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Show Y CHRISTMAS DEIN I See You the wale news VOLUME 11 Pre BEN LOMOND HIGH SCHOOL OGDEN, UTAH, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 18, 1963 eee re Whe e just print it NUMBER 6 Choir Presents Christmas Open Noel in Song 97 gis Ben Lomond High Clothing and Foods ments presented their =~ = | re = iv Scots Scan | Remembar Schools HUMOR ACROSS THE STATES West Leyden High School in Northlake, Mlinois,.. stated” tliat men drivers. Examples: ‘Marianna C. presenting ‘a parking ticket at the police station: ‘Did one of yaur mem, lose this? pom “if television had béen Inyented some years earlier, some of found it in Yay windshield’. Then history’s stars might have been stars of television shows:teday.” It listed the following castings: Queen for a Day—Mary Antoinette. there was $86 Weinan driver who went te: Beavenand kfiocked one sate Off geting in.” © “Why j@ #8 Old. teachers never die? ¢ey just @rade away,” Boa# River High in TiémentonI’ve Got a Secret—Benedict; ‘Garland, Utah, secks an ansiver ui to his Gitestion. Arnold. Play Your Hunch—Ciidaph ‘Lincoly High students in Seer Columbus. aitie, Washington, favor “purTo Tell the Truth -+ Bronce ple jokes”: Q. What is round, Washington. What’s My James. Line? a Make Room for Daddy and the esse Meal Ark. pirple and goes buzz-buzz? A. purpie and gees. ding-dong? A. An electric plim. A patple Avon lady. OQ. What. is West Tish in Denver, ColoWest Leyden also. demiamed rade, published the following that elephants’ ears dre 'flaiaete poem. to wearing cowboy «hats "ie inere Wasa little girl tight. “ind: she had a little smile: A Medical Miracle Dept, exShe ssent it to a little boy; ists at Roosevelt High Schael Acre@ss a little aisle. in Seattle, Washington. It’s ad. Hé wrote a little note, vertising “a new threé-layer pit But he made a little. slip, designed to relieve headaches after tests and beferé report And thy both went together cards. The first layer is aspirin, On a little office: trip. the second layer is a sleeping During National School Lunch pill, and the third layer is cyaWeek, a. timer.:buzzing at the nide.”’ hot “‘funch™ counter ; at Provo Cheerleaders at Las Vegas High in’ Prove, Utah, resulted High in Las ~ Vegas, Nevada, in. severak“free lutiches. Also, sponsored a “slave sale,” aucnew: metaledrds* now prevent tioning off the most popular the students: from “hot-wiring” boys and girls. All slaves obeythe. school phones: ed their masters for one school day, doing menial tasks of sellAll “students: “attending Mr: ing kisses, carrying books, etc. Boden’s Frénth:classés* at An: Bidders bid without knowing tioch High School in Antioch; which slave they’d receive. California, must pay five*¢énts West Side High School in per word each time they speak Dayton, Ohio, poked fun at wo- English in class. Secret Storm—Ben Franisiin, House Successful Ben Lomond’s choral department joined in the spirit of Christmas again this year with several presentations. On December 18, the A Cappella Choir will broadcast over Channel 9 at 8:15 p.m. Tomorrow, the A Cappella Choir will present their program to the public from Ben Lomond’s auditorium. The admission will be 50 cents. The program will begin at 7:30. Sylvia Cutler will accompany the choir under the direction of Mr. Ed Sandgren. The girls glee will present “The Ceremony of Carols,” by Benjamin’ Britian, Thursday, December 19, for the public. Claudia Turner, and Marilyn Goff will accompany the chorus. | A prsorestey Sree Ohnist ; ~y As We approach another Christmas season, full of people; parties: and presents, let’s stép a moment to realize the reason for'this célebration. As loyal Ben Lomond Scots; let's: put the spirit’ back inte Christmas at Ben Lomond this year. Let’s have fun partying; earoling, and dancing, but-let’s not forget the presentation. «. The Girls’ Association, in cooperation with the Home Economics Department chose, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” as their theme. Susan Bryan and Sandra Clayson served as the chairman and co-chairman of the event. Clothing department committee chairmen included Diane Maathuis and Teena Decaria. Foods Department committee chairmen were Susan Schaub and DeAnna King. Along with the girls, the boys shened off their white thumbs pin their ; "Home The. Curse School Departannual chairmen Doris Tiving department were Kay Felford and Frey. The Girls’ Association officers, Pat Cloke, President; Pam Weese, Vice - President; and Sharon Blair, Secretary, invited The opinion of commertializ- the public to view the beautiful ed Christmas*has shifted to the items that made up the Open Hou se. curse of Chistmas. Why do we That night a reception for the call it so. Have we degressed visitors was held. Refreshments te the point that we fe to our- and entertainment delighted the true reason for the tree in the crowd. hall, the gifts under it, and selyes this mueh. Do we tend Committee chairman for the the. happiness “we can ‘share to overlook the blessings of the reception were Kristine Kearl with our loved ones and friends. “curse,” and Only look at the and the following students supSeniors: Let’s mike our ast number of Santa Clauses around plied the entertainment: BarChristmas at,-B.L. the best one: the different department stores? bara Burton, Louise Bybee, SylOfcourse we'll buy and disvia Cutler, Branca Gradvohl, tribute gifts te: <friends and | Can anyone 0 downtown a Carol Johnson, Jill Moore, Barfamily, but more important, week, or two before “Christmas bara Stewart, and the Semingive gifts of faith to fellow. mien, and. not feel the Christiias spir- aires. love, charity. and kindness: it? Other students involved in And, Sedts; during these trou: the event included Gay Estes, bled. times, let’s @a¢h offer a siThe Christmas spirit follows Juliana Pearce, Jill Moore, lent prayer for the peace and continual preservation: of ‘man- the: people downtowtt“fhe peas Marilyn Holley, Connie Chapple, at..their busiest buying for man, and Mary Ann Schaub. kind: others, are \still-at ‘thei firtendliest. Evétyqne® speaks to others. Of Christmas B.L. PREPARES BOXES The Ben Lomond Scots joined together to prepare Christmas boxes for many Ogden families. After devising heir own meénues the’ students filled the boxes with: a Christmas meal, side: trimmings, and sométimés a small. Christmas tree. The ‘students wrapped and decorated the. boxes*in bright paper and ribbons. Some: went tothe extent. of\, making, ‘their boxes. into.’ chirhney’sor, Santa and his.-reindeér. The final touch came “when the students tugged the boxes to the audittorium to the stage where .they displayed ‘their Many contributions:.to make it a Merry Christmas ‘for everyone. BULLETIN The : warmth. of “the. Christmas spirit uses the cold tocshow itself. The cold. Sinks *threigh your clothes to :bite your flesh, but.-only ‘the flesh. The. warmth comes out fromthe inside when you are at your coldest. The: stores’ business Christmas spirit: Them lies in their... detion: reflects warmth Let’s be--more tionest with otttselyes. Christnias becomes commertialized.:-by the want to give; not only receive. Even the commercial advertisements plea to the giving. Let’s stop trying to. defeat blessings we have, but use “the energy to recognize them. —by LARRY HUSTON “Frosted Fantasia” will exist, for the benefit of all dancers, at Ben Lomond on December 20, 1963, from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. If the title of this Pep Club-sponsored dance enchants you, then don your BEST DRESS and‘ come ’n dance to the music of the Wheeler’s Orchestra. As an extra treat, the A Cappella Choir will sing during intermission. Remember all you SCOTS, treat yourself to an evening of enchantment! |