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Show a HeeeS | § ee ta eg: COMMENT é ? ; 4 | ; SE Fe THREE-WAY F3 3 DEGREE Came:sen a year on the basics of diagnostic ultra-sound at Weber and hopes ‘to eventually teach Applied Science in a college. Frag Rex Tucker, who received an associate degree of Applied Science in 1974, is just six hours from receiving his Bachelor of General Studies degree (B.G.S.). For him, the B.G.S. degree meets a special need. Mr. Tucker, after earning his associate degree, specializing in Radiologic Technology, studied at the Oklahoma City Medical Center and trained in diagnostic ultrasound. He is employed at St. Benedict’s Hospital as a registered diagnostic medical sonographer. ‘‘When abnormalities are Suspected an__ ultra-sound examination can show up. the problems. It is used to detect any number of problems such as heart and birth defects and cancer. The sound waves can be “frozen” and a picture of the defective area taken by a Hasleblad: camera installed in the equipment. Mr. Tucker enjoys his work very much but has felt a desire to obtain his bachelor degree with a _ concentration in education and psychology. He presently teaches one class Ria yee £ ¥ ‘ heer if ‘ Weber State College, Alumni Association, February 1978 ‘“‘The purpose of the Bachelor of General Studies degree is to provide students with a viable alternative to the present B.A. and B.S. degrees,’’ said Dr. Candadai Seshachari, director of General Education. The B.G.S. requires at least 20 credit hours from three different academic disciplines or departments. The program was started in the summer of 1975 and has had 350 students. “The degree is_ essentially beamed toward the needs of the non-traditional student who wants to obtain a broad general education or one who wants to pursue a unique program of his own,”’ he said. Brent Burnett wants to have his own business and has a unique three concentration program of business, photography and family life. “‘Under a traditional program my major would have been business because that will really be a benefit but it doesn’t do ultrasound waves from heart of S DISCUSSING THE General Studies Degree with Brent Burnett, right, are Dr. Candadai Seshachari, director, and his secretary Shauna Lee Hansen. _ studies “volunteer” patient, co-worker, Al Shirley. sl REX TUCKER a Ea ath ot (continued on naae two) |