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Show Continuing Education SEX DESEGREGATION ASSISTANCE CENTER The Sex Desegregation Assistance Center is a Weber State College sponsored project funded by the U.S. Department of Education as legislated by the 1964 Civil Rights Act as ammended. The Center provides training and technical assistance to public school districts in Region VIII (Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota). The SDAC provides training and technical assistance in the preparation, adoption, and implementation of plans for sex desegregation including Title IX requirements. Authorized activities include the following: a. The development of programs that will enhance the understanding of problems of sex bias in education by public school personnel; b. The identification of sex bias and sex role stereotype in textbooks and other curricular materials, and the development of methods of countering their effects on students; c. The use of counseling materials and techniques that do not discriminate on the basis of sex; d. The preparation and dissemination to parents and students of materials explaining the requirements of Title IX, and; e. The recruitment of women and men for employment in public schools in positions in which they are under- represented. 286 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES BOOKSTORE The College Bookstore, located on the ground floor of the Union Building, is the source for all college text books and supplies. The bookstore is open from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday; 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. During the first week of the quarter the bookstore is open from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Bookstore is open from 8 a.m. until 4 pm. during summer. During the first two weeks of summer quarter it will be open on Monday and Tuesday evening until 7 p.m. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS SERVICE For the student's classwork and activities the College provides an adequate physical plant and a buildings and grounds staff which maintain an environment that is comfortabe, healthful and wholesome. Buildings and Grounds offices and shops are located in the Maintenance Building. The Office of Campus Planning and Construction provides master planning and other architectural service for the campus. This office is located in Annex 7 on the corner of 4100 South and Harrison. COMMUNITY SERVICES Weber State College recognizes its role as a participant in the total community and strives to fulfill such responsibilities. Many faculty and staff serve on boards and committees within the community setting. The college, through Continuing Education, offers services and facilities in planning and implementing conferences and institutes. Evening and off-campus offerings are designed to meet the academic interest needs of both degree and non-degree persons. Other areas of service in Continuing Education include special vocational and adult basic education programs, consultation in community-related problems, and research. The Office of College Relations will assist requesting groups and organizations in securing program speakers and entertainment from the faculty, staff and students of the College whenever possible. CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM The Office of Cultural Affairs annually presents a liberal cultural arts program. Through this program ennobling thoughts and great ideas are expressed and communicated by means of the media of sight and sound. The various publics of the campus and community may receive cultural arts experience through the fine and performing arts. These arts enrich the campus-community publics. The cultural arts calendar includes diversified activities, events and programs relating to the presentation, performance, execution and exhibition of major art forms and productions which have substantial artistic and cultural significance. Through these numerous offerings the College has brought to the campus- community many internationally and nationally known celebrities in the areas of the humanities, arts, sciences, and public affairs. These cultural arts bookings are in addition to the College's own numerous and excellent musical and theatrical productions and art exhibits. 287 |