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Show Education — Child and Family Studies 360 (3), 362 (4), 371 (3), 372 (6). 2. Child Development Minor — Middle Childhood/Adolescence a. Child and Family Studies courses required (21 credit hours) 150 (5), 257 (3), 286 (4), 360 (3), 364 (3), 450 (3), 492 (1). b. Child and Family Studies courses to elect from (at least 3 credit hours). 255 (3), 256 (4), 362 (4), 451 (3), 483 (1-3), 470 (3), 492 (1-3), 499A (2-4). 3. Child Development Minor — Sequence for Parenting a. Child and Family Study courses required (22 credit hours) 150 (5), 255 (3), 256 (4), 257(3), 286 (4), 450 (3). b. Child and Family Studies courses to elect from (at least 2 credit hours). 360 (3), 362 (4), 364 (3), 340 (5), 368 (4), 451 (3), 492 (1-4), 483 (1-3), 499A (2-4). Education — Child and Family Studies Program: Family Relations Minor I. General Requirements: A. An overall G. P. A. of 2.00 or C is required. II. Specific Requirements: A. Minimum of 24 credit hours. B. Child and Family Studies courses required (13 credit hours): 140 (4), 150 (5), 340 (4). C. Child and Family Studies courses to elect from (11 credit hours): 245 (4), 299B (4), 440 (4), 465 (4), 499B (2-4) one of the following may be included 300(3), 315 (3), 335 (3). Program: Family Studies Minor I. General Requirements: A. An overall G. P. A. of 2.00 or C is required. II. Specific Requirements: A. Minimum of 24 credit hours. B. Child and Family Studies courses to elect from (the student may select courses of his/her choice from at least five of the six departmental areas): 1. Foods: Child and Family Studies 101 (3), 204 (5), 300 (3), 402 (1-6). 2. Clothing and Textiles: 130 (3), 133 (1-6), 230 (4), 235 (3), 330 (1-6), 335 (3). 3. Management and Consumer Education: Child and Family Studies 110 (3), 115 (3), 315 (3), 316 (3). 4. Housing and Environmental Design: Child and Family Studies 120 (4), 121 (3). 321 (3), 325 (3). 425 (3). 5. Child Development: Child and Family Studies 150 (5), 253 (2), 255 (3), 257 (3), 360 (3), 362 (4), 364 (3), 368 (4). 6. Family Relations: Child and Family Studies 140 (4), 245 (4), 299B (4), 340 (4), 440 (4), 465 (4). Program: Child Development—Associate of Applied Science Degree II. General Education Requirements: (26 hours) A. A minimum of 93 hours are required to complete this degree. B. The required courses in the major field not to exceed 67 credit hours. C. English 101,103, or Communications 102, or 103, or 307. D. At least 20 hours from the general education courses listed in the catalog, including one course in each of the five areas, Humanities, Life Science, Physical Science, Social Science and Other. An overall G.P.A. of 2.00 or C is required. Specific Requirements (40 hours): A. 101 (3), 150 (5), 256 (4), 286 (3), 340 (4), 364 (3), 285 (9), 299A (3), 292 (1), 368 (4). Courses to elect from: (27 hours) Students should select courses from across the campus to enhance their teaching competency in the areas of Art, Science, Literature, Music, First Aid, Food Preparation, etc. Support Courses recommended: Botany 110 (5), 140 (3), 160 (4); Zoology 201 (5); Physical Geography 101 (5); Physics 101 (5), 102 (5), 103 (5). E B. C. Program: Interior Design—Associate of Applied Science Degree General Requirements: A. A minimum of 93 credit hours. B. The required courses in major field, not to exceed 67 credit hours. C. English 101 and one other English course in written or oral communication, specified by the candidate's department curriculum. D. At least 20 hours from the general education courses listed in the catalog, including at least one course in each of the five areas, Humanities, Life Science, Physical Science, Social Science and Other. An overall G. P. A. of 2.00 or C is required. E II. Specific Requirements: A. Child and Family Studies courses to be selected in consultation with an adviser (27 credit hours); 120 (4), 121 (3), 235 (5), 261 (1-9) or 461 (1-9), 283 (1-5) or 483 (1-5), 292 (1-6) or 492 (1-6), 321 (3), 325 (3), 326 (3), 340 (4), 425 (3). B. Support Courses: (22 hours required) Select in consultation with an adviser. CFS 105 (4), Art 105 (3), 111 (3), 116 (3), 118 (3), 210 (3), 265 (3), 301 (3), 302 (3), 303 (3). Eng. Graphics 115 (3). C. Additional Hours: (15 hours required) Selected in consultation with advisor. CFS 315 (3), CFS 316 (3), Eng. Tech. 142 (4), 345 (3), Eng. Graphics 148 (3), 149 (3), 260 (3), 264 (3), Art 112 (3), 113 (3), 130 (3), 141 (3), 154 (3), 222 (3), 243 (3), 440 (3), Dist. Tech 114 (4), 116 (3), 120 (5), 160 (3), 244 (5), Bus. 101 (4), 310 (4), 350 (3), Accounting 102 (4), Photog. 101 (5), Theater Arts 343 (3). Child Development Laboratory—A Children's School including a Day Care Center serves as a child development laboratory to give students practical experience. Students must complete Child and Family Studies 360 and 362 at a B level and apply to the Director of the Children's School two quarters prior to the student teaching. 120 121 |