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Show sufficient cause for suspension from office. ALL Cheerleaders shall attend a cheerleaders! class the yinich will be held at least once a week under Failure to attend supervision of a faculty member. his class will result in the person's being dropped es... frou organization. this Eligibility of the Cheerleaders shall be the sane as that prescribed for the other Student Body Officers in Article IV, Section IV, Part C, of the Ben Lonond 4, School. ARTICLE Section Section Section + COLTILTTEES as president of the Interclan Federation and other’nerbers desigmated by the Student Council and faculty manbers. shall consist of the Pep Club, The pep Assenbly Comittee and secretary Body Student Officers, ond a the of faculty and secretary of the secretaries and Girls! of the Boys' Federation, Interclan the Council, chaimian, as serve will of Students. The consist of five members: Students, the treasurer of the secretaries secretary Student advisor. The Social Comittee ghall consist of the Student Body Officers, president of the Girls' and Boys' Associations, the Assistant principal, and the Student Council Advisor, and the Principal Historian of the Associated Student will serve as chairman. ARTICLE No IV student offices Section who Students Cheerleader Advisor, Associated the two appointed members of the school, the Principal. shall consist The Election Comittee of the Classes, Section of The Finance cormiittee shall president of the Associated Association, ny Club Pep Cheerleaders, Officers, Associated Section vice clacs the of consist shall Comittee Assenbly The newly elected advisor. the the of the Associated Students who presidents, vice president will act as chairman, Secretary of the Associated Students, vice president of the Girls' and Boys! Association, vice Advisor Section III és by of shall be chosen the supervision <A head Cheerleader cheerleaders under 5, -— REGULATIONS shall shall be hold than one as follows: desimmated Associated Students, Girls' Boys! and nore : Senior, Association Interelan Federation publications, Bonnie najor Junior, and Officers, Officers, Lassies, office. Officers Major of Sophonore Pep Club Cheerleaders, the Offices, Officers, cditors of the Ancenduents to these By-Laws may be made by being presented to the Executive Council for 2 tyvo-thirds najority of the Student Council. If the anendient is passed by these twothirds of the lesislative bodies, it must then be published for at passed least by a one week, tyo-thirds after which majority vote it may of be the adopted Student when Body. |