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Show VOLUME 17 A " LOMOND OGDEN, HIGH UTAH, SCHOOL OCTOBER SCOTS 3, 1969 A.D NUMBER 5 BEN PEREE Re» RY GUNDA forAre you interested in eign countries and people? Now c : Ga Li Sha is the time apply "American Abroad Pregram" from the American Field Service. The AFS was founded in 1914 as a volunteer ambulance corps which served in both World Wars. To prevent AFS future started a wars, student the exchange program. This program 1s based on the beliet that the understanding and friendsnip between tions en the is PALA younger the genera- main point to And te therea Peace. better way tc unaerstand country and its people than go to that country and live its a to in The new sophomore class officers for 1969-70 are Scott Chambers, president; Pat Harbertson, vice-president; and Jane Fishburn ‘ families? There are offered two to you possibilities by AFS,the mer Program and _ the Program. The Summer is from June to September, proximately 8 to 10 weeks. apThe Scnoeol Program lasts a year and you have to attend school as a regular student. The students who applied for the "School Program Southern January Hemisphere" leave in 1970, those for "School Program Northern Hemisphere" go in Summer 1970. There are some you have are selected. l. dent to qualifications fulfill before stuyou must at least and a Junior be 16 Sen- or ior. -x2aur, healt cellent 4. You must have’ studied foreign least years if language at you the at time applied of t be c ; Wrstt or date ma 6 fr 6. not You in Aj y das as di ceaian your et School should an Borm tary have eal. A rinal JV a Southern for ity Gd D yn ie eh grades. studied SCOTS, BRAVE on December didn't AND EN TOP Bae rhiimeela candi- 4 to . DENT 15, become 1951, High in Ogden, Utah, Dan for September. attended Horace Mann He was Elemen- Sehool. really interested in running until his Dan has been mile at the sophomore year,whtle on of the top Ben LoCity-County Meet and years of high school, and was a starter at took first the other place tn the Mark runners. He has Ballif taken City-County first place in Meet, every Country team has participated in this season. Dan ts serving as vice-prestdent of both the Honor soctatton and ts Sports Editor of theHIGHLANDER. He average or better the last few years. Dan attended summer and he plans to continue his educatton there The student council made a wise choice in ptecking greatly meet Dan was a last year's academic the a broad A courses order cannot the S.O. ISM a oS Se with Program." If you are interested, the counselors of Ben Lomond have the application forms and answers to questions you might have. The last day for application is on Oct. 13. SL 1-2 TaBER ee. PLAN Cross Soctety and the Bardoch Ashas maintained a 3.8 grade Weber State College last next fall. | Dan. JOVURRAL go outdistanc- mat background. Senior "Summer in that ee by 5 STRONG, games. Dan 7. Program ios CHOS and Highland Jr. Dan departure nave FRIENDLY working under Coach Hislop. Since that time mong runners. Last year he placed 2nd tn the 4th tn the Regton Meet. In addition to Cross Country, the first two member of the Junior Varsity Basketball Team, have i tin noc YELL- ex- Hemisphere, and 2 years Northern Hemisphere. Pe WALKER 1% fo CLASS __72' LIVES ON AND ON! ee Dan Walker has been chosen as the Stuaent of the Month elected by the student counctl on Wednesday, Oct. Ist. ing apply. You old On you There must be an AFS at your school when 2. years secretary. Sum- school Program 25¢ -f OWA or TTEND 50¢ |