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Show FRIDAY, HIGHLANDER Editorials... as far as to have a blueprint drawn plan. up of This a proposed proposed plan ulty lounge and the remaining portion into a multi-purpose room. Included also would be three conference rooms. In planning for future usage of this room, one big factor has been completely forgotten. - The students! We're not saying that the ed quarters needs work in Room to be changed. hard enough 19 They during the day to deserve a place where they can go and res < dents can use their room for early-morning study or discussions. However, we feel that with the creation of a new faculty lounge, fewer and fewer teachers. will time The new in their where go? will library a machine with hot sandwiches and other food products so that the students need not leave the campus will be an excellent place for read- to obtain such items. This student lounge would to eat, but it’s the time for Ben ond to take the step. than just a place a place to talk, any teachers around to make you feel uneasy or depressed. In our opinion this would keep more students at school during school If you’re for Dear Editor, eral Inspection without goofing. I think something should be We HAD to be good to make done about this school. I’ll get them worry about being “showright to the point. I think some- ed up” by girls. In return, the thing should be done about all boys worked harder. It made the those filthy writings in the bath- whole R.O.T.C. Department work room. It’s just disgusting how to be better. girls can write such filthy stuff This year we started out with unless the boys are sneaking in there and writing it themselves. 30 girls and we have about 10 I think we should have a com- girls left. There will be a drill team this year no matter what, mittee and d Lom- a student lounge, then get interested. Talk to the student body of- ficers. Let them know your feelings. see Dr. In fact, when you Drechsel let him know that you’re behind this Lilie U like LIBRARY NEWS Have you been in the library lately? If not why not look in some time today. The library has changed a little since last year. Almost once a week the library has new pictures put on the bulletin boards and the glass cabinet by the doors are changed. Something new in the library is the music that Mrs. Squires decided to have in the library every day, all day. It keeps the noise down, the atmosphere is just right, and it’s so much easier to study. Many people use the library during the day. This isn’t just the teachers, but students also are enjoying the comforts of - the library. Why not join a few of your friends. Walk into the ‘library, sit down at any table and just say “Hi” to the person in the seat across from you. You’ve made a friend and so has he. There are also many new and fascinating books in the library and more are coming in all the time. You are allowed to keep the books out for three weeks, which gives a person plenty of time in which to finish a book. Kunz, Mr. Kunz, please answer me! ; VOICE OF THE SCOTS - Dear Editor, Mr. | is not meant to be a social center. That is what a student lounge is for. We understand Ogden High has gone ahead with plans for a student center. We feel be more es aii their | as | Auditogium peer spend rooms. Then these students Each of the county high schools is experimenting with this idea at the present time and it’s working out very successfully, particularly at Roy High School. Possibly there could even be J ohnson Lounge installed there, such as can- teachers aren’t entitled to a study and relax with other decent faculty lounge, be- friends. There wouldn’t be cause they are. Their cramp- —Samuel ing and studying. But, as we should all realize, the library dy, soda pop, or fresh fruit. we of our assailants. assuredly will be removed in the next year or two. By having a student lounge, or un-supervised area, several calls for one side of the library to be made into a fac- vending machines could be liberty of the press is a blessing when _are inclined to write against others and a calamity when we find ourselves overborne by the multitude ee nn With the new Media Cen- type, also? ter rapidly (?) nearing com- — One of the biggest factors pletion here at Ben Lom- in having a student lounge ond, the question arises, would be the elimination of what is to be done with the the litter-producing snack present library? bar, which is causing the Several ideas have been school problems right now. mentioned by the faculty Besides helping the school and administration as to the look like a dump, the snack fate of the old library. In bar is in direct competition fact, they have even gone with federal lunch and most 19, 1969 oy BL Needs a Student The DECEMBER SKIS, Kastle metal 200’s — Boots, IeTrappeur 5-buckle, size 10; bindings, Solomon oe, Nevada heel, excellent condition. Will sell all for $125.00. See Mrs. Hartwell in the Book Store. an eet people. You can, ough © the Girls’ Drill Team, meet oth- | | er students of different schools One of the best things that and gain the joy and experience ever happened to B. L. is the that we of the drill team last Girls’ Drill team. Last year 13 year have. girls, including me, worked hard to make the drill team Come on girls, let’s show ’em possible. We got here, every OUR stuff. Let’s wake the boys morning, at about 7:00 a.m. and up this year, too! drilled. We were good enough Elaine Winterbottom to be asked to go to the Wilshire Theatre and do a demonstration. In return for this we were entitled to see the movie free. Later we went to Salt Lake ECs for a whole day for competiye 7 tion. It was our first time in competition and yet we still didn’t come out at the very end! The girls on the drill team last year worked very hard, and now this year the girls in BL are afraid of being laughed and scoffed at. I’m not saying you won’t be, because we were. It shocked the boys into awareness when we marched out for Fed- Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Reporter and Editorialist Features Columnist Sports Editor Chief Reporters Elaine Archuleta, ey Sargent. Staff Artist Photographic Editor Exchange Editor Staff Advisor Gwen Knight, Scott Ogden Kent Groves Dave Jones Gunda Tietjen Kathy Johnson Dan Walker Carma Dabel, Karin Johnson, MickBecky McKain Dave Wertz Vickie Bosler Mr. Monte Ogden |