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Show quirements after having graduated from an accredited high school. The following freshman year courses will aid the student in complying with the first year of these curricula; college basic and area requirements, Botany 1, 11 or 2, 21; Economics 1, Chemistry 24, 25, 26, Mathematics 14, 18. Other Biologically Oriented Careers A number of professions and careers which are essentially biologically oriented may be commenced by taking one or more years of study at Weber State College, namely, optometry, podiatry, (Chiropody), osteopathy, etc. Students should consult the catalog of the school to which they plan to transfer and seek advice of departmental counselors who are available to assist the student in planning his program and in making his transfer to another school. PHYSIOLOGY Courses of Instruction I. Human Physiology and Anatomy—Functional and anatomical considerations of human body. Recommended for all curricula for which basic understanding of body functions is required. Four lectures weekly. Must be taken simultaneously with Physiology 11. A W S (4). Jensen, Graff II. Human Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory—Laboratory experience to accompany Physiology 1. Must be taken concomitantly with Physiology LAWS (1). Jensen, Graff 101. General Physiology—Metabolic activities of animals on cellular level. Four lectures and one laboratory-demonstration weekly. Prerequisites: Courses in Biology, Bacteriology, Botany, or Zoology and Chemistry. W (5) Graff 121. Mammalian Physiology—Study of vertebrate physiological processes on the organ level. Three lectures and two laboratories weekly. Prerequisites: Previous courses in biological sciences and one year of chemistry. W (5). Graff ZOOLOGY Courses of Instruction 1. General Zoology—Applications of biological principles to the most important animal groups. This course is for general students and they should not also register for Zoology 4. Four lectures weekly. Must be taken simultaneously with Zoology 11. AWS (4). Staff 4. Invertebrate Zoology—Biology of non-vertebrate animals, especially those of significance to health and conservation. For pre-dental and pre-medical students and those majoring in the sciences. Three lectures and two laboratory periods each week. A S (5). Havertz 166 7. Vertebrate Zoology—Natural History, structure, function and evolutionary relationships are emphasized. Four lectures and one laboratory. AWS (5). Smart 11. General Zoology Laboratory—Laboratory experience to accompan5r Zoology 1, with which it must be taken concurrently. A W S (1). Staff 105. Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy—Structure of representative types. Two lectures and three laboratories. Prerequisite: Zoology 1 or 4, or equivalent. W (5). Jenne 110. Vertebrate Embryology—Development of representative types. Three lectures and two laboratories. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. S (5). Jenne 145. Animal Ecology—Ecological principles and concepts of animals, living in natural environments. Prerequisites: Zoology 4 (or 1, 11), 7; Botany 1, 11, 2, 21; or by permission of instructor. Three lectures and one laboratory or field trip per week. A (4). Smart 147. Zoogeography—Principles controlling the distribution of animals with emphasis on the vertebrates of North America. Prerequisites: general course in Zoology. Offered alternate years. W (3). Young 160. Protozoology—Structure, taxonomy and biology of the one-celled animals. Prerequisite: general course in Zoology. Three lectures and two laboratory periods a week. W (5). Given alternate years. Jensen 164. Entomology—Classification and biology of insects as well as their economic importance and control. Three lectures and one laboratory. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. S Su (4). Young 165. Ichthyology—Classification, life histories and habits of fishes. Field trips required. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. Three lectures and one laboratory. A Su (4). Smart 166. Herpetology—Structure, classification, and biological relationships of amphibians and reptiles. Prerequisite: A general course in zoology. Three lectures and one laboratory. S (4) Smart 167. Ornithology—Local birds. Classification, natural history and their importance to man. Three lectures and one laboratory or field trip. Prerequisite: A general course in zoology. Su S (4). Jenne 168. Mammalogy—Identification and natural history of the mammals of Utah and surrounding regions. Three lectures and one laboratory or field trip. Prerequisite: A general course in Zoology. A Su (4). Jenne 167 |