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Show BES EN Weber State College Comment, AOE October 1986, page $ | Message from WSCAA president You have contributions to make © you you of us keep pace with the future. And were doing 5, 10, or 20 years ago? As you grow and change, new ideas remember what our world is a better one, because there are new scholars, researchers and are added to your life and you make more complex decisions for yourself and others. What you did in the past may not be useful now. Your basic good character may not have changed, but the way you operate has escalated to a much more sophisticated plane. Weber State College has changed too. A quick look at the campus will confirm that. As it changes, the college remains an important part of our daily lives. In fulfilling its mission, the college con- and that you colleges and better off universities are still because we adapt to new ideas, but it is a building process with countless parts to fit together. complish dynamic change, one step at The applied use of higher education comes of the everyday connection bet- in WSC: You or your friends probably have children who will want a college educa- ween you, the college and society, usually in small but important ways. Even the most influential societal advancements which have changed our patterns of living over a long period of stantly discovers new ways to improve time, munication, medicine and computers, were brought about by small synchronized movements. such as Alumni committees Association. cess, professional people coming out of WSC who will effect positive changes. Making changes, even for the better, is often slow and difficult. As a society, our society and our individual lives. For example, high quality research done here is paramount in helping all During the spring, members of the WSCAA Board of Directors met to set up a new working structure for the If you believe that a college education contributes to an individual's suc- transportation, com- formed teach and serve, then you also have major contributions to make. a time. Here are some ways you can invest they need to make an intelligent decision. Use your college experience and your contacts to advise your college. Serve on one its boards or councils, and make yourself available to help, 1986 “Celebrate Me Home” “Celebrate Me Home” is the theme chapters; 6. emeritus alumni council; WSCAA alumni; 9. special interest councils. A full schedule of events is planned to include students, faculty, staff, alumni and the entire community. Par- committees will include members of the WSCAA Board of Directors, members of the Emeritus Alumni Council, Young Alumni Council, students, alumni and community members. Each chairman is responsible for recruiting membership to his/her committee and seeing that their goals are established Young said. Any alumni, and carried out, Mrs. ; student or community member wishing to participate with the Alumni Association in its activities or on any particular committee should contact the Alumni Office at the college. All volunteers are welcome. The committees, their chairs and general areas of responsibility are: Community Relation, Brent E. Johns. 1. community relations plann- student Campus Relations Committee, S. Neal Berube. 1. career development; 2. Homecoming “celebration” will 1986, run from and_ the Oct. 4 through Oct. 11. ticipation of local merchants as well as the campus community is providing a wider range ot involvement this year, said Frank Storey, alumni general chairman for the week. Any questions about events on the schedule should be referred to the Alumni Office (801) 626-6564. For details and more stories on the subject, please see “Homecoming 1986” on page 3. student counseling programs; 3. internships; 4. student government commit- tees; 5. athletic board; 6. faculty relations; 7. student recruitment and retention. Fund Raising, Paul _ Neuenschwander. 1. WSC Foundation support; 2. Presidential Scholarships; Board members dedications; 5. special events. Alumni House, Art R. Jones. 1. Site Newly elected members of the WSCAA Board of Directors took office July 1 for the 1986-87 term. One half of the at-large board membership is elected each year for a two-year term. The other half is carried over from the previous year. New officers and members for the coming year are: Sharon Collins planning; 3. Young, president; Arthur E. Jones, vice Long Range Planning & Evaluation, president/president elect; Brad R. Drake, past president; S. Neal Berube, 3. general scholarships. | Events Committee, Lofgreen. 1. Homecoming; nial planning; John C. 2. centen- 3. Founders’ 2. architectural Day; liaison; 4. fund raising programs. Sharon C. Young. CHALLENGE THE In a 5-K race to the PRESIDENT! Doris Gronfers Bosworth, Roger W. Cox, Christopher G. Davis, Reid E. Graser, Karen Bischoff Hurst, Brent E. Johns, Susan Collins Krusell, Steven T. Largent, John C. Lofgreen, Sharon take office Sjoberg Martin, Neuenschwander, This year’s Homecoming Presidential Challenge 5-K race will be held October 4, beginning in the West Stadium Parking Lot at WSC. Participants must sports stores or at Old address: (Please mailing label here) the oooo ee WSC Alumni Office. Cost of the event is $8 with T-shirt and $5 without. Call 626-6563 for details My new address is: Paul Kendall tors. Members by right of offices include: J. Clair Whitely, Emeritus Alumni; Jeffrey Cazier, Young Alumni; Hurschell G. Urie, Faculty Emeritus; Jonathan P. Wright, ASWSC president; J. Todd Anderson, ASWSC past president; Stephen D. Nadauld, WSC president; Dean W. Hurst, WSC vice president for college relations; Don E. Spainhower, WSC development director; Edie George Hester, WSC of alumni relations. Have you moved? _ Please notify the WSC Alumni Office by entering both your old and your new addresses below: register by October 1 in Ilene Parker, Frank Storey,. and Patricia Hendrickson Williams, board of direc- finish line! rocco The president. 8. Take the steps, make the commitment, invest yourself. Then, 10 or 20 years from now, you'll be able to look back and see that your steps, your investments and your dedication made a difference. for council; officials Everything you do to help higher education makes us all a little better. tion. Encourage them to attend WSC, Davis. 1. new member recruitment; 2. association communications; 3. alumni travel; 4. alumni records; 5. regional alumni government that higher education is not a cost, it is an investment which returns financial, academic, and cultural benefits worth much more to us than the dollar invest- Eight basic committees were established to cover all areas of interest of the alumni and provide structure for them to accomplish more on behalf of the college, said Sharon C. Young, 7. young our citizens and ment. and see that they get the information Homecoming lege’s financial endowments grow. Take a stand politically and remind Throughout your life you too can ac- ing; 2. advertising efforts; 3. promotions; 4. community speakers bureau; 5. awards; 6. Little Cats Programs. Membership Committee, Chris G. even if in a small way. Commit yourself to progress by sending a few dollars and helping the col- attach your current director |