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Show PAGE 2 HIGHLANDER FRIDAY, Editorials... NOVEMBER 14, 1969 The liberty of the press is a blessing when we are inclined to write against others and a calamity when we find ourselves overborne by the multitude of our assailants. 4 —Samuel Johnson Dropouts Need Recognition to Offset That Feeling of Utter Futility out is that he feels useless in in himself as an _ individual. One of the most frequent rea- school. Many times these indiTherefore, it is also the job sons given by dropouts as to viduals will state that school is of the school to provide avenues why they left school is that doing them no good and that for self-expression. If a student the teachers just don’t under- they are only wasting their time. can excell in an area of his stand them. They feel that the In some cases this is true, howchoice, then here again is a form average teacher couldn’t care ever, in the majority of dropof recognition and a source of less whether a student shows up out cases the student leaves beself-satisfaction. He can begin for class or not, or if he learns cause he subconsciously feels to develop his talents as well as anything when he does attend. that he is doing the school no his personality. In the words of one dropout, good; that he is merely a burden Sadly enough, however, most “They’d just as soon flunk you with no function and without imhigh schools have not come to as look at you.” portance. Therefore, he tries to In many the These feelings can be sum- ‘separate himself from the source this realization. med up as evidence of the stu- of his anxieties and drops out of only area in which a student can excell and gain recognition dent’s actual feelings of unim- school. from his classmates is in athletportance and his lack of idenIt is clear then, that in order ics, and obviously not everyone tity. Deep down they feel that to keep the student from drop- can participate in sports. Not they have no function in the ping out we must provide him everyone is physically able to school and so, consequently, no with a better situation. It is im- compete, but everyone does have one pays any attention to them. perative that we provide him a special interest in which he Understanding is only a word with a function within the could excell whether it’s being used as a mask to disguise this school, some sort of duty or job, on the debate team or collectneed for special attention, praise which he can perform and take ing stamps. Therefore our and the opportunity to excel in pride in. One western high schools must extend these opporan area that they enjoy. Thereschool made use of this theory tunities to include an almost fore, the plight of the dropout and subsequently their problems limitless list of subjects and is mediocrity. If you want to with students smoking on cam- fields. keep a student in school, you pus all but disappeared. A must provide him with some What would be wrong, for ingroup of potential dropouts were form of personal recognition. stance, with allowing students gathered together in a class and Admittedly, a student’s meto earn letters in such fields as given the authority to enforce diocrity is probably the result the smoking rules. These stu- debate, drama, literature, sciof many causes such as a poor dent monitors did such an ef- ence, and so on, as well as in cultural background or a lack athletics. A student would then fective job that their authority of stimulation in the home. have the opportunity to stand was soon extended to include However, there is little we can sluffing, vandalism and other out in the field of his choice, - do to improve these situations. and perhaps, if he can derive veryday violations. But, more “h j D n first devel hict 17 th Shaw orge Bernard up when he said, you must get at a man for keeping a student in school _ and hold his interest; then we a 39 can become concerned with the Their attendance was greatly im- through his own religion. . causes for his wanting to leave. proved and their participation Clearly then, if our schools For example, if a motorist in other school activities increas- will begin to realize the imporshould happen to take a curve . ed. They were given a tool by tance of student recognition as too fast and fly off the road which they could make thema part of the whole and as an to the bottom of a steep emselves useful, and by using that individual, we will begin to see bankment, what would be the tool they boosted their own self- a great reduction in the numfirst logical thing for us to do? confidence. They were no long- ber of dropouts. And afterwards Would we set up a warning sign er the leaky gasket, but a func- for the ounce of prevention we _ by the curve, or would we eall tioning part of the machine. And can begin setting up these warnan ambulance for the injured all the school had to do was to ing signs and digging into the driver? The answer is obvious; provide the situation. The stu- causes behind a student dropour first concern of course, dent earned his own form of rec- ping out of school. From then would be for the victim and not for the cause. We must act in ognition. on, with relatively little effort, While it is essential that the we can perhaps extend the meanthe same manner when dealing student feels himself a part of with the dropout. ing of understanding to include The first thing we must con- the school, it is no less imporrecognition. sider when examining the drop- tant that he develops confidence . MORATORIUM QUIZ The first Moratorium is gone, the second is here and the third waits us in December. With this in mind we of the Staff, and we're sure some of you, would like to know how the students of Ben Lomond felt and feel about those self-declared national holidays in protest of the Viet Nam war. It is for this reason we have prepared this poll. We are soliciting your support for the poll to show you, the reader, how the guy next to you feels. If this poll is a success others will follow. Just snip this, fill it out, and drop it in a Letters to the Editor box. . To Yes | No 1. Did you in any way participate in the Oct. 15 Moratorium? 2. Do you intend to participate in either of the coming Moratoriums? 3. Did President Nixon’s speech change your opinion at all? 4. Do you feel President Nixon answered the questions of the protesters? 5. Do you feel the protests will in any way change the nation’s policy in Viet Nam? the Executive Corner By DAWN Girls’ Association again reminds all girls interest- ed to their PLEASE meetings attend every Wednesday afternoon at 2:45! This is to help plan the Christmas Open House. We would like to thank EVERYONE who partici- BRIGGS pated in the Powder Puff game. There were many that did not get mentioned, but their help was greatly appreciated! There are many fun events coming up please support us! — so AN ACTIVE SCOT A HAPPY SCOT!! IS Editor: There has been some comment regarding the fact that there are only four seniors on the varsity basketball team this year. Let me remind High you that Ben Lomond School consists of so- phomores, juniors and seniors. There will be approximately four seniors, juniors and four mores on the team. four sopho- From a coach’s_ standpoint, I chose the fellows that I thought had the most talent and would gether the best. work to- —Coach Don Shaw Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Reporter and Editorialist Features Columnist Sports Editor Chief Reporters Elaine Archuleta, ey Sargent. Staff Artist Photographic Editor Exchange Editor Staff Advisor Gwen Knight, Scott Ogden Kent Groves Dave Jones Gunda Tietjen Kathy Johnson Dan Walker Carma Dabel, Karin Johnson, MickBecky McKain Dave Wertz Vickie Bosler Mr. Monte Ogden |