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Show OMMEeNT _)Weber State College Alumni Association (USPS 791-360) June 1979 page 2 91st Commencement Re-entry program page 3 for women Educate both brains | page 4 Alumni awards page 6 What handwriting reveals page 7 Juveniles and crime page 8 A first for Weber State College, two students received Master of Education degrees at 91st Commencement exercises June 1. They are Brent Morley, on leave from Davis School District where he has been a band instructor, and Suzanne Hess Hogan, South Junior High School teacher in the Weber County School District. Both graduates were pleased with the “flexibility to plan their own Programs” and the “convenience” of having the graduate program in Ogden. camera- results!! PLACE: Instructional Development TV Studios and Control Room. TIME: 8a.m. SETTING: Lights on in color studio, lights on in black and white studio, darkened control room with part of the TV screens showing one studio, part of the screens showing the other. CAST: Dr. Benjamin Noid, professor of Communications, leaning over microphone; Gordon Haun, director-producer in charge of TV and audio and a technician. Speech students in studios out of camera range. Mr. Haun: Ready. Dr. Noid: Let’s go. Making use of TV for his speech classes, Dr. Benjamin Noid records observation on a students delivery while Gordon Haun, director/producer of TV and audic. operates equipment. Mr. Haun places a film into the recording equipment, a speech student moves into view in both studios. Screens show each student from two angles on a number of sets around the room. Red lights go on. Student: Why are there tears at a wedding? There will be more than one reason. .. As the speeches, students Dr. Noid give their makes ob- servations into the microphone - pointing out that most students have their weight too far back, shift back and forth and hold their arms awkwardly. Many have nervous or habitual gestures. Pushing away from the microphone, Dr. Noid observes the ‘“‘tucked-in” chin and ‘looking down,” which are other frequent mistakes. Mr. Haun: We are making individual films of each student that he or she may check out from the Reserve Library, often right after class. Cost of each film is about $15 per student. We film six talks for each student, a total of 30 minutes over a quarter. The speech is taped on one track, Dr. Noid’s comments on another and both the speech and comments together on a third. Next quarter we erase the film and use it for another student. The film will be reusable two or three years. | (continued on page 8) |