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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show Danny Brown reported that the committee has met several times, and formulated a proposed park plan for the former church parks. The committee generally focused on several areas: park safety improvements, park upgrades, rules, and preservation. The following suggestions to the city have been developed. Both Parks: Get in writing the procedure to legally retain the parks so they cannot be sold or used for any other purpose. Fix items needed so that insurance can be obtained. Maintain parks (pick up grass and leaves). Establish the same rules for both parks. Build new restrooms and boweries. Attach new restrooms to sewer line. Marriott Park: Fence entire park. Develop pressurized irrigation. Design area for sand volleyball court, and design places to put in new trees. Dirt placed in field, weeds killed and field sterilized. Slaterville Park: Remove exterior cottonwood trees. Approve a design for new additions to park. Land purchased for new tennis court (it does not need to be at the park). Comments were received from several of the citizens attending the hearing, including requests for a soccer field and playground equipment, as well as changes for restrooms and boweries. Ron Holmes recommended that the city purchase lawn mowers for each park and store them at each park. The cottonwood trees at the Slaterville park brought forth both pros and cons regarding their desirability. Aaron Buttars stated he often uses the nature park and wondered if the city has any plan to put a bridge over the Weber River to access the nature park trail to the other side. Gerald Bischoff opposed the parks being locked in forever as parks only. He believes the city needs to contract the mowing and maintenance of the parks because the city would save money. He does not feel that tennis courts would be feasible at the parks. At the council meeting following the closure of the public hearing, City Administrator Bill Morris advised that when the city obtained the parks on July 1, 2007, from the L.D.S. Church, the agreement stipulated they could only be used as parks. In answer to some of the questions raised during the public hearing, Mr. Morris noted that the city plans a bridge across the river and applied for several grants this year for this purpose, but failed to obtain them. The city will continue to work for the bridge. Playground equipment is part of the committee recommendations. Some improvements may require a site plan. He was concerned that the deadlines in the park committee report be flexible, based upon the revenue being available to make improvements. If the city does not get a grant, the boweries cannot be built. Parks are very expensive to run. The council voted to accept the committee's report unanimously. Delbert Hodson thanked the committee for their time Landscaping In close connection with our desire for well-maintained, usable parks and open spaces, is our desire to have well-cared for yards, with good trees planted. Marriott-Slaterville again received recognition as a Tree City USA for 2006, as part of the annual Arbor Day observance in April. Mr. Morgan Mendenhall, Utah Division of Forestry, recognized the city for its third year as a Tree City USA, and presented Mayor Butler with a Tree City Award, on September 20, 2007. 7 |