OCR Text |
Show 1341 Grant Ave. —.......20..020 Nessen, Pamela, R:;) 1346 7Uh...Bt.s2Csclae Thomas: Nichols, .............. Colleen, 710 Robins* Ave. Nicholson, Dr. .............. L., 984 Maxfield Mike Niclason, Oak Oty ae WwW So 25 Nurieda; sot e Stu ss. .Maryann, (510 Sf Norton, ................... Ave. S., 1366 Hudson Nutley, Ken ae Nye, - Sara}: 604 Beccles: Ave. | 2555.0 Nylander, -Kris C., 458 Harrop. St. °.......:........0 Portety: dik, i 2e0 oth 2G, oa Ga Potter, Mickey, 1336 Canyon Rd.) «.2..........:..3..... Potts: ESPVit; 2470 2 BVGe ace ae eek Powel, Margo, 3550 Cross. Oto. sk ee Price; “Bart 626° EINCOIn CAVE. = oo tee ECE Price; Paulette, 16F: Wi 27GB St. ee RRS Brieto; tive, “2466 a Ave. i Ae te Se Pro, ‘Ronald; 315. Ne Wal sA Ves 55 ois pe Purd yi: Steve. 700 tee 2S aks Se ee 394-1520 392-6386 399-2738 392-7743 392-6866 399-2684 393-4281 393-0622 392-1384 392-4077 392-5035 392-0339 293-8761 393-3887 393-6346 392-3325 Q O Quigley, Oborn, Richard C., 1824 Grant Ave. ................ N., 584 Eccles Ave. ........ Marianne Olafson, Qisen. Roger: W., 1326 Canyon. Rd; ...:....-.-.:... eed jee Brent. 701 “Sth 6. Olsen ie Olser.. deent: - i.; 662. 35) st. oe -2.2--25 Bivd. “Tommy, . 155... Harison.: Gisen. ea ie os 120 lowe: Ave. Olsen, Ray DT. eek kee iV Bey him Olson, ae Orean. Daniel “D:; 33226: Bin St AVE. 6 oo ee Orwiil.« Kay. Bil: Pom Osborn, Richard E., 685 E. 1225 North ............ 393-0653 393-3666 394-2388 394-9284 399-1220 394-2447 393-6189 393-6888 394-2903 393-7323 782-9668 E., Cynthia Simoron 788 DY. 399-1447 392-5622 392-8141 393-2421 393-0541 394-5284 393-3246 Pattee; Clifford. P;, 1425 Cross St. .::22-:.cee Ave. ................ Patton, Brent W., 1114 Adams 2. “Steven; 495° 2nd St. -:-..0-_-.-.2 Pemberton; 1106 Collins Blvd, ............ Pendleton, Verlyn, aaa ee Perea, steve, S60~ ati we. Sa Bt... ee 315° Cross: Patrice; Perkins. Perry: ci yié.- 1920: Grant AVG? eye Peterson; Deann,- 1311 ~Cross2 Otis ae Petérson, Karen: Fi; (7285° 0th St: 2c: 2:s..-.-3. 394-8006 392-7946 399-1388 394-2816 393-2289 Partitiction; Peterson, (1134 Gail, Carol J., “232° Sts 22th W. 2nd: oo St... wie...8 394-5479 ee 2a iynn= FF.5 -605 “Win Bt. |S... Peterson. Pettingill: Bobbi -G.> 1036 Tth St.) = ->t222. a Phililps, Susan L., 1035 Orchard Ave. ............ Phillips; Carol J., S66 ASH - Ste sa Phipps, ‘Cherie -1,, 1014 Peach: Dr. : 22.0 392-6665 394-3125 393-7152 393-8131 393-4282 Pietschman, Arthur J., 983 Van Buren Ave. 394-5064 Poorte, James D., 1517 Liberty Ave. .............. 393-0053 Poorte; ‘Larue, 1503: Liberty -Ave..2:...: icin 393-2538 1100 North St. ................ 782-6183 399-1843 393-2924 392-3139 393-5449 393-2964 392-5456 394-1514 Rindlisbacher, Gaylene, 538 Cook St. ............ RidS< 33663 ea Ste nc ati hs he Ritchie: Lesiie. 609) Toth wa ae Ao ad Robbins, Kerry, 112 N. Harrison Blvd. ......... Robinson, Kim, “710: Om Ave oo Rodriguez, Stella, 517 Second St. .........0............ Romero, Art, 2140 Reeves Ave. ............200... Rosell, -SRetry: 905: tigers ae ee Ross, (“Philtie.: 1267 5th caw. is Neo Russet: Dee 13a) JICuei as ls. oa to Russwi eetets late to et i ee 399-1915 399-5370 394-0343 392-0683 394-5136 392-4027 394-6036 392-2586 394-1505 394-6808 392-5536 © 393-3246 394-7179 393-6159 393-0462 E. Rackham, Scott, 775 Taylor Ave. .................... Raleigh, Jeff, 7416 Ogden Ave. ...........0.0000..... Read. Dato. OoeG isu eo we ee Reber, Kirby, 535 Adams Ave. ....................--...Reeves, Victorias Bar. Bhi oe eccrine tee mens zante Rhodes, Gregory, 1647. Lipertvy. Ave. .—.---.-. 2-5. Richardson, Val, 151 N. Harrison Blvd, ........ Richards, ............ 393-3148 Page, Gregory G., 103.Stowe Dr. ~.......:.....0...... Ave. s:.5...0 ek Childs dudy,.1(66 Palmer. Ac JIGS Oth: St... Sa Painier.: Willem ~....:-.55.-2 Parker, -Wendy,: 1310. Eiberty “Ave. Parker, Christine M., 433 Chester St. ............ St. -...02........ llth 1675 S., Kenneth Parsons, Partington, ‘Gary, 1184°12th Sto 8, 938 R P Packham, Gary, Susan, 1139 Porter Ave. .................. 392-2188 S Sackett.” Bathie, 292: ‘Polk: Ave. 2:5 c5.k ci Sanders, Sanders, sanders, Sargent, Marilyn, 2738 Pennsylvania lve. ........ Carolyn, 2738 Pennsylvania Ave. ........ David, 787-436.-:11002 Northsc22..550-2..2 ‘Mickey, 1046. 7th -St.....2...20.2 2... 392-5588 Sage, Janet, 9300 Melody Lane .............0..00000... 399-4380 Sanchez, Michael, 2470 D Ave. .0........00.0..000000. 392-3117 Satterthwaite. Saunders, Lane, Christy, 1310 636 Douglas Brinker 393-7586 393-7586 782-6396 392-7731 St, .............. 392-3533 Ave. ............ 393-7227 Saunders, Suzanne, 1358 Cross St. ...................... 392-2700 Schafer, Doteliss> 650. 1st. SC en hoc, 399-5276 Schiftman, Alan, 676: 1: 6th St. age 394-0068 Shafto, Russel, Shaw, Gregory, Shaw, Susan, Sheridan, 1280 625 128 Timothy, Hudson Brinker 2nd St. 1463 St. ......2.22..200........ 399-1044 Ave. .................... 393-3593 ............ Bie desea Third Skate St. 392-1438 .................. 399-5365 |