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Show OGDEN, UTAH, OCTOBER 31, 1969 NUMBER ¢ a oe Re | N PS eee “a > Sees Ni ae cf The Halloween Dance will be held tonight from 8:30 to Il p.m. in the pook in the West Balcony and the cost will be 22 STUDENT BODY CARD AND a person. Ben Ne 5 M2 = tend are urged to wear costumes, however, best dress may be worn. given for the pest boy, giri, and couple costumes. The band wili be from Pcrneville High School and will be playing 5 : Lomond face fast masks music. Reireshments Gym. Those should The will be Bonnie also planning worn. Lassies be to at- Prizes will will have served. iley 3 Baver. 1S 5 SOUPLE WITH | . $1.00 The Senior Dawn Briggs Ciass would ——. a ——~— —~—— \/ their day meetings night, school in every iike } Room 63. They Today after also this streak will be title be _ } Q and TO ATTEND!!!!! to the 3 BY, DAVE studentbody wiggling for so. be just championship. complishments as Perhaps broken. holders of as as easily this long Sadly JONES will be squirming turned in as isn't help as The excitement ted. If Students the let you Wha The newest addition to Fen Lomond's extra circular circulam , is the Moot Clan. At no time ever before in the history of Ben Lomond has such a_ clan been formed. There are requirements but they are not strict and membership is more than worth while.So far we have over a dozen charter members, four members, and those figures are rising with every meeting. Our policy has been to keep interest within the clan and not keep attendance records. There- be hat oi them for ? a team their football seats. Maybe Pencils but has that it long time; win be forced to go to our next : tou awe it fo yourselt your brain BEN LOMOND to be _ AT TODAY 25¢ “and there. : WEBER HIGH 2:30 p.m. BE YRERE 7:: of and 70" will look love how they wear the it claims game and ac- more the not. perhaps will for Utah hard do because you TODAY at but lose this the even we ability Lose sometimes And exagera- not losers will only label they we , will negative although if op tHe SEASON. It will be held Mon., Nov.3 in the Weber State Library, /- 7 Petts spark we and enough happen class SCOTS, but you will want to go. Every one is invited oe real game they taken should afternoon. and positive, this one remember suffered, is the to have will loses and they tend people they what team record, had the show won't time do before this football all they wondering branded, well. the football then ber team our people fair. mentioned are If an enough, team tries and how many injuries that's just the way it is. us} Mo et the remembered State will The I entire be will We best please the of wili they ticisms want to Do eyes Students that welcri- possible. i INVITED tion, Will they or won't they.” Will they set an all time record oysink to the depths of mediocrity? The record we are talking about of course, is a season of straight losses. Never before since the peginning of Ben Lomond in 1953, has a football team gone without winning at least one or two games. This is a very strong heritage, and one to be proud of;.howeyer, today there is a chance OfAs-— to Your student officers come any suggestions or way : SCOTS and pens will take a tremendous beating against the tops of desks. Grades in citizenship will drop drastically from too much talk, and teachers in the school will find it next to impossible to teach. Combustible excitement will surge through the sitio and on everyones” aes will be the ques- encourage anyone else interested to attend these meetings Your help is needed in planning the Christmas Open House. you may have. serve you in the the team. Wednes- immediately \ ALL / ne Our Girl's Association ficers invite all Girl's sociation representatives’ WITHOUT. f to thank everyone that helped in any way with the Hillbilly lt was a great Dance. success and would not have been without your support. ee COUPLE Wooo ' j A have , remem - now. IS OUR LAST FOOTBALL GAME LET'S MAKE IT THE VERY rst, WE HAVE HAD A FAIRLY GOOD TURNOUT AT THE PAST GAMES BUT ONLY A FEW yoyat, scoTS ARE REALLY CHEERING. paY LET'S SHOW WEBER WHAT WE'VE NOT ONLY ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD BUT TOGOT. IN fur STANDS AS WELL.. IT WOULD BE GREAT IF THE PEP TO THE BAND CAME GAME ALSO. IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE IN THE WAY YOU CHEER IF YOU HAVE A BAND BACKING YOU. COME ON PEP BAND! CONGRATULATIONS ON THE WAY THE STUDENT BODY SUPPORTED THE SCHOOL PLAY. IT WAS AN EXCELLENT PRODUCTION. |