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Show Sttcial Sciences — Political Science POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSES 55110. American National Government (5) Structure and functions of the national government. A W S Su 55111. State and Local Government (4) Structure and functions of state, county, and municipal governments. AWS 206. Major Issues of American Public Policy (4) Public policies in selected areas, including control of monopolies, civil rights, social welfare, foreign policy. Influence of cultural, economic, political factors on determination of public policy. W SS240. Introduction to International Relations (5) Basic factors influencing international relations, such as nationalism, imperialism, and international trade, as well as international organization and law. AWS 292. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) In order to provide flexibility and to meet many different needs, a number of specific offerings are possible using this catalog number. When the number is used it will be accompanied by a brief and specific descriptive title. The specific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear on the student transcript. A W S Su 333. American Political Thought (3) Historical examination of American thought with stress on it's influences on the development of the American government. W 340. Foreign Policy of the United States (3) An analysis of the foreign policy process with reference to the role and influences on decision makers in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy. W 344. Model United Nations (2) A study of the Model United Nations as well as a study of a nation's position on issues before the annual session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. May be repeated for a total of six hours. W 360- Political Parties and Politics (5) A study of the organization and function of the American political parties and an examination of campaigning techniques. A 363. Public Opinion and Propaganda (3) Discusses the nature of public opinion and propaganda and their role in the political process. Assists the student in attempting to determine the effects of public opinion and pressure groups upon governmental policy decisions. S 370. Introduction to Public Administration (5) Principles and practices. W 375. Urban Government and Politics (4) A study of local government and organization with an emphasis on problems of the metropolitan areas. W 382. Major Governments of Asia (4) A study of politics and governments of the major states in the area with particular reference to India, Japan, and China. (Offered alternate years.) W 383. Government and Politics of the Soviet Union (3) An analysis of government and politics in the Soviet Union with emphasis on party- government relations and major approaches to the study of the Soviet Union. (Offered alternate years.) S SS389. Politics and Governments of Developing Nations (3) A course dealing primarily with the common economic and political problems of developing nations. (Offered alternate years.) S 402. American Constitutional Law I: Governmental Powers (4) The Supreme Court as a constitutional policy maker; federal jurisdiction, constitutional principles concerning judicial review, federalism, implied powers and separation of powers. Prerequisite: Political Science 110 or consent of instructor. S 403. American Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties & Civil Rights (4) Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, privacy, procedural justice, equal protection and other issues in and around the Bill of Rights. Prerequisite: Political Science 110 or consent of instructor. W 410. Advanced American Government (4) An intensive examination of the formal and informal organization and functions of the Congress, Presidency and Courts. A 412. Legislative Process (4) A study of legislative structure, behavior, and processes, with application of models to case studies. S 414. The Modern Presidency (5) An analytical study of the modern American presidency, including its constitutional, managerial, philosophical, and political aspects. A 421. History of Political Thought (3) Political thought from its beginning in the Greek period to the Reformation. (Offered alternate years,) A 422. History of Political Thought (continued) <3) Political thought from the Reformation to the Utilitarians. (Offered alternate years.) W 423. History of Political Thought (continued) (3) Political thought emphasizing the modern period and such men as Hegel, Freud, Marx, Weber and others as well as the concepts of socialism, communism, facism, and democracy. (Offered alternate years.) S 424. Elements of Communism (3) Theory and practice of Communism. W or S 427. Political Analysis (3) Fundamental concepts in Political Science and the major theories and methodologies used to examine them. Examination of the behavioral, philosophical, historical and judicial approaches to political investigation. A 442. Conflicts in World Politics (3) The study of selected current conflicts in world politics, i.e., Berlin, Middle East, Cyprus, etc., to assess their impact on American foreign policy. A maximum of six hours will be counted toward the 45 hours required for political science majors and only three hours will be counted toward political science minor requirements. A 445. International Organization (4) Problems associated with and attempts at international organization, with special attention to the League of Nations, the United Nations and its auxiliaries. (Offered alternate years.) W 448. Foreign Policies of Major Powers (5) An examination of national power and contemporary foreign policies of the major powers including the United States, the Soviet Union. Britain, China. France. Germany, India, and Japan. W S 4 73. Public Personnel Administration (3) The process of formulating public personnel policies; concepts and principles utilized in selecting governmental personnel systems. Focus will be primarily on governmental systems in the United States. (Offered alternate years.) W or S 476. The Public Policy Process (3) A study of the policy-making process and implementation and administration of public policy. Social Sciences — Philosophy The course will generally utilize the case method and may be directed toward a variety of policy areas. S 483. Directed Reading (1-4) (Total of 4 hours.) AWS 491. Individual Projects and Research (1-10) A student may complete 10 hours credit hut not more than five hours in any one type of project. A maximum of "> hours will he counted toward the 45 course hours required for political science majors and only five hours will be counted toward the political science minor re- requirement. AWS 492. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs (1-6) In order to provide flexibility and to meet many different needs, a number of specific offerings are possible using this catalog number. When the number is used it will be accompanied by a brief and specific descriptive title. The si>ecific title with the credit authorized for the particular offering will appear on the student transcript. A W S Su 499. Seminar (2) A study of resources, research methodology, writing, and criticism. Required for Political Science majors. AW S PHILOSOPHY Purpose: Philosophy exists in order to make clear the alternatives in the philosophical culture we inherit. And to the extent that critical thinking can affect the future, philosophy assumes its responsibility with the other subjects of the College to provide instruction, methodology, and insight in this area as well. Education: The student should understand that the study of philosophy is not the same as the study of many other fields where emphasis is placed upon memorization and rote response. Historically, philosophy has been an inclusive, almost boundless intellectual discipline in which the love and pursuit of wisdom was sought. And despite the historical fragmentation of knowledge, the diversification and alienation of specialized fields of human experience, philosophy at its best is still the critical, reflective and synoptic interpretation of life in all its dimensions with the love and pursuit of wisdom its rightful goal. The study of philosophy provides general as well as more specialized education for various professional objectives in many departments of the College. Program: Philosophy Departmental Honors I. General Requirements: A. Enroll in General Honors Program and complete at least 10 hours of General Honors courses. 220 221 |