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Show Returning your borrowed cup of sugar dddddddddld Ny ALLL Ahhh hddddddssidsdidddddddisisiddddd Madsddddddddddddddddddddddidddddddddddddddddddiddddddddddddddddciiiiiiiiiccijciijicn (Cont. from page 7) Major gifts require careful planning. We advise you to seek your attorney’s advice when you consider making a planned gift. The Development Office welcomes the opportunity to assist you and your attorney in exploring and planning a program which best fulfills your . ddd 3 real or personal property dramatic impact on the long list of special needs require funding from private sources. A much higher level of voluntary support is needed as costs continue to rise and state appropriations decline in terms of constant dollars per student. You who are alumni and friends of Weber State College can assist in securing the future of the college and its students. As WSC strengthens its position as a leader in the method of providing such payments ddd dL on the policy, they too constitute deductible charitable contributions. Mountain West and the nation, you have even greater reason to be proud of the years you spent. here. goals By remembering Weber State in your will, you can plan a sizable gift without affecting your current when he became President in 1978 was to develop Weber State College into the finest four-year undergrad- financial situation. Bequests need not be large to have a worthwhile in America. Some have achieved that impact status and many more will when funds are available to support special enrichment programs in each school and department for our students. : A one time gift is appreciated greatly, however, annual investments by loyal alumni and friends provide the keystone of all successful giving programs. We would hope that you will of someone else you wish to honor or memorialize. If you. do. not restrict the use of your bequest, you “I give, whatever and are capable of giving. Your gift in any amount is important and will be gratefully appreciated by ia ore ene Ap. fsa ee eee a re 42, See several other a desire to make ways your bequest to program within gifts policies, real of personal pro- perty: bequests and testamentary trusts, and life-income trusts. Page 10 estate) manner MMMidisdddisiddiddidididildsdas Mdddddddsdddddddddddddddddddddddcddcccccccccac30n0”A5a55Q3<03:42L:5QQL4LQ3—.,EZZAAAABEEEZ hidddddddd appropriate way to recognize some- at Life Income Trusts _ One of the most thoughtful con- For individuals provide substantial a gift in honor of or in memory of a relative, honorary the Please | | | send me © Annual gifts. information on: CL] How can for Weber friend, or teacher. An or memorial gift is an Don E. Spainhower Development Office 1011 Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84408 I leave everything to my heirs and still remember Weber State in my estate plans? is notified, and the gift fund is administered as specified the donor. Memorials and Tributes bequest and honoree your death. a specific area or the college, the college portunities for those who wish associate the name of a family respected individual with a proj or program of enduring wort When an honorary or memorialg is made, the next of kin or { become operative and binding until tributions an individual can make is to the one’s life and accomplishmen Weber State offers countless ( a testamentary trust are made in your will, and the trust, which must conform with unitrust or annuity trust provisions, does not as the a Cf Peter R. Marsh trust can be a way of doing so. As in a simple bequest, provisions for to Kathleen Taylor Dr. Michael L. Wasuita. Eva Kay Zollinger Jerold D. Lundgren | a large tions such as cash, appreciated seand of my Bonnie Fondrew Bradley Fund can provide information to ‘assist you and your attorney in drafting those will clauses also. If you wish to make a substantial to their own financial program. Established methods of planned giving include outright contribucurities, life insurance remainder Vicki Nolder David Olsen Debra Paul Larry C. Pierce Colleen T. Quigley Kimberly Rankin Scott L. Sangberg Barnes Muriel Broadhurst Brent L. Bushnell Deann Barnes Calvin John N. Jackson D. Greg Johnson Fred C. Johnston same time provide an income for your spouse, family or others during their lifetimes, a testamentary Please fill out the coupen below and mail to: gift to the college while benefiting estate NN WZ students make gifts to the college in addition to the annual fund. Many alumni and friends have expressed to If you wish to direct the use of Planning Large Gifts are bequeath board of directors of said Fund shall, in its sole discretion, determine.”’ of today and in the years ahead. There and be used in such needs them, you devise Class of “61 Judith A. Bergen ea or a a Dr. Leonard Stanley McBride. who want future supp State College, but 9 wish to retain a lifetime inca from the assets which event will comprise their gift, a lifé come trust program may | beneficial mechanism. Gifts in} form of such living trusts prov the same estate tax benefits bequests. In addition, these ag ments provide substantial li income tax benefits. Gifts of: |] RealEstate | CInsurance CT Life Income (Securities (] Annuities C] Memorialization Is Weber State included in your estate plans? 1] Yes 1 No = In-Kind I am considering it soon 1) later 1 | | | NAME | ADDRESS —————~——— —— CITY ——————— — — ee STATE ————~— ZIP ——————— , Years I attended Weber: 19 — to 19—. Spouse attended Weber: 19— to 19—. | If you haven’t given yet this year (July 1980-Present) please include a check for $10 - $25 | $100 - to apply to Weber’s greatest needs. Thank you. Your gift is important and For each coupon filled out and returned an embroidered sent to you. Wildcat Mascot Stick-on will be ENS $100, as the following described property: ..... ) or (all rest, residue ofa couple of dollars, it will make a world of difference and do a world $50, following tion, (the sum of .... .) or (all my right, title, and interest in an but a growing number of alumni participants each year will swell our annual giving program to new heights. Please plan to give $5, $10, the the Weber State Development Fund, a Utah non-profit corpora- Even if most of our 50,000 alumni of record will respond to the extent State have use guide. annual gift to Weber State College. of good! Of course, Weber large gifts and must may Eric Adams Richard V. Bagley Richard P. Brady Kaye Cullimore Richard Allen Day Dolores Edwards Gary Freestone Gina S. Gleason Deane Hamilton Michael Jennings Patricia Kendrick Stephen L. Lawrence Thelda Baker Barbara E..Sullivan Brann Ellen D. Jara Buck Robert Otis Chatelain Bryce DeFriez Harold Flygare Margaret Hill George Jensen Nancy Mitchell Jean Williamsen Seca IRL plan college in your name or in the name Class of ‘71 Class of ‘51 eR eprloeages a to to the Don E. Purkey SE commitment a gift Kent W. Myers John A. Nelson Fred G. Palmer Barbara B. Philpott Dona P. Price William R. Riddle Harriet R. Shupe Roberts Sheila Thorderson Steiner Melvin G. Randall Foss H. Robinson Henry Stevens Elmer J. Storey Alas ae a provide James N. Gibbons Gladys M. Godfrey Wesley Hodgman Ruth Jensen Johnson Robert M. Preshaw Hazel L. Allen Helen R. Poulter Anderson Katharine Thomas Brady Derral D. Bybee Don C. Carver Hannath R. Richey Clark Dee L. Jackson LeGrande B. Johns Alice V. Lundlay Alta T. Byrne Malan Dallas M. McClure Ruby E. Mazel Ariel L. Nielson Bertha Kay Olson Elizabeth V. Owens Sara R. Phillips Kal make and Class of ‘31 BBS uate institution of our programs v Lena Mary Adsit Ackerson Clair Aldous Dean W. Allen Nell Barnett Allen Faye-Anderson Neldon Andressen LaVar H. Barker Glen C. Beazard Harold Benson Dale Black Victor W. Bott George G. Burnham Janet C. Buschmann Andy J. Coroles Donna M. Curran Art Fowler bbb ddd bddLdddddLddddd Brady’s AAA LAA AA LAA President Lost eae Class of ‘41 AAA A AAAs of Bequests Zz AAA AMAA One Oe LLL support allows the donor to transfer owner' ship of his or her policy to the Development Fund while taking a charitable deduction equal to the approximate cash surrender value of the policy during that current tax year. When the donor elects to continue premium for . Lf LLL LDL ways of substantially benefiting the college at a relatively low cost to the donor. The most common a LL LLL and LLL manuals, LLL LLL and LLL books LALLA LALA ment, have a college. Gifts of whole life or annuity life insurance policies, properly handled, offer one of the most attractive The library, scholarship funds, cultural programs, programs of merit, lecture series, new equip- N v LLL wishes. 3 Outright gifts of securities, cash, LOOKING : ¥ % Personal Assistance The Development Office will happy to provide you with pers assistance and up-to-date infom tion on planned giving opportt ‘ties. The Development sta available to consult with you, y attorney and your accounta Contact: Weber State College,| - velopment Office -- 1011, Ogden, 84408; Phone 626-6568. |