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Show MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1970 HIGHLANDER PREFACE PAGE MEET THE 3 SCOTS “If Sadie Could See Us Now" By Kathy Johnson Sadie McHawkins Week is an event all girls have come to know and dread. During Sadie McHawkins week, each and every girl is expected to scrounge up someone to take to the G. A. Dance. No matter if there’s no one you would really like to ask, or even if there’s no one who would really like to accept; for the honor of your sex you're expected to give it a try. For those of you who have feet of jello when it comes to soliciting the opposite sex and have already rejected the idea of rending your garments, throwing yourself at his feet in the hall and screaming, “Go with me or ll kill myself!” (at which time he might gladly offer to do it for you), outlined here are a tew other tried-but-true your techniques for approaching the man of dreams. HONESTY APPROACH The Honesty Approach: This method is not recommended to the taint in heart. Pinch your cheeks, take a swallow of mouthwash and with high courage, go out in search of the man of your choice. It is best if you can corner him in a locker, making it more difficult for him to run off down the hall when you begin your speech. The selection of words is very important. Never say, “Can” or “Will you?”, to which he can easily reply, “No!” Be positive. Say “Would you like to?”’ or even better, “What time shall I pick you up Saturday?” The more startling the approach, the better. For the brav- est of the weaker sex—‘I was making reservations for dinner after the dance. Where would you like to eat?” This one is unconditionally guaranteed to get a reaction from him—if only a dead faint. SCARED? The Scare Approach—This method depends on the boy’s gullibility and whether or not he has ever met your mother. lt works best on naive sophomore boys. The idea is to lead him to believe your mother man’s state wrestling champion to see her little girl’s seeing hurt. _ tion, this method is almost surefir accident insurance he has, le he With a k Mr. Agee, Jan Thompson and Rick Windley pose. Mr. Agee One of our most highly respected instructors is Mr. Agee, a 1960 graduate of our rival, Og- den High. English has been his specialty for four years with a class in Creative Writing added to his schedule this year. Many students regard him as the school’s resident intellectual and teer his credentials lend support to that suspicion. Being a modest person, the information (learned from a faculty colleague who knows of his Mr. Agee holds a Phi Beta Kappa key earned at the not know, Phi Beta Kappa is an honorary scholastic University of Utah. For those who may fraternity reserved for those few among the academically elite who possess a grade point average graduate work done at Duke University in North Carolina. In was once a wo- hi sspare time, he studies four he did not volunbackground) that of 3.8 or higher. Nor did he mention oe languages, plays superb chess (the adjective is cour would HA bit of imagi Ov pressing concern for his health and future safety. One point to always remember in the scare method—you are not the aggressor, it is those who care for you who would wish him harm. Although he might try to outrun her; no man would consider taking out a girl with the attributes of King Kong. The Death-Bed Approach—Can you faint at the slightest provocation, bring tears to your eyes at the ous, seldom cogent.” A Highlander salute to an outstanding Scot! Rick Windley Rick is a senior at Ben Lomond High who has a 3.5 average. He likes to watch football, basketball, and most spectacular sports. Rick has played in the All State Band and Orchestra for the past two years. He is also a Sterling Scholar for Ben Lomond in music. Rick is the A Cappella Choir president. Rick likes to compose music in his spare time. Jan Thompson Jan is also a senior at Ben Lomond this year. Jan likes the winter sport of skiing. She first hint of rejection? If so, the Death Bed Approach ‘played Mrs. Webb in “Our Town,” and went to the state drama meet in a one-act play last is for you. The biggest asset to this approach is the fact year. Jan has been a member of the Honor Society for both her junior and senior years. She that you need never tell a lie. Just twist the truth slightly. was selected as the Sterling Scholar for Foreign Language. Tell him, “I hate to say this, Harold, because I know how you care for me, but I’ve been told I haven’t long to live. I could go at any time.” (After all, 70 years isn’t so long and you never know what bus has your name on the bumper). Say, “I only hope I will be here long enough to go to the dance with you. ” (Why does he have to know that the only place you’re going is to Scot's Schedule March before you begin this approach Dance Clan your acne were to dispining suggestion: Skip the faculty. Who wants to spend an entire evening discussing attendance sheets? Write the Short Story, by Maren Elwood. Stronger Than Hate, by Elizabeth Baker. The Mexico I Love, by Max-Pol Fouchet, An- CORNER Houghton Count Me Gone, by Annabel and Edgar Johnson. Elfer. Take My Life, by Winston Who Graham. Needs Rainbows, by Ivy Ruckman. The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. Joe Hill, by Wallace Stegner. Walt Disney—Master of Fantasy, by Mildred men edge Sweaters, Award Jackets, and Chenille & Glass Home and Unnecessary Auto Parts 363 22nd St. blems Letters, CHOW Em- MEIN - Fried Shrimp - 29¢ and Embroidery. Dial 392-9111 hay Come as you are! Organization 63¢ Drinks -15 399-9285 250 Wash. Blvd., Ogden, Utah Co. of Necessary & Glass Co. St. FAST FOOD © DRIVE-UP WINDOW of Letter- The International The Book of Knowl- Ogden Auto Parts RACK? Ogden Auto Parts rickshaw Knitting Mills, Inc. Manufacturers dre Camp, and Arpad | Encyclopedias: 23rd See Coleman Comfort. Prelude, by Madeleine L’Engle. . See A SKI 20—State Forensic Meet, U of U 21— 25—Fashion Show, 7 p. m. auditorium 26—End 3rd Term, 44 days Of course, if you are too timid for any of these meth- BOOK NEED P Accessories 363 Choir ern ods, just pull out the Plaid Parade and start dialing. One NEW For Extra 8 p.m ||| Ogden Auto Parts 19—Concert, cover if any one else has used it on him. He might become suspicious if three girls with terminal after his affections. Stage Band Tour Jr. High School grandmother’s?) Investigate 18—Modern Choir and * 3740 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD - ue ib |