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Show CAST MEMBERS Vickie Cummings, Larry Vail, rehearse secrets to be told in the Ben Lomond and Dave Jones (left to right) High School production of ‘‘Our ° Town.” OSCAR “WILDE PRODUCTION Ben Lomond Will Pertorm Our Town on Oct, 23, 24 “Our Town,” the popular pla ‘'Gibbs,’’ Janice Thompson, “Mrs. Craig,” Dave McKay, ‘Jo e| by Oscar Wilde, will be Aah Webb.” Stoddard,” John Bush, Scott formed Oct. 23 and 24 in the Ben Also, Dave Jones, ‘‘Georgia Lomond High School auditorium. Gibbs,”’ Paula Hadley, ‘‘Rebec- Hamblin and Carl Summers, _ A unique feature of this play ca Gibbs,” Wesley McNeil, “Ball Players,’’ and Larry Vail, “Wally Webb,” Paul Kuykendal, stage director. IS its lack of Scenery, which one of Wilde’s techniques in ex-is ‘Professor. Willard,” Gary The 2nd annual Journalism pressa ‘the feeling*of realism. Brough, ‘‘Mr. Webb,”’ Lea Pro- Stomp will be held Oct, 22 in the basco, TICKETS $1 ‘“‘Woman Kathie Wooley, in Balcony,”’ Ben Lomond gym, sponsored by ‘‘Lady in Audi- the school ur ae time is at 8 p.m. and torium,” Dianne Cates, ‘Lady Highlander.”’ = ets May be purchased from oi ae | The dance Src Student at $1 a seat, in BOM Bruce ‘Teeples, ‘‘Simon Simp- raise money formancee oor before each person,” Margaret Shafer, ‘Mrs. cially printed Fama ee sn director at Ben Lo- ero! is Dee Bul- arole T Student Breton ele eaes: Town”embers of the cast of ‘Our newspaper, ‘The it is being for held to more commer- Beets Soames,’’: Russell Shafto, ‘‘ConMusic will be provided by the stable Warren,’ Mike Clemens, “Si Crowell,’ Alan Toone, “Sam John Riley Band, and refreshments will be served during the stomp. Retarded Enroll Admission is 25 cents for Ben President’s ‘panel reported Lomond students wearing’ plaid pickie “Dr. Gibbs.” in 1966 only 25,000 of the na- and 50 cents for those without Dwight Brough, Brough, ’ “p ae Gibb ibbs,”’ tion’s 1.2 million school age|P laid. I patos ce Williams, “Joe Crowell” retarded children were enrollStudents from other — schools. aye Pemberton, “Howie New- ed in special classes: for: educa- are:also invited to attend... -*) some," Marie McAllister, “Mrs. tion and .training. —By Scott Ogden and their roles are: A |