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Show ‘Showcase Internationale” to lend | State Co knowledg ry real con SC students’ provides Cultural feast vhole, ther€ The Office of Cultural Affairs at the vantages iO ollege has put together a series titled is Whowcase Internationale” that runs ditional | AVhrough March and includes groups sy Can BIVEliom China, Hungary, England and SC, as weihe United States. tax advan jthe 0 Chinese ont ™ H. DeBoetiiiestra, Magic Circus returns the Weber State Browning Center n January and the Soviet Emigre Orfor gove NVinsemble, the Hungarian England's State pianist the college}pebles and Broadway's Folk Antony “Pirates of for all scheduled are Suppe= DYiPenzance” | with YOUR March. I@? Daniel L. Martino, WSC director of lative tant 1 18 t0}utural affairs said the “Showcase Increases MMiemationale” follows last year's very nt NOW IMi}uccessful schedule that included the t return iMvienna Symphony, the Academy of_ WS. Martin's in the Fields and the St. wis WSC, its Paul Chamber Orchestra. community} Martino said, "Many people don't Hurst XT ealize what we're offering. These are 1€S to gro enefits. pretty big people in music around the IMJ, oj." | educational) Martino said that last year people quality Frame from California, Nevada, _ Students}Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado to at- ing Teputa-Vend the concerts and he expects even the degrees more this year with the expansion of owth in o TVticket outlets in these states. sed OPPOF-7 He said, "People can get these cony as well" J ts for one-third to one-half what ——Hihey would pay other places. Our top price for the Vienna Symphony was $15. In Carnegie Hall in New York > ve Officers Weber State College has a long |standing reputation for having one of ithe best debate programs in the coun- Nashington resident of ny in Logit. In recent years the WSC squad was vice has been consistently nationally ranknagement )¢d. The current team has distinguishCambridge, 4¢d itself by becoming the first in the Jhistory of the CEDA debate associa- r of other }tion to win three out of four tour| organiza- jnaments attended. As all former debaters will cation and remember, the demands for extra ‘luded ser- | time for preparation and debate trips 1iversity of makes paying college expenses very d member- difficult for some students. It is for rersity Na-|this reason that the Leland H. Mon, on theson Debate Scholarship Fund has y Business }been established. The fund, which ind on the was started with “seed money” from f Manage_ former WSC debate coach Leland H. n the ocal, evels. Boy coun- exact same program cost $50 per ticket.” Tickets can be purchased by phone at (801) 626-6550. Group rates are also available by calling (801) _ 626-6570. The Chinese Magic Circus will take the stage with their jugglers, acrobats and exhibitions on Jan. 23. The Soviet Emigre Orchestra will follow on March 3. Under the baton of Lazar Gosman, former music director of the Leningrad Chamber Orchestra, the group is billed as the most brilliant One of the been able to chamber ensembles in the world. The Hungarian State Folk Ensem- caliber talent is the support shown by the local audiences. Of- ble ficials of The Black Watch, the Scots Guards Band, Black Watch Pipes, Drums and Dancers of Great Britain, which appeared in consists of a company of 100 dancers, a chorus and orchestra from Budapest and will appear in Utah on March 6. Pianist Antony Peebles will be in the U.S. asa part of his fourth Eastern tour which includes 32 different countries. March He will be in reasons WSC has attract such high- the Dee Events Center November 11, reported, that of the 42 performances thus far on their current tour, the size of the Ogden au- dience was second only to that at Madison Square Garden in New York. Mario Pellegrini Produces Movies to Support United Way Agencies Ogden 15. Peebles will be followed the next two days by Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Pirates of Penzance,” fully staged and with an _ orchestra. Directed by Richard Sheldon, a noted Gilbert and Sullivan specialist from England, the cast and crew have been called the foremost Gilbert and Sullivan repertory company in the country. Debaters encouraged to support scholarship fund 4 a director the exact same orchestra playing the } Monson, will create a permanent endowment to help pay the educational expenses of needy debate students. Former Monson students and all former debaters are being strongly encouraged to dig into their pocket a little bit to help Weber's debate squad continue its winning ways. Not only will this fund allow Weber to attract top debate students to the college, but it honors Leland H: Monson, the man who was instrumental in creating one WSC alumni, (left to right) Larry Burdett, executive director of United Way Mario Pellegrini, of Davis County, president of United Way Productions, and Jim debate pro- Stravrakakis, a social worker with Any amount will be helpful, $15.00 Society's values have three dimensions, says Weber College alumni Mario Pellegrini. The first two are based on law and commerce, the of the most successful grams in the country. or $1,500, it all adds up. For each the endowment, in the $10,000 educational expenses of an additional debate student can be paid. third dimension is the voluntary sector. "Volunteerism is not motivated by what the law requires or to turn a Make TO DONATE TO THE MONSON DEBATE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: G. checks payable to Weber State College for the Lelan H. Mon- son Debate Scholarship Fund. Mail to: Weber State College Development Office, 1011, Ogden, Utah 84408. profit, but it is what we do to make society better and us better as human beings." Pellegrini, the president of United Way Productions for United Way of America, is the writer, director, and Weber-Morgan Social Services, survey the changes in the WSC since they attended campus Weber College in late 1950's and early 1960's. producer of films urging people to contribute to the United Way. His films are shown nationally throughout 2,100 local United Ways. In 1974, he created and produced the National Football League/United Way television series, "Great Moments.” Now in its tenth year, the series reaches 80 million viewers each weekend throughout the NFL season. It is the larges and longest running public service series in television. Page 3 |