. A. Stringham; Mr. Snedden, Mr. Dinsdale’s classes; Miss Stringham, Mrs. Haglund’s classes; Mr. Taylor, Mr. Dabb’s classes; Mr. Walker, Mr. Shirley’s classes; and Mr. Wells, Mr. Campbell’s classes. VOLUME 11 NUMBER 8 Editor-in-Chief Jeniene Van Dyke News Editor Julynn Westover Editorial Writer Linda Watts No nation, no station Feature Editor Jeniene My envy e’er could Sports Editor Rick Hassett raise; Exchange Editor Carol Deegan A Scot still, A Scot still; Advertising Manager Judy Bennit I knew nae higher Photographer Charles Johnson praise Advisor - Mr. Dean Grover year we didn’t finish our work “public . their "English teachers, since only three students can compete after faculty nomination. A broad knowledge of grammar and the ability to write an essay in an hour should enable those chosen to score ae? on the examination. I we were Yet, last Re st. Once pefore here until October. hand. "Best" Lit Magazine, Yearbook Undergo Staff Blue Penciling $2,200 Scholarship y pe seem second We must prove in our own way that we don’t need the treatment thrust on “vandals”. We must prove that we do own the world of tomorrow, that we won’t steal it. 2331 Washington PLL POPOL LOG OG GO a a fn al Puma Gammel SOON LO Phone 393-8451 adda GOGO GOL sn ile ¥ the Congress was allowed to go into includes Men’s division male and mixed male and male teams.” Must all of us accept the opinion-punishments of adults because of the vandalism of a few of our age group? I do not believe so. We do not, as some state, owe the world something simply because we live here. We DO owe something to ourselves—and thus, to society. We must decide what this debt. means, though: A The opinions expressed in the letter from Wallace F. Bennett do not agree entirely with those of the other Utah delegates. They do, however, present a good defense against criticism of the inaction of the 88th Congress. At the same time, he didn’t dare allow Congress to adjourn without acting on civil rights because he would be accused of failing to keep his’ promises to the Negroes. In order to avoid this difficulty and postpone it, Debaters clash in three different divisions: men’s division, women’s division, and B division. Does “an open letter to teen-agers” offer a “direct approach to young vandals’ °? Or, more bluntly, do all youths deserve the label of hoods? LOGO All of these Congressmen from Utah replied, concerned about the questions asked by “a group of high school students” with “an avid interest in the current issues of government.” brother, Bobby Kennedy, became personally involved in these in the public mind. I think he chose to postpone consideration of the civil rights bill until this year. A DIRECT APPROACH FROM YOUNG VANDALS? Win Debate teams from all participating Utah high schools rallied February 14-15 for the annual forensic meet sponsored by and held at Weber State College. 21, 1964 GO The last issue of the Highlander included a letter written by Ben Lomond’s social studies seminar and addressed to U.S. Senator Wallace F. Bennett. The seminar also sent copies of this somewhat controversial letter to Senator Frank E. Moss. and to Representatives Laurence Burton and Sherman P. Lloyd. ; Win, Win, FEBRUARY LOGO SEN. BENNETT: CIVIL RIGHTS CAUSE OF "INACTION" IN 88TH U.S. CONGRESS To nar: FRIDAY, HIGHLANDER 2 POLL PAGE |