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Show Chapter Chatter Ralph F. Dabb was elected president of the WSC Emeriti Faculty Assn. He will now serve as an ex-officio member of the WSCAA Board of Directors. He was a professor of English from Salt Lake Chapter A meeting is planned by the officers to establish committees for various alumni functions and to organize a plan of action for the chapter. The new committees can then evaluate the survey conducted last August of chapter members and prospective members to get ideas for formulating a really good organization in the Salt Lake Chapter area. Again a call comes out to all alumni living in the North Davis, Tooele and Salt Lake area to be in contact with the group. 1964 to 1979. Val R. Bitton, President (801) 967-1790 Central Atlantic Chapter Francis R. Wheeler, President of _ the Central Atlantic Chapter, has moved to Denver. Fran has worked diligently in establishing the chapter and furthering relations with WSC alums living in the New York seaboard area. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Fran. Thanks for a job well done! (We'll get him in Denver.) Moving into the position of President will be Carter Campbell of Landing, New Jersey. Carter was formerly vice president of the chapter. We look forward to working with Carter and to having a great Central Atlantic Chapter. Mark Zeller, Secretary aa Cmblem Gifta Rocky Mountain Chapter A new Rocky Mountain Alumni Chapter will be organized in the Denver area on June 15 at Writer’s Manor, 1730 South Colorado Blvd. from 7 to 9 p.m. WSC President Rodney H. Brady will be the featured speaker. The WSC Concert Choir and jazz ensemble, “‘Choralition,’”’ on their way to perform at the World’s Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee, will provide the entertainment. The choirs are (Great for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day!) directed by Dr. Ronald L. Wooden. this chapter. Write to 22’ square White polyester silk trimmed in purple $7.50 Waldo Lynn Bay Area Chapter Bay Area Alumni officers Ray Humphreys, Dale Tucker and Audrey Stevenson, met with President Brady for dinner at the San Francisco airport. Getting acquainted with President Brady and sharing his enthusiasm was the highlight of the evening. We discussed different types of activities that could be employed for future chapter meetings. Dale recently represented WSC at his local high school during college night, where he introduced seniors to what our alma mater has to offer. Any Bay Area Alumni having suggestions for chapter meetings — 828-1345, me. to contact Audrey Dale L. Ray Humphreys, Page 10 W-Pin Silver plate w/ purple enameled face Comes w/tie tack and . lapel pin eORDER FORMe Wilma scarf @ $7.50 Waldo tie @ $12.50 W-Pin @ $7.50 President = Total or (408) 446-0731 students of the greater Seattle a to attend WSC. Our approach has been on personal basis. One of our chapte members contacts a counselor @ the high school, sells that indiy¥ dual on WSC, and then the infome ation is channelled to the student) through the counselor. Mike Hair and I participated int)” high school over 50 night seminar whet) universities and collegay were represented. Each school ha a room and the students we allowed to stroll from room to roa and talk to the representatives. Thy event was very successful and wet ; _ got a lot of attention. The women were impresses the dental hygiene program as | as women’s athletics. The men li odit the competitive athletic prog Amn the plan for GS the PRICE money INCLUDES POSTAGE. Make checks and orders payable to Weber State College Alumni Office. Mail to: Weber State College Alumni - 1011 3750 Harrison Blvd., Ogden, UT 84408 new busines building, and the high placemi for medical students. Our efforts have focused on Wes tern Washington, but we would lip to tap Eastern Washington as wel If you live in Eastern Washingto State, please call me. Matt Cole, Press (206) 624-75 Please help us find: ~WSC ALUMNI Betty Parkinson § 1940-1941 Junior Boatright John L. Parkinsoy Ellen Perry Norma Bowman Evelyn ‘lippetts Burton Darrel D. Bybee Rosemary Thinnes Camp David Peter Don Peterson Lynn Peterson Rhea Pettingell Wayne Martin Craven Florence Davis Jack Davis Darrel Pitt _ Cleve Poulson — Robert Preshaw Kathleen Davis Homer Dixon $12.50 (415) (415) 948-7266 Tie Navy blue w/purple and white stripes ‘‘Waldo’’ in purple sweater-repeat pattern Hutchings, 1143 Purdue, Longmont, or call him at (303) 776-5921. are invited active role in recruiting high schoiy Wilma Scarf Lynn Hutchings will be master of ceremonies. Edith G. Hester, executive director of alumni relations, and Sharon Martin, alumni chapter coordinator, will also attend to assist in estab lishingthe chapter and the election of officers. An invitation goes out to anyone living in the Denver/Laramie/ Cheyenne area to become involved in (212) 838-6762 Northwest Chapter of the WSC Alumni in fl ; Northwest have taken { We Great © Chleo D. Raymoni Ellen Russell Earnest Ewell Leroy Ewell Irene Freeman James Gibbons June Samson Harold Simpson 9 Glen Smith 9 Max Stowell ~ Thelma Gilbert Morris Gordon Frank Greenwell Owen Hakley Harold Hansen Gordon Haws William Tora Shandon Twomey Spencer Vandyke | Glen Wade § Eileen Welder Tim Walker ~ Alice Hillstrom Van Holt Ruth Hunter John Guy Weeker Dale Wellington Byron Wood Norman Lenny Wright Earl Hight Jeppson Bill Warnock Maxwell Jones Akin Kato Arlene M. Kennedy Harold Kesler Vern Kupfer WSC ALUMNI] Chalmer Combs Edward Boyle ~ Shirley Chamberlaay Elaine Froerer Larkin Arlene Doxey Virginia Larson Jack Leavitt Melvin Galli Norma J. Hans on Joseph McGregor Wendell Muir (husband: Wel Rex McIntire John Richard Shaw Nakor Portia Nelson Vella Olson Lawrence Stettler Lavar Wood Contact the Alumni Relations Office. Weber State College, Ogden, UT 84408 or call (801) 626-6564. Your help is greatly appreciated, — ~ ~ Ma : Bing the a : def ot) ; tiec |