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Show COVETED AWARDS, 5 snbtaiinas a trophy atid two ies to be met a ‘. out: 1g students in Ben Lomond High School’s band, choir and orchestra during ix.awards concert tonight, are shown by: Joanne Lundell, Marie marin and Parsons (lett to right). wards Concert to Honor Outstarding Ben Lomond Students The annual Ben:A ehond High sent ‘Celestial Spring’ The points are heated on a sysand School awards concert ‘will be “Fall, Leaves, Fall.” tem of merits and demerits. presented free to e public to-| A grand finale will be the ren- There, are 1 24 categories night at 8 in the school audijdering of “America the Beau-)i torium. : , ranging ‘from 10 points A highlight of the program tiful’” by the combined band: | for accompanying a member of will be the presentation of a and a cappella choir. trophy and two plaques to an The awards to be presented the band on the piano, to 500 outstanding student in each the during the performance are points "per semester for memcng _band and orchestra, as based on a point system, with bership in the band while mainas many certificates, rib- 3,000. points’ necessary for a taining a “C” grade or better. te and other awards to stu- band award. If the band memSTAFF WORKER dents with active participation ber does not have enough points records~throughout the year. ‘for an award one year, he may Points may also be earned Featured in the performance carry them over to the next for serving as a staff worker, appearance with the band at will be the school dance band, year. Pep band awards may be various* functions, solo perfor} modern choir, orchestra, Bona nie Aires, band and a cappella, earned by 100 per cent attend-!mances, extra- curricular under the direction of Ed Free- ance at all school games. Stu- ties and many others. dents may have one excused Demerits, or points subtract stone and Ron Archibald. ‘Among band numbers will be ‘absence and still receive an ed, may range from 100 points the presentation of ““Bandology”’ award, but it is forfeited if they each for unsatisfactory citizen: by Eric Osterling, and. the miss more than three rehears- ship or improper conduct one als or are tardy for more than}i ing rehearsals, or for not bein “Overture in B Flat.” Orchestra selections. will pre- three games. ~~ 3 prepared,+ i |