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Show May 1970 2, x04stUIy JAAS Ppoomusal UW OfSes anwaay ‘WRaaus yes id OHO "Tva0staa By DON WARNER | A 00g 3 ; aihung 002 Ben Lomond, showing almost}; { ediourtg Surjuosesdoyy a success- ‘eorjuepl—"w'e TT pue-og:g machine-like She churned its way to another 00: TT pue 0&6 ; track and field WOD CIMIAVITI 2 08:6 * 00qS Repung riday. ') J} poprAoid AtesnN 1 MAAN GHLL,, ‘UOULeg IG ALOE *AIY TES SOL sa 18.11 M ‘Sutjooy JoAeIg ‘jooyas yon, P joays pice 0 aa iW Sumuaagy Jsydeq ATE y Sulueag SNVHO,, ‘UOULIES t records fell by the unuIU0; y. Ogden High’s drysioM SUIUIOW, tied the 100- 3 a1qta yomnyD LdVa LSU “ur “d 09:2 ‘drysx0\ SuTUIA senior. ‘also, anchored the win ~ biqrg Aepsoupam ning 880-yard ard relay team for one}: : ur ‘d 0¢:9 “Uoruf) of the top individual ances of th e day. perform- Husky. Bob Davis of Ogden High wasthe other double win- SC... £28 3 ner. Davis threw the shot 54 feet, 4 inches to establish a new ae ‘meet record, then scored a doui ble when he won the discus with a toss of 152 feet, 10 inches. Ben Lomond’s smooth running _ John Wolthuis set a new record ~ in the, 880 when he streaked a snouts the course in the time - of 1.58.2. _ Another Ben Lomond ace, wd "UL "8 GG:OT ‘dIYsSIOM sutusoyy ‘* auinele SU e Gp:6 ‘Joos Aepung yseg ‘ueunyid plore LLZ0*S¢8 awl, WAHLAOS: NOLAVI “ypantyo “jaquiaut UO zg ey} Jo Apoq oAT}eISI -Z2 JSOYsIY OY} 0} Sojesapep se) |sjeIoyjo uelseyAqsaig Aq peje Jam “‘UapsQ YON “N 0008 “A ‘a JSOI , ween uaTeycgsale pue ‘uepso Neng DF6p estes “Asy went to Weber Highs ’ ie ey “giosuods yynos. ‘yUsAe OY} 40} 3 “We 9} YIM wesZ01d Jo 3 IM souRULojsed oy} yeu} eoTesueag jo UoT}eTO0ssy eUL Aew Bulinp oseoyp jar YyomnyD. ueLeyAqselg poyuy) ambled the distance in 4: 27.9 to py} jo Ajquiessy eBIOU9D PUzET set a new record in the mile. DU} PUd}}2 0} SIOUOISSIWIWOS 008 aq IM Sioq Walker beat his nearest rival uey} atoul suouTe uaps Huu AreyAqs ~ by at least 1C9 yards. yAqse1d UaPEO OM day| The fifth record of the medley. HOWNn LSILAVa NUaHLAC TH 2st ‘Jourays- ‘a, pleuog Uos}19qOY PIO EI e NI the 220 in which is just I won’ 2.5, pooy,, UL — MOVUYa SUOISSAS PUPHY |. -AVANNS W ecunuaikasalt 7 AAA ANICN OE f ON also Jot. find out what “AOU ‘Id. 1OSJojjor pue wee | DOCS sy i ~ o en |