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Show FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1964 SCOT SCOOPS or Who Put the Hole in the Donut? It has come to my attention since the last edition of the Highlander that those certain ‘paby Scots’ have grown up. Could it have been the little rhyme: Attention all you baby Scots; We're glad to see you here. Too bad you think you’re much too good To let us hear you cheer. Or could it be that this large group of sizzling surfers have suddenly realized they’re in high school? Well, it’s nice to have you with us, anyway. Hoot mon, Scoobies. * eh Larry aul Qui as the Epics. Since then, numerous organizations, including Ben Lomond’s Dance Clan, have called upon their services. Gary plays the lead guitar, Larry handles the rhythm, and Paul, surrounded by his drums, lives in a world of his own. They all read music and each has a hand in arranging the numbers. “We didn’t expect ue reBramtion,” - RL Caeer'Dey Coming Fee i bt ek ek NrF MARAOD MR WN Career Day, when BLHS students will have an opportunity to learn about various job opportunities in twenty-five different fields of employment, will fall on Monday, February 24 this year. The first sixteen fields offered concern opportunities on the job market. This information can prove valuable to those who will need a job to help finance their way through college, as well as those who plan to enter permanent employment immediately after high school graduation. Students who have chosen to attend one of the following areas will have the opportunity to hear about a cluster of occupations associated with that particular industry: 0. Missile . Civil Service . Bakery and Food Services . Railroads . Education (non-teaching) . Hospital Services Sales . Newspaper and Printing Data Processing . Military Occupations . Beauticians and Barbers . Electronics . Ogden City Employment Opportunities 13. State Employment Opportunities 14. Construction 15. Real Estate and Insurance Students who have chosen to attend one of the following areas will gain new information about educational and personal qualifications for the field they have 16. 17. 18 19. selected: Engineering Forestry Education Social Work and us time in eee A Political Sciences Business Medical Services Sciences Fine Arts Ogden Auto Parts 363 23rd Ogden Auto Parts & Glass Co. KLO DISC JOCKEY FREE @ Drawings DRINKS AND for Girls, ECE ENS COOKIES 2-3-4-5 P.M. - Register between 10 a.m and 2 p.m. 29th. (bf SDD DRBDBDBBAB BB IO AAAABAAABAAAAASABAAASASASAASASSASASLSAASSLASASEBEASBEABASE AAAS EADBUBABSE Blocks have For the Best in Contact Lenses the PURCELLS he wants See... Dr. Verne L. Nielsen 2325 Wash. OGDEN, Phone Blvd. UTAH 393-1011 Navy, Black, White COMBE'S DRIVE IN for the rest SEE US AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Headlights? Great Food and Fast Service See Ogden Auto Parts St. @® @ 363 22nd St. Chairmanship duties for this event, annually sponsored by Ogden’s Kiwanis Club, belong to Mr. Cluff Snow, principal of Highland Junior High. The schedule for the day includes: 8:15-8:45—Orientation assembly. 9:00-9:55—Report to areas, discussion. 363 23rd St. Home of Necessary and Unnecessary Auto Parts The railroads will offer 3,000 jobs in the next few years. Two Ben Lomond students registered for that field of work. In comparison, Ogden City needs} very few social workers or psychologists. 108 students. chose that area. Regular schedule of the day. February 29th — 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. Law “The first sixteen fields were designed for the majority of the students,” Mr. Peters commented, “but most chose the second group instead.” Need Special Invitation! FEBRUARY Psycholand iuiure, Specialized Hubcaps? ogy 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. B.L. AIO student body at the sophomore| class assembly, the Imperiads, a new group with a_way-out sound, have dispelled the idea that wild gyrations and shaking of the hair rather than honestto-goodness playing makes a group popular. They stood “firm” while their playing re~ ceived an enthusiastic reaction “from the students. Gary a AT surprised.” Roger McBeath and Bill Hamby strum the guitar while Jerry Mefarland thumps the bongos and Paul Hawkins sings along, to complete the juniors’ “Four Cockroaches”. The group had its debut on the class of 65’s sophomore assembly last year. Ben Lomond also boasts several other combos which will no doubt. fill the news some- EEC EEE SWING in the fall of ’63 really IO IESE ROYALTY to the; harmonizing III AND introduced PO BUGS Formally * | 385 - 12th St. Sizes | to 12 4,SRE REE REECE ESERIES SEIS SIT Meet these swinging Scots, namely, the “Imperials’ (left), composed of Paul Quigley, Gary MacSharra, and Larry Bramwell. Also beating rhythm are the “Four Cockroaches” (right), Jerry Macfarlane, Roger McBeath and Bill Hamby. The fourth Cockroach, Paul Hawkins, was out to lunch at the time the picture was taken. + You know, for years, education has revolved around the three R’s (reading, ’riting, and ’rithmetic). As the modern world forms a new aspect in contemporary living, school life goes swinging with the three S’s (surfing, sports, and that ever-popular S-E-X). Now, for those few students with, shall we say, “simple” minds, this paper will be glad to explain those items in great detail (well, not too great detail). Surfing suddenly became the sun, and several sophomores shook around it. Naturally, I’m speaking of the Sophomore Class Assembly. The presentation consisted of dancing, singing, roller skating (yes, you read it right), instrumental groups, and of course, the beach bugs. (Surfers, man, surfers. You certainly can’t be that simple). All in all, B. L. could have a pretty good class in ’66. But the majority of us won’t be here then, will we? Now, what’s second on the list? Ah yes, sports. Well, just turn the page, and our renowned sports editor can fill you in on all the who’s, what’s, and where’s you might have concerning that great world of victory? Now to get to the part that you’ve all been waiting for — S-E-X. Well, I’m sure that the article in Time took care of that. |