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Show a ce 5 0 AS oy. mo rt ; wa %, bs s ih. if Si net ae a“ ON C.-0KW CS eho mS Well coordinated?..eeCan you cance? eee MileZen,2000 at hicthly precisioned marciin’?....lryiny out for Bonnie Lass: “5 Lee | Ko e Girls the 1964, desirine version to of become Ben a member Lomond's A to fit bass \lbonette practices started at 7:15 Good luck.eescesednd smile!!! Lhat WINNERS to its IME CONTE ST TIM® Mecazinle Sponsors, in adcition recent controversial study of sex, Of an annual Current Affairs Contest. the Ben Lomond students who took the competitive test, Don Haacke placed the hichest, vrize-winnin’ Other from students BL. include Greg Brom, Julie Engberg, Richard Emmert, end Clark ‘alker. TIME!s Current Affairs Test, “iven this year to more than 750,000 college and hich school students in the U.S. and Canada, consists of 105 auestions on nate It covers such jonal and foreien affcirs. catarories as business, sports, entertaine- ment, science, l:,000 cl~sses religion, enrolled jour- literavcure, nalism, education and the arts, Top scorers in each of the in the than more TIM! Hduc- ation Provram receive a certificat from th e ‘eelly News Mazazine and choice of either a world ~*obe or a book from a ed list. se specially incention its Since more that 5,000,000 icipated 28 yearss created examination, in the ago, students have parte the TIME Education Procram Bducation Department, by for TIMi's The » bos the Hay flew, buzzed, ears of hillbillies end the Boys!Association cackled, com- off-color jokes singed inocent during B,L,!'s ascembly, umbers "Mom and Dad 7 Cant, their limited "Imperials" I and by the remarks to two, heard, everyone seemed happye Alonz with their surf'!n music the all talent "Jesters" did an"not too common" slow song, and by the wayy they the held the of attention audience, A few of the boys (or h ould I say cirls) got together and flubbed to up the "Charleston" their audiences Fred Sylvester piano solo, Rorer Deamer out one throuch delight the held of his the of art the mastered with at Ben Lomond," "Liberace of his aucience stories, famous end ended it in one of his "too famSteve Taylor played ous" bum endinzs, the part of a carelessecityeslicker ond passed off his snare of jokes? Ma, played by Seott Jones, and Pa, pleyed by Mixe Deamer, the meted assembly from a nearby barn loft where most of the off-color jokes? blurted 17 out e TALKS ¢. 2 Peet Cne of the ab business will honor the Ben Lomond Lassies today in the auditorium at 2:pem- to speak to us OM, NPurity and the Family Mar Men." Liz Taylor, an expert on the subject, will ensver the: most comnon of "How To Catch A Man al} cuestions, and Keep Hin." She and her recent husband, Rich~ ard Burton, on the arrived late last night plene from Canada. 2:41:3 As she stepped out of the doorway, lad~ ies gasped, men fainted, and cuildren Mrs, Burton children? what children? wore a stunninz pair of red chiffon Burton slacks and a silver necklace. wore a Suit. As they approached the car I had waitine for them, he save me a nause- ated erin to tell and said,...well, you the truth, he didn't say anyhhing Anyway, Liz had disappeared, to me, The We couldn't find her aiywrenee, Lounce was empty, the bar closed, and We came to he ladiestroom locked, have gone must she that the conclusion I+ seemed that she back to the plane. had forgotton to tell the "nice" pi-~ lot ri re LD "Nick, Dick, and Doug", dressed the occasion, strummed out forget ANNOUNCED —~e N don't wO fiddler, e mornine and will continue throughout month, Bonnie Lassie practices, which began two weeks azo, will continue after sixth and seventh periods for the rest of the month. the poor girl who arrives at So pity th at school at 7:15 ecch mornin and drags herself away each nicht at 3:30 or li: 30.6 After hecomin: an lbonette, sirls who hovre attended the Bonnie Lassie practices will enter semi-finel competition. This consists‘of memorized dence and a mamorized marchinz routine, as well as a routine taucht the nicht of the competJudees will consist of p-st Bone ition. nie Lassies and members of Ben Lomond's faculty, Semi-final winners will then enter final competition, judzed by outeo%-sch~ ool experts in +n. *ieldsof cance, coore dination, marchin, and personality. N'S somethinz about marrying a washwoman, an orivinal they had written themselves along with a ballad written by their 2 this his * 5 A According to last year's On The Farm,"" sophomores and juniors, this year's assembly, ,compared with last's, stayed on the clean side a little betters of special sixteencgirl drii”. team must display the above mentioned quelities doubhyywell in the weeks to come, Next year the Albonettes and Bonnie ies will incorporate into one clasSe before a ‘girl can become a BonnieLasshe must first become an Albonette, a (T good-bye, Three hours Later (well, you know how partin® is such sorrow) we were on our Ways So, girls, be prepared for of 2 fun-filled frolic-some packed with exhibitions anc ions presented by our lovely and her husband, sweet one hour lecture illustate euest |