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Show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER A VISIT WITH HIGHLANDER 19, 1969 PAGE 3 DR. GARNER What the System Needs?: More People Who Care About Kids Born and raised in Ogden, Dr. But that idea seems to be in Garner attended Mound Fort trouble before it starts as is our Elementary and Junior High. federal lunch. The Government After graduating from Weber is threatening to stop subsidizHigh he went on to the Uni- ing our lunch program unless versity of Utah where he gradu- the snack bar is taken out of ated in 1950. He went on with Ben Lomond. The Government graduate work, obtaining his claims the snack bar is runMasters in 1959 and his Doctor- ning in direct competition to ate in 1968. the lunch program which vioWhen asked about any lates the agreement signed by Ogden City Schools. If the govchanges in the present system ernment does pull its aid the he said he’d like to see more people in the system that care cost of lunch would double. about kids. When asked if there would be He’s been experimenting with any policy change on homecomthe idea of breakfast at school. ing, Dr. Garner warned that there were extremes to everything. He feels homecoming has many good points; however, the election of Kings and Queens is one of the extremes he would rather avoid. He feels that royalty is a strain on the administration and holds no real educational value. He feels we could do everything in Iron Horse week that other schools do at homecoming. Student lounges are fine if you can find room for them. He went on to say that there are teachers who have to change classrooms as many as four times a day. So, if any extra classroom space is found they should get it. More classroom space is the reason for the new library which, by the way, is behind schedule. The old restriction on moneyraising by organizations has been lifted by Dr. Garner. He thinks such projects are needed not only to defray costs to students but also to build more tightly knit organizations. This was the reason for building the concession stand at the stadium. He thinks this could really make some money. The touchy subject of Seminary credits was brought up and it is the superintendent’s feeling that Ogden City Schools meet Supreme Court standards by having a separate report card for Seminary. Credits for Seminary are treated as transfer credits, thus keeping them separate from the ones earned at school. Dr. Garner is a man with drive and new ideas. We are sure he will prove to be an asset to the Ogden school system. WEST FOR LEATHER FEATURING: McTOSH IS BACK! © Play Bells ; Pi @ Casual @ Dress Bells LARGE Bells STOCK ON HAND FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Not All The Heroes Were MEN! Nylon quilt, 34”, double-breasted, half belt, wide turn up cuffs, welt slash pockets. Oyster, Tobacco, Green, Navy, Gold, Copper Flash. 5-15; 6-18. Real Leather Moccasin Boots SANDALS (Our Specialty) FRINGE Specializing dian look, JACKETS, in the finest LONG leather, shirts, slip-overs, MOCCASINS FRINGE VEST leather pants, Edwar- skirts, women’s coats, dresses, ponchos, handbags, fur and leather hats, wrist watch bands, moccasins. Boots from Spain. Compare our low prices. Re- pairs and Cleaning. Call 392-0838 VILLAGE FAIR WEST 2212 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah Harrison and 3rd Ph. 393-8257 |