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Show complex numbers, theory of equations, logarithms, determinants, and selected topics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 18 or satisfactory performance on placement tests in Intermediate Algebra and Trigonometry. A W S (5) Staff 51. Calculus with Analytic Geometry—Prerequisite: Mathematics 21 or satisfactory performance on a placement test in college algebra. A W S (5) Staff 52. Calculus with Analytic Geometry—A continuation of Mathematics 51. AWS (4) Staff 53. Calculus with Analytic Geometry—A continuation of Mathematics 52. Prerequisite: Mathematics 52. AWS (4) Staff 54. Calculus with Analytic Geometry—A continuation of Mathematics 53. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. AWS (4) Staff 101. Teaching of Secondary School Mathematics—Organization of subject matter, methods of presenting particular topics, teaching aids, evaluation of results. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (3) Staff 121. Intermediate Mathematics for Engineers—Ordinary differential equations. Fourier series and integrals, and Laplace transformations. Prerequisite: Mathematics 54. A S (4) Staff 122. Intermediate Mathematics for Engineers—A continuation of Mathematics 121. Prerequisite: Mathematics 121. W (4). Staff 123. Intermediate Mathematics for Engineers—A continuation of Mathematics 122. Prerequisite: Mathematics 122. S (4). Staff 127. Probability-Statistics—Introductory probability theory and mathematical statistics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. A (4) Staff 128. Probability-Statistics—A continuation of Mathematics 127. Prerequisite: Mathematics 127. W (4). Staff 131. Introduction to Modern Algebra—Structure of algebraic systems. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. W (4). Staff 132. Modern Algebra- 131. S (4) continuation of Mathematics Staff 135. Theory of Matrices—Matrices and introduction to linear algebra. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (4) Staff 141. Differential Equations—Ordinary differential equations with applications; series solutions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 54 A (4) Staff 194 142. Differential Equations—Solution of Laplace transforms ; numerical methods, partial differential equations and Fourier series solutions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 141. S (4) Staff 146. Elementary Topology—Introduction to point set topology. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (4). Staff 152. Foundations of Algebra—An axiomatic treatment on an elementary level of positive intergers and their extensions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. A (4) Staff 153. Foundations of Geometry—Postulate systems of geometry. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. W (4). Staff 157. Projective Geometry—Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (4) Staff 161. Advanced Calculus—Functions of one and several variables, continuity, Riemann integral, partial derivatives, Taylor's theorems, integrals depending upon a parameter. Prerequisite: Mathematics 54. A (4). Staff 162. Advanced Calculus—Maxima and minima in several variables, vector algebra and calculus, Greene's and Stoke's theorems, integrals depending upon a parameter. Prerequisite: Mathematics 161. W (4). Staff 163. Advanced Calculus—Infinite series, computations with series, series variable terms, uniform convergence, power series, improper integrals, Fourier series, orthogonal functions, special functions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 162. S (4) Staff 191. Mathematics Seminar- of the instructor. 192. Mathematics Seminar al of the instructor. -A (1) Prerequisite: Approval Staff -S (1) Prerequisite: Approv- Staff MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENTAL MAJOR (Freshman Year Common for Departmental and Teaching Majors) (Example Only) Freshman Course Title English 1, 2, 3 Basic Communications Chemistry 24, 25, 26 Prin. of Chemistry Mathematics 21 College Algebra Mathematics 51, 52 Calculus with Analytic Geometry Orientation 1 College Orientation AWS 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 195 |