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Show PAGE WEDNESDAY, HIGHLANDER 2 Ben Lomond Student Council Should Meet Weekly High Lomond Ben can How achieve School BEN true : One way, probably the best and most ideal, would be the requirement of the Student Council to meet every week. A school needs to be organized to acquire maximum# efficiency. And a basic source of that needed organization is the Student Council. The council can and should§ be the most important and effective organization in the the council should be held every week, under strict ruling from the school constitution. If the council does meet every week it can iron out little problems in the school before they become large ones. Many students do not know that a lack of com- cause is often the munication harsh and of problems feelings among the studentbody. If the council is larly held though, and fully attended, students will a place to express their ideas, plans, and even their plaints. Students often complain that “the school reguhave; comwon't BRANCA GRADVOHL B.L. Welcomes Student From Brazil let us do anything,” but what these students do not rea- | Ben Lomond feels very forlize is that many of their plans are either impractical “tunate to welcome a new Scotor impossible, and this should be explained to them at tie to our student body, Branca the Student Council. If properly reported by the stu- Elise Hortense Gradvohl, our dent representatives, the studentbody will see that run- new foreign exchange student ning a school is very complicated and that there is al- from ways another side to the story, often the only side. i eyed The Highlander strongly urges Ben Lomond’s stu- dentbody officers as soon as possible to write and pre- , sent an amendment to the school constitution to the stu- ~ dentbody and for their require a week. Good that approval, the common which Student will Council strictly shall meet the exercising of this ruling. If the Student need not meet a particular week because of conversational subjects should not become state once sense should prevail though in it should a common adjourn, Council lack of but this occurance. gnition en BETS s ral Stewart ~ Clan plaqu e at the main entrance to the school patio. The Highlander urged such a move in its final issue last year, saying the plaque should be placed in some conspicuous place instead of in the auditorium as earlier suggested. : The plaque is strikingly beautiful and above all, it symbolizes the fighting spirit of the Stewart Clan. It + should ~ get remind every student at Ben Lomond that they of “the friendly fighting Scots” and not to for- it. Ben Lomond is fortunate indeed that it follows a Scottish theme because this allows the various classes to select projects such as this plaque which are not only beautiful but which contain a traditional Scottish originality which other schools cannot possibly enjoy. Once again, may we praise the “powers to be” on the location for the plaque. We hope that it will instill - e os ao best. of every Scot the desire to make his school HERE'S TO YA Greetings to all the new Scots who didn’t have any other choice than to go to Ben Lomond, and to all the four-year men who just couldn’t part from our dear ole school. Whichever you are, the HIGHLANDER welcomes Brazil. The pert, darkmiss will be a sister to Louise Bybee, a junior at Ben Lomond. Branca comes from a family of two brothers and two sisters. Her father is director of an exportation firm in Fortaleza. Branca says her ambition is to become a doctor because “it is a deeply humanitarian career which I greatly admire and because my Grandfather was a doctor. I shall be proud to continue serving the same ideals; serving humanity by alleviating its sufferings.” ca| cialy enjoys and listening playing th records. BOOK Ben Lomond’s leaders and EVEN the office personnel are enthused about the year’s coming events. Meetings and planning activities have taken up a large amount of time this summer to make this year one that we will all remember. Only one minor problem exists— will the students participate in these activities? If not, they can always be cancelled. Thus, losing all the fun, excitement, and memories of their high school years. LIST DRIVER EDUCATION Tomorrow’s Drivers, 1962 (L. & C.) ENGLISH AND LITERATURE Short Story Matserpieces (Dell) Six Great Modern Plays (Dell) English Grammar and Composition, Gr. 10 (H.B.) ............ English Grammar and Composition, Gr. 11 (H.B.) ............ English Grammar and Comp., complete course (H.B.) .... Adventures in Appreciation (H.B.) Adventures in English Literature (H.B.) -..................2.2....-:Adventures in American Literature (H.B.) ...........20022.....--HEALTH Modern Health, 1959 (Holt) INDUSTRIAL ARTS Architectural Drawing (Bruce) Electricity and #lectronics, Basic (A.T.S.) -2....22200..2-22..2.LANGUAGES Hablar y Leer (Spanish) (Holt) Hablar Leer y Escriber (Spanish) (Holt) ........0..20000000000....-+ Parler et Lire (French) (Holt) Sprechen und Lesen (German) (Holt) -000000..22000.0022000.-..First Year Latin, 1962 (A. & B.) Using Latin Book III (S.F.) Latin Book IV (Allyn and Bacon) MATHEMATICS Algebra, Book-I, Modern Ed. (Ginn) 20.0..00.....cceeeeeeeeee Algebra, Book II, Revised Ed. (Ginn) -0....0.....00cc.ccceeee tees Plane Geometry, 1961 (Ginn) Solid Geometry, 1959 (Ginn) | Trigonometry 1.65 80 80 2.80 2.90 2.95 3.85 4.15 4.10 4.50 6.35 3.60 4.75 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.35 4.31 5.60 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.85 (P.H.) _ Elementary Mathematical Analysis (He.) .......... avec '8'90 Temac (Rental) ES 80 Psychology, 1957 Ed. (W.B:) 4.50 READING S.R.A. Reading Lab. Manual, III A. (S.R.A.) 0.00.00... 45 SCIENCE Chemistry—An Experimental Science (Freeman) ............ 6.00 About her stay in the United. States Branca remarks, “I wish to go to the United States because I know that the U. S. A. is a marvelous country, through what I have read, through my friends who have been there. However, I cannot have an exact idea of what it is like. I admire the American people very much for their spirit of humaneness.. .” (Freeman) .. General Chemistry (Saunders) Modern Biology, 1960 (Holt) General Zoology, 1956 (Holt) Modern Physics, 1960 Ed. (Holt) SOCIAL STUDIES Our World History, 1962 (Ginn) The Aventures of the American People Today’s Problems, 1962 (A. & 2.) We're happy to have you with us, Branca, and hope you will learn to love Ben Lomond’s friendly Scottish spirit. May this year be an enjoyable and memorable one for you. HIGHLANDER STAFF Lab. Manual for Chemistry—an Experimental nation, no This year the shirt is station My envy e’er could raise; A Scot still, A Scot still; I knew nae higher praise —Robert Burns 1.65 6.75 4.35 7.00 4.60 (R.McN.) She Cellar Highlander Motto No Science 5.35 ............ 5.25 4.95 Ng Lands enunpetenionunsinansassiillicsnssnesmnsentierentasesnanenlillllstsmsenediemmn nenaenalliitaees and lively spirit, B.L. will re- turn to the dust from which it came. PRICE Teachers and friends describe Branca as studious, enthusiastic, and amiable with a great desire to learn the English language. Her English is already remarkably fluent. VOL. 11 NUMBER 1 Petor ss: Jeniene Van Dyke you to the greatest school ever. MAY YOU SURVIVE! Page 1 Editor Judy Bennit Linda Watts Since the sophomores outnumber the rest of the Page 2 Editor school’s population by one or two this message goes Page 3 Editor Julynn Westover Rick Hassett. straight to them. Ben Lomond’s foundation of spirit Page 4 Editor Mr. Dean Grover and participation needs support. Without hearty enthus- Advisor iasm, bold sportsmanship, HIGH 28, 1963 COMMERCIAL : Price T-43 Personal Typewriting, 1959 (S.W.) $2.70 T-53 Basic Typewriting Drils (S.W.) 95 B-651 Workbook for B-65 (S.W.) 40 Personal Business Law, 1957 (Br.) 3.90 G-11 General Business (S.W.) 3.60 Gregg Shorthand Manual, Simplified, 2nd Ed. (Gr.) Students Transcript Shorthand Manual, Simplified (Gr.) 1.05 Gregg Dictation, Simplified, 2nd Ed. (Gr.) -.........-........... .. 3.00 Students Transcript-Gregg Dict. Simplified, 2nd Ed. (Gr.) 1.25 Gregg Transcription Simplified, Shorthand II (Gr.) -..... 3.15 Gregg Speed Building Simplified, Shorthand II (Gr.) .... 2.65 R-60 Shorthand Transcription Studies (S.W.) ..............-..--- 2.80 T-50 20th Century Typewriting (S.W.) .......-2---..-.------:0---+- 2.90 T-521 Workbook for T-50, parts 3 and 4 (S.W.) .................- 1.25 unity in order that it may enjoy its greatest year ever? school. To achieve full effectiveness, LOMOND AUGUST Exclusively at FRED M NYE - |