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Show PAGE HIGHLANDER 4 FRIDAY, DRAW A SCOT, WIN A All Ben Lomond = 4, 1963 GIFT CERTIFICATE Activities Association students, ‘Minus with the exception of the judges and the HIGHLANDER staff, may enter a drawing of a SCOT in this contest and try for a $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE from FRED M. NYE’S. The drawing must. conform to the following rules: Write Editor Letter Region Two? Will Ben Lomond High School and Region Two withdraw from the Utah High Schools Activities Association because of the associlation’s new realignment of the state’s high schools? Want to Speak Out? Do you: dislike being trampled in the lunch line? Possibly you want to plug a school organization? Well, if yon want to have your say, you can. That’s right. You, yes you, can speak’ personaly to Ben Lomond’s en- Officials in the Ogden, Davis, and Weber school systems are now confering with one another to determine whether the reg2. The Ben Lomond Scot Head How? By ion should completely withdraw tire student body. - should be followed but not because of the realignment; simply taking a minute or two, _ traced. which they feel will bring prob- sitting down, and writing a letAll contestants must use 9x12 lems of transportation costs, day ter to the Highlander’s editor. poster paper. games, and poor school support A “letter to the editor” is really a “letter to the school.” at the games. . All drawings should be done Region Two officials oppose ~ No matter how active you are, from the colors in the Stewthe plan of the UHSAA to split you probably have something _ art Plaid and the colors black the region and place the schools to say, and say it you must. The -and flesh. (Red, white, blue, in different regions as such: Highlander is inviting everyone “Our most potent weapon yellow, green, black, and Region One: One division will in the school to write a letter against communism is the fulflesh Le include Box Elder, Bear River, to the editor. All that we ask fillment of our obligation to the Logan, North Cache, and South is that the letter be in good . One of the entry blanks ob- basic concept of the American So you have time to waste, Cache while the other division taste and bear the true signatained at FRED M. NYES way of life—proof that freedom must be stapled to the draw- of religion and speech, right to you lucky person! Do you spend will contain Ben Lomond, Ogd- ture of the writer. No letter ing. (Girls obtain theirs at trial by jury, security from un- all of your time reading about en, Weber, Bonneville, and without a name will be publishRoy’s new high school. ed, nor will “Pen names” be THE CAMPUS SHOP on the reasonably search and seizure nothing? Region Two: One division accepted. Of all-the worthwhile things second floor and the boys and other liberties that we take obtain theirs at THE CEL- for granted are superior to the to do and all the other “Newsy” will have Clearfield, Davis, Now then, do you have an articles in this paper to read Bountiful, and another new sch- opinion concerning school actheories of Lennin and Marx. LAR). Just take a minute The next best safeguard is you have to read this article ool in Bountiful with the other tivities? Dick Brown, Joe Battisti, and noughting. Wouldn’t it division consisting of East, then and write it down and dea concentrated study of the en- about Mr. Harvey will judge the enHighland, South, and West. be wonderful if all of the world liver it to the Highlander’s ofemy rather than the easy actries according to the followRegion Two officials oppose fice in Room 35. If you do not ceptance of hearsay stories that. had time to sit down, relax their ing: (A) Neatness, (B) Color, this plan because it would, be- wish to deliver it personally, so often lead to irresponsible minds and read nothing? (C) Drawing. If you have any personal sides creating numerous prob- you may give it to any Highcommunistic branding of a fortitude or back-bone of any lems, break strong rivilries beAll drawings must be turned neighbor, a friend, a public oftween the Weber County sch- lander staff member and rest in at the Journalism Room ficial or even an outstanding sort, quit wasting your time assured that it will reach its ools and the Davis County reading this article about nothAmerican like former President (room 35) by October 20, 1963. destination. ing; for I assure you that you schools. None of the entries will be re- Eisenhower.” won't glean anything from it turned, but will. become the The preceding was taken but a red face for continuing property of the HIGHLANDER. from a letter written by M. to read such an article. The winner will be ‘announced Blaine Petersen. This was atdone by a: ~ 1. All work must be ' the contestant. Nothing to Read Freedoms Corner Here; Go on Pat; To Something Else and who win! ALO ALE ALE AEGEAN “e vice. . | ‘Enter now knows, you just sn Spirit Takes Hold ALLO AOL ALOE AEE A Drastic changes have come over Ben Lomond’s _ student body since the beginning of its eleventh year. Take, for example, the spirit, and enthusiasm the “friendly, fighting Scots” have acquired in = past few weeks. AOA AGE LOGE ALE ALAA It can’t be .the winning streak, because we haven’t had one. What, then do we have this year that we didn’t have last? The urge to succeed (or. try to succeed) in anything we try to do, that’s what. AL ALAA AL The. studentbody officers have this drive to win within them in hopes that their enthusiasm for school participation will rub off onto their fellow Scots. | skirts, . capris, stretch pants, all your casual PAA With Bay a ALA é ALAA Hudson Last, but not least, more students care what happens to Ben Lemond. Students have displayed interest in school subjects, politics, and school activities. Students supporting B.L. most actively this year, couldn’t have cared less last year. 363 Auto Parts 23rd 2446 St. (POL —PBOPBPPB BD mda LDL DLP PAPA Washington added PP | Jack Purcells 5g PP Boulevard aden dada ddan BBB PLL LL add ad ada ada OOO DAD SLOBCS See Ogden PBPPPPPP PP PPP $10.95 For Batteries BLUE AA the tongue assures you of perfect fit and comfort. _ Something must be in the air, and it’s not love, that has brought this spirit back to Ben Lomond. | RA clothes, this chic boot is the center of attraction. And an elastic inset under Now available in jeans, white, blue, black and FRED M NYE CO} white. Sizes 8 to 15 in blue; 4 to 13 in all others. =! ee |