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Show English 88, 89, 90 French 1, 2, 3 Life Science French 4, 5, 6 Physics 5 Geology 5 Speech 12 English 127 Health Education 1 History 150, 151 English 60 Music 5 Education 111 English 100,123, or 136 History 111 English 164,165,167 Education 101 English 160 Education 104 English 168 or 169 Psychology 1 English 173 Education 146 English 170 English 151, 152, 153, 150 English 178 Education 161 Critical Approach to Fiction, Drama and Poetry 3 3 French 5 5 Selected 4 17 16 Sophomore French Introduction to Principles of Physics Introduction to Principles of Geology Public Speaking Grammar Personal Health Problems English History Shakespeare Comedies and Histories Introduction to Music Backgrounds and Status in American Education Junior Advanced Composition Emergent America English Literature Human Growth and Development Shakespeare's Tragedies Health of School Child and Adolescence English Literature Introductory Psychology Literature of the Bible Methods of Teaching in Secondary Schools Senior The English Novel Survey of American Literature Senior (Wordsworth) Instructional Materials and Resources 10 2 3 Education 157 Student Teaching in 3 Secondary Schools 5 Education 102 Learning in the Schools 5 History Selected .7 Education 112 School Organization, Management and Law English 180 History of Literary Criticism English 185 Classical Literature 12 14 14 16 18 14 18 6 2 18 15 14 Department of Foreign Languages Associate Professor Victor C. Hancock, Head; Assistant Professor Gary L. Haws; Instructors, Kenneth R. Adams, Jean Howe, Inge H. Adams. The Department of Foreign Languages offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in French, German, and Spanish languages. Foreign Language Major—Students majoring in this Department are required to take 36 to 40 hours of upper Division credit. The following numbered courses are required: 101, 102, 103, 121, 122, and 123. Additional courses may be chosen from the following numbered courses: 110, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 165, 170, 181 and 193. Foreign Language Minor—Students minoring in this Department are required to bake 18 hours of upper division credit which must include the following numbered courses: 101 102, 103, 121, 122, and 123. Foreign Language Teaching Majors will complete the program outlined above for Foreign Language Majors except that they will take 161 instead of 181. Foreign Language Teaching Minors will complete the program outlined above for Foreign Language Minors, and, in addition, it is strongly recommended that they take 161. Activities Weber State College Region Two Foreign Language Festival, March 26, 1966. Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Foreign Language Fair, April 9, 1966. Prerequisite course requirements for Foreign Language Majors and Minors All Foreign Language majors and minors are required to take the courses numbered 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13, or their equivalent, except those students with foreign residence. 132 133 |