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Show 4. Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory—to be taken concurrently with Chemistry 3. One laboratory period a week. S (1). Staff 5. Introduction to Chemistry—A lecture-demonstration course open to students who have not completed satisfactorily a previous chemistry course, and who do not plan to take future work in chemistry. This course is designed to assist in satisfying the general education requirements in physical science. A W S (6). Staff 24. Principles of Chemistry—For students taking more than one year of chemistry. Prerequisites: Satisfactory performance on the Chemistry Aptitude Test, second course in high school algebra (or Mathematics 14), and plane geometry. Those students who receive a low score on the Aptitude Test should not register for Chemistry 24. Four lecture-recitations, and one three-hour laboratory period a week. A W (5). Gray, Welch, Seager 25. Principles of Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 24. Four lectures and one laboratory period a week. W S (5). Gray, Welch, Seager 26. Principles of Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis— Prerequisite: Chemistry 25. Three lectures and two laboratory periods a week. S (5). Gray, Welch 51. Quantitative Analysis—Theory and methods of quantitative analysis. Prerequisite: Chemistry 26, Mathematics 21. Two lectures and one laboratory period a week. A (3) Gray 52. Quantitative Analysis—Continuation of Chemistry 51. Prerequisite: Chemistry 51. One lecture and two laboratory periods a week. W (3). Gray 53. Quantitative Analysis—Continuation of Chemistry 52. Prerequisite: Chemistry 52. One lecture and three laboratory periods a week. S (4). Gray 107. Elementary Bio-chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 3 or equivalent. Four lectures and. one laboratory period a week. S (5). Johanson 131. Organic Chemistry—Fundamentals of the chemistry of carbon compounds. Prerequisite: Chemistry 26. Four lectures and four hours of laboratory work a week. A (5). Johnson 132. Organic Chemistry—Continuation of Chemistry 131. Prerequisite: Chemistry 131. Four lectures and four hours of laboratory work a week. W (5). Johanson 135. Qualitative Organic Analysis—Systematic identification of organic compounds. Prerequisite: Chemistry 132. Two lectures and nine hours of laboratory work a week. S (5). Johanson 140. Laboratory Techniques—Manipulation of glass. No prerequisite. One 3-hour laboratory a week. S (1). Staff 141. Physical Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 53; Physics 61, 62, 63; Mathematics 54. Three lectures and three hours of laboratory work a week. A (4). Seager 142. Physical Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 141. Three lectures and three hours of laboratory work a week. W (4). Seager 143. Physical Chemistry—Prerequisite: Chemistry 142. Three lectures and three hours of laboratory work a week. S (4). Seager 151. Chemical Instrumentation—Theories and techniques of instrumental chemical analysis, including colorimetry, spectrophotometry, polarography, electrometric titrations, microscopy and radiochemistry. Prerequisite: Chemistry 143. Two lectures and six hours of laboratory work a week. A (4). Welch 181. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry—Advanced study of elements and their compounds based on the periodic table. Prerequisite: Chemistry 141. Three lectures and three laboratory hours a week. S (4). Miner 191. Chemical Literature—A (1). 192. Chemical Literature—W (1) 193. Chemical Literature—S (1). Staff Staff Staff 197. Research Problems—'Open to any qualified student for one or more quarters. A W S (TBA for a maximum of 5 hours). Staff CHEMISTRY MAJOR A W S (Example Only) Freshman Course Title "English 1, 2, 3 Basic Communications Chemistry 24, 25, 26 Principles of Chemistry Mathematics 21 College Alegbra Mathematics 51, 52 Calculus with Analytical Geometry Orientation 1 College Orientation Area Requirements'" Selected Physical Education Freshman Activities Health Education 1 Personal Health Problems 3 5 3 5 16 16 16 198 199 |