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Show President's Ss ee An He Fy ) anny BOOK REVIEW by Honored development of the college in providing “a margin of excellence” in The first annual President's Club Bandquet, honoring those who have contributed: $1,000 or more during the past year to WSC, Club producing master teachers and well educated and service oriented students. | "The President's Club provides will be held Tuesday, October 26 at 7 p.m. in the Shepherd Union Ballroom. President Rodney H. Brady will recognize contributors for their donations because, he said, they ensure the continued growth and identification for an extraordinary group of people who really care about WSC,” said development officer, Don Spainhower. Lou Gladwell "All Men Are Equal Before of the who was department QUALITY ee feast : Ss fs woe Be, f Ee physical education, health and recreation. It is illustrated with more than a dozen drawings by Farrell R. Collett, retired chairman of the art department. The setting for the story is Moosecreek, Idaho--at the Swenson summer at least $50,000 will also be honor Bs at the banquet. & LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTS OF _“THE WILDCAT FAMILY) also chairof a Donors of more than $10,000 in® the last ten years, or anyone who — has given a one-time deferred gift)” Weber State College Alumni Offer mann, a former WSC vice president, and Dr. Reed K. Swenson, retired man service, and cultural enrichment, he added. Homecoming Special! Fish,” a 12-chapter booklet about the art of fishing, has been published by a trio of retired WSC administrators. The WSC Alumni Assn. is selling the little publication (48 pages) and will keep the profits. A copy costs $3.50 and may be bought at the alumni office in the Miller Administration Building. The authors are Dr. Helmut Hofathletic director, “These people represent a firm | commitment to support the collegiie outstanding programs of education *a at : Pa Re Wee 4 Oe a et LE NRE A aR Ae : its oS RSA ES a . a sae Yar daant Mgt ’ Py pS ma so) F = tga ae. ee ca ey Tanner e 7 nd : RM by am 3 a "4 INTERNATIONALLY KNOW : * ANIMAL ARTIST cabin. In the yarn, Swenson is pictured as a fishing teacher, and affectionately titled “the Mayor of Moosecreek.” Hofmann is an erudite chum, just dying to learn how to fish. The booklet notes that "this is the story of the metamorphosis of a bookworm to an angleworm, and finally to a complete fisherman in the course of 10 short years.” And then some. The story is written with warm humor, but even a casual reader | soon notes that everything is not on the sparkling surface. Little bits of wisdom _ lurk behind the quips and witticisms. nae Swenson writes, after observing that Hofmann’s progress is slow, “Since this could not possibly be the teacher's fault, I arrive reluctantly at the conclusion that you were either a slow learner or The Wildcat Alumni and that your talents extend primarily to in- animal The the practical arts of living of which fishing is a prime example." The Great Council of Fish, an entity in the story, agrees on several good reasons in support of the book's central theme. They include: “Fish don't care whether NOW UNTIL OCT. 30 25 Professor S1BO PER SET in four stages of life is a special Friends of Weber State College artist and PER PRINT or ONLY $1 tellectual enterprise rather than to the 550 . Emeritus of Art PER SET approx. size 15” x 20” commissioned series for rendered by well-known Farrell R. Collett. finely printed pieces are limited to 200 copies of each stage of Wildcat’s life. The stages include: Mother and Kitten, Kitten, Adolescent and Adult. All prints purchased in the series of four will be signed and numbered by the artist. This adds value to the prints as an investment. Individual prints not purchased in the series will not be numbered nor signed. the young or the old, the dapper or the decrepit, the fresh or the rusty, throw Mai! Anyone with a WSC background should know at least one of the three who prepared the booklet, although this is not necessary to enjoy it. We've read books that made the national scene that weren't nearly so good or funny. $3.50 payment (no cash to: Alumni Office, Yes, | would like to purchase the following Wildcat Prints: [_] Series, 4 Stages of a Wildcat’s Life, $150.00 | [_] Wildcat Family, $50.00 [_] Adolescent Wildcat, $50.00 [_] Kitten on a Log, $50.00 Address ily, Please make check or money order payable to ‘‘WSC Alumni’ and mail to Alumni~1011, Weber State Telephone 84408. please) Additional information may be had by calling the WSC (801) 626-6569 Address Page 12 with [_] Springing Adult Wildcat, $50.00 Name per book Name College, Ogden, Utah along State ere 216 ee (daytime number) 20 eee Order Weber State College Alumni Office, 3750 Harrison Bivd., Ogden, UT 84408 ee eee 0 ee ee Both teacher and student agree that colleges should offer a course in PISCATORIAL PEDAGOGY (fishing). | ene Make Checks Payable to WEBER STATE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ly possessions. " —_—— the hook and sink the line. They do not take the measure of a man by his world- Professor Collett has won many aWal his paintings and drawings of anima has illustrated numerous books and trated advertising for many internat recognized firms. Mr. Collett was thé art instructor at Weber State College was primarily responsible for devel the department as it is today. |