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Show May 20, 1964 Wednesday Ogden Standard-Examiner cement an aie forges Grpcuaiaracagrding to stake iond § gr. 2 }and wards, are: will be held day at Lorin Farr Stake: 7:30 p. e at, Be ips arr West Lorin Farr Ward — Jon RichStake Center, Ce 1 s. The gr fn are. members ard Wills. of 41 LDS ds in area in Seventh Ward — Mesa Diane nearly a dozen st ; ker, Sharon Blair, Errol : Prostam theme is e Ha Ji , Ann Thomas, est Mi a spe ner and Sharon ers will be Jeffrey Marsh, Lindas Lucas, les Johnson, Mary} . ighth Ward — Ruth Kay AnStrong’ eggie Cahoon. Ste-| derson, Mike ‘Becraft, Delane phen Felt, Seminary president, W. Bell, Kathy. Bingham, will give the welcome address. Yvonne . Theg Walk a iain ae Ce Eckersley, Rubert L. LINDA LUCAS “‘I’ll| Funk, Rick Hassett, Kelly R. sung Sparrow, oar Stephens and - CHARLES _ Student Speak ool te Kathy cece tee | A al Fifty-first Ward — Barbara) ein everly Brown, ac- Shee Ward ard — — Ann Elaine companied by by Cl Claudia a. Badger, oe ‘Joy Belliston, Den- Brady, Lyn se Kay Peterson Glenn Antone Another ere be y|nis Ray Boothe, Norma Cham n|neys, Ladd B. Chase, Claudette RavenbergPeggy Baker, . Mary Brown, Tom Austad and fone Crawford, Stephen. Leon Felt, Fifty-sixth Ward — Karen|. Thompson wit: the graduates Karma Jean McAllister, Colleen pene the an Jane Richins, Paul Flint Ste-|: Jean Hart, Alyce Irene Keseling, Diane Maathius, Brent C. r p hens, Carol Rae Swift, Cheryl ee ‘ola hs a in ee C. SteV. Trotta and Norma Geraldine| Millspaw ¥ hens. oa Turley. d—Joan Em-|_ e Forty-second Ward — Peggy|.,P Sixty-fourth ar the Glass with respective PS a ae the ale Baker, Mary Jean Brown, Eulalie Goff, Val F. Johnson, Ronald Dean. Moore, Sheryl Price, Judy Slater and Don M. Stoffers. Forty-fifth Ward — Steve A. and. Harold Hohosh. . | Ward — “Linda a PrPelides ond 1 rown, ‘Richard oo Beverly rown, Colleen postlude wil be musa by Rich- Child, Lorraine Hall, Alden ard Brown and Wendy Griffin Evan Johnson, Charles ‘B. Johnwill provide processional mu- son, Susan L. ‘Schaub, and Ruth sic. Ann Surrage. % ily Dixon, John §. Dixon, Barbara Ann ’Ficklin, JoAnne Glissmeyer, Kathleen Heiner and Kathy Lynn Price. sets Sala en antl Ben Lomond South Stake: 29th Ward — Carolyn Anderusan Bryan onnie Chatr oa |. ; egy Sa M nda Joyce Peterae Larry W. Peterson,. Steve ippets ae will present the en eye ny DS cara Naik Pe RKB 109 gn ee ree cent Lg semrmceeeeas ne —— sean ania 2Aey ete Preoaret fee | A RONEN ANT by sical selection, God,” will be Fortieth Ward. — Bas ee PEGGIE CAHOON }, Ben Lomond. Speaker Larry Ray Holt, J liston, Geniel Cutler, Michael olton, Diane Lynne Knight Deamer, Shanna Lynn Thiel and and Nadean Forty-ei Dean Bo 1. d) @ ae Fifty-fourth Ward—Di Camille Gay Estes, Mike re Steve D. Mitchell, Cheryl and KathleenSaxton... Fifty-ninth Ward—Mar Tracy Baker, Alma Brent a 4 Neal ie Bel |