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Show MARRIOTT-SLATERVILLE CITY HISTORY March 2008 The calendar tells us that Spring began this year on March 20, but Mother Nature apparently didn't get the message. We were still experiencing snow storms throughout the month. Crocus bravely pushed their bright yellow blossoms through the snow. Who would really want to wade through snow to begin work on their yards and gardens? So we reminded ourselves, "We need the snow," and waited for Spring to really arrive. At the March 20, 2008, City Council Meeting, business licenses were approved for Shape Up Exercise Equipment, 763 West 12th Street, equipment assembly; ICAN Exercise, 763 West 12th Street, exercise equipment sales; K. R. Siding, Inc., 1615 South 1100 West, siding sub-contractor and general contractor, and G. I. P. Inc., 1615 South 11 West, Unit B, dirt bike dealership. The first two businesses have been mistakenly licensed in Ogden City, and the staff are working to correct the mistake. Two other business license requests, Lost Recovery, 1618 South 1100 West, sales and reconditioning of vehicles, and 3X L, Inc., 312 West 17th Street, excavation, were referred back to the Planning Commission for review. An upset city resident contacted Bill Morris, City Administrator, because she could not get flood insurance as the city does not participate in the national flood program. This is an optional program, and about 15 cities and counties in the state presently do not participate. Mr. Morris requested Dr. George Burbidge to meet with the council because of his specialized knowledge on the subject. Dr. Burbidge explained the National Flood Insurance Program which makes relief available through federally guaranteed flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Certain areas of Marriott-Slaterville are subject to periodic flooding; about 25% of the city is in flood hazard areas. There is no fiscal cost but there is the regulatory cost of putting the community under federal regulations. Corrections to flood maps would be an expense to the city. Dr. Burbidge noted that there are pros and cons to participating with the federal government being involved. They would control the flood zone and those who want flood insurance, although insurance companies do most of the administration for flood insurance. When asked if other cities have had any problems, Dr. Burbidge said he is not aware of any, except that the flood area maps are often not correct. A resolution would be necessary to authorize the mayor to make a regulation for flood areas by executive order so that those wanting to get insurance can proceed as soon as FEMA approves the city. Time is critical because it takes 30 days for a resident to get insurance after applying. After discussion, the council approved Resolution 2008-A for the intent to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. Marriott-Slaterville City recognizes that the historical heritage of the community is among its most valued and important assets. Ordinance 2008-03 for historical preservation and designation of local landmarks was discussed. The intent is for the city to identify, preserve, protect and enhance historic buildings, structures, sites, objects and districts lying within the city limits of the city. The mayor and city historian may designate local historical items, sites and landmarks. The ordinance ratifies sites already designated. The only site already designated is the old ice cream building at the former Ekins Dairy. The ordinance is based on information Carolyn Deru put together previously; Mr. Morris changed the original version to apply only if the property owner supported the historical designation. Rob Smout suggested the appeal period be changed from 10 days to 30 days. After discussion, the ordinance was passed unanimously. The council discussed Ordinance 2008-04 amending beer licensing, to rename the chapter "Alcoholic Beverage Control" and allow for limited sale of beer at restaurants. Mr. Morris was directed to 119 |