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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show MARRIOTT-SLATERVILLE CITY HISTORY May 2007 Public hearings were held as part of the City Council Meeting held on May 17, 2007. The first was on Resolution 2007-B for the adoption of the FY 2006-07 amended budget for the city. No public comment was offered. The next concerned Resolution 2007-C for the adoption of the FY 2007-08 budget, and again no public comment was received. The final hearing concerned Resolution 2007-D for the adoption of FY 2007-08 final budget for the Pioneer Special District. No public comment was given. The public hearing was closed and the public meeting reopened. After discussion all of the resolutions were passed unanimously. Business licenses were approved for KinCam Construction, 177 North 2020 West, general contractor, and Mtn. Crest Wood Works, 1100 West 1700 South, cabinets. A license for Keller's Kuts and Kolors was approved, subject to approval from the Planning Commission, as it requires a conditional permit because of visiting clientele. Resolution 2007-A concerning a host fee agreement with Metro Waste Company, a transfer company, at 1250 South 1900 West, was tabled until it goes before the Planning Commission again. Resolution 2007-E on interlocal agreement for R.A.M.P. funds was approved unanimously. The transfer of the Marriott and Slaterville parks from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the city is pending. Delbert Hodson was asked to head a transition committee for the two parks. Joe Deru and Orvil Holley were asked to serve on the committee, which will prepare a document to ensure that both parks remain as parks in the future. Kim Slater suggested that the Park committee approach the North Slaterville Irrigation Company and the Board of Directors to ask each shareholder to donate a small amount of their water share time in order to obtain water for the park, which has no water shares. Orvil Holley said the city needs to make sure they obtain the paperwork from the LDS Church regarding the parks. Several projects were allotted funds following discussion by the city council. Those receiving funding were 1200 West Quail Meadows Road Re-design in accordance with the bid submitted by Advanced Paving; 400 North 1200 West intersection reconstruction plan in conjunction with Ogden City for a portion of funds for future traffic light facilities, the 700 South regional storm water detention basin construction grant, and 2007 R.A.M.P grant project at Marriott Park. Ron Willis, Weber County Animal Control, addressed the council concerning Resolution 2007-F, which is an extension of the present interlocal agreement with the county for animal services. The resolution was passed. Lt. Terry L. Thompson, Weber County Sheriff's office, addressed the council and reviewed the Marriott-Slaterville Crime Analysis for 2006. Lt. Thompson was recently promoted and Lt. Scott Haney will be his successor in our area. Some complaints concerning dust at the IFA construction site have been received, and Ken Martin will check into the situation. Some action on the Daniels, Leavitt and Buttars subdivision has begun. In the May issue of The Pioneer Post, Mayor Keith Butler, discussed the $3.00 EPA fee which is collected from residents each month on the Bona Vista water bill. This fee, made necessary from a federal mandate under the Clean Water Act, paid for three storm water drains on 2800 West, to prevent the 108 |