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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show Your Family Disaster Plan Where will your family be when disaster strikes? They could be anywhere: at work, at school, or in the car.How will you find each other? How can you determine if your family is safe? Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. You could be forced to evacuate or have a loss of basic services. Families can and do cope with disaster by preparing in advance, practicing, and working together as a team. Four steps for your Family Disaster Plan. 1. Know the disaster risks to your family such as an earthquake or flood. 2. Create a disaster plan to address each risk. 3. Follow the checklist below in creating your Family Disaster Plan: ? Post emergency numbers by phones or on cell phones. ? Teach children how and when to use 911. ? Teach each capable family member how to turn off water, gas, and electricity. ? Have adequate insurance coverage. ? Teach each capable family member how to use a fire extinguisher and show them ? ? where it is kept. Install adequate smoke detectors in your home. Conduct a home hazard hunt and correct potential problems where possible. ? Have adequate emergency supplies accessible for quick evacuation. ? Determine best routes for escape from your home. Find two ways out of each room. ? Find safe spots for certain types of disasters in the home. ? Have an out-of-state contact number of a friend or family so that you can notify them of your situation. 4. Practice and maintain your plan. Emergency supply kit should last for 3 days minimum and include: 1 gal of water per person per day. Food that doesn't spoil. One change of clothing and footwear per person. First aid kit that includes prescription medications. Emergency tools: flashlight, radio, batteries, etcetera. Extra set of car keys, credit card, cash or traveler's check. Sanitation supplies. Special items for infants, elderly, or disabled. Extra pair of glasses. Secure and protect important family documents such as insurance policies. If disaster strikes: Remain calm and patient. Check for injuries, give first aid, etc. Listen for instructions on your portable radio. Additional emergency planning tips: Keep your pets in mind when planning for an emergency. Have a family contact point. Check on neighbors. Make sure water supply is adequate. Stay away from downed power lines. This is a synopsis of a pamphlet produced by the American Red Cross. You can get a complete copy from the Marriott-Slaterville City offices. Watch for more great information on disaster planning in your city newsletter provided by the city's emergency planning staff. Stay tuned! |