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Show State Announces Weber $13.1 Million Fund Drive ollege officials hope to raise $13.1 million to establish a long-term Comparable Institutions = Weber State College endowment and prepare the college for its next 100 years. ‘This centennial fund drive could be the most important thing in the history of Weber State,’’ John Hinckley, campaign chairman said during activities that officially announced the beginning of the two-year fund drive. The funds will be used for scholarships, equipment and books, Pres. Stephen D. Nadauld told approximately 200 members of civic and service clubs that gathered at a recent luncheon at the college. “It’s time for a new resolve and a new direction. We want to start the next 100 years sure-footed,’’ Pres. Nadauld said. ‘‘This would be a birthday gift, if you will, a foundation for the future,”’ he added. Weber State turns 100 years old Jan. 7, 1989, and prior to that time will hold a number of celebration activities including a gala ball in the style of the 1890’s, a hike to the top of Mt. Ogden similar to a yearly event that was a tradition at the college during the 1920’s, a giant birthday party, premiere cultural events, and a number of other activities. But before the celebration starts the college has to ensure excellence for the future, Pres. Nadauld said. ‘‘We’re trying very hard to use our resources the best way we can. Unfortunately state money doesn’t cover all our needs,’’ he said. The Stewart Library on the WSC campus is out distanced in volumes-per- student by all other comparable institutions by close to a three-to-one ratio. equipment,’’ Pres. Nadauld said. Over the last few years Weber State The college also wants to offer more has taken budget cuts amounting to ap- © scholarships to talented students, many proximately $1.5 million. The nature of whom would not be able to attend of those cuts has resulted in drastic were it not for scholarships. reductions in funds available for equip‘*An endowment for scholarships is ment, and the college is currently forcone of the highest priorities of the ed to train students on antiquated centennial capital campaign,’’ he said. equipment, some over two decades old. Over $3 million from the fund-raising “‘Unless we have the funds to buy equipment we can’t teach students the -drive is ear-marked for scholarship endowments. things they need to know. We can’t Library books and periodicals are . train students on 25 year old equipanother high priority for the campaign. ment,’’ he said. Over the past years national accreditaTable displays at the luncheon showtion teams have cited the WSC Library ed examples of equipment that is outas one of the weakest spots on campus. dated in industry, but still in use in the The volumes-per-student ratio in colcollege’s training programs. Pres. Nadauld showed a Ph tester for the lege libraries that are comparable to Weber State is almost three times the ‘sciences from the 1960’s, microscopes older than that, x-ray machinery, draf- amount currently held by the Stewart Library. ting equipment and others all replaced ‘*We need some help to keep up with by modern technology in industy, and in need of replacement in the college’s the new information,’’ Pres. Nadauld said. programs. : The college is also hoping to raise ‘‘Technology is moving so rapidly $350,000 to build an alumni house. and we’re just not keeping up because, frankly, the new technology is expen- The alumni house would provide a sive. We simply must have better meeting place for alumni-oriented ac- tivities and workshops. The Office of Alumni Relations, currently in the Miller Administration Building in an office space it has outgrown, would relocate to the new building, freeing much needed space in the administration building. “‘You’ve heard the need and seen the product. Now is the time for us to get involved,’’ Hinckley told the group. The college has already passed the $4 million mark in funds contributed, Hinckley said. Weber State, during its 98 year history, has had a number of historical moments; moving to a new campus, surviving repeated attempts by the state to close the campus, overcoming a financial crisis that forced administrators to mortgage their homes to keep the school open. But the institution is facing another historic time now, maybe its most important yet, Hinckley said. ‘‘Those past events are history and we wouldn’t be here without them, but the question is, where do we go from here?’’ ee ‘“‘Now is our opportunity to mak history. Don’t let it be said that we didn’t do as well as the people who went before us,’’ he said. @ -To Raise $13.1 Million College Needs Alumni, Pres. Says e Eres RS Soe, Pe er by Stephen D. Nadauld President 6 6 Weber State College The college is entering a new era in its development, an era of increased excellence and service to students, and alumni have an opportunity to make a distinct difference. The college plans to raise $13.1 million from private donations over the next two years to ensure a firm financial stand for second century. Funds Weber State’s donated will be used for such things as student scholarships, new instructional equipment and expansion of the Stewart Library’s book and periodical holdings. We need your =~ help to meet the $13.1 million goal. Please consider contributing. Your funds will be used to increase excellence and training for the students who are following you. to fund basic The state is willing necessities. Weber State is committed to much more than just the bare minimums, but that can’t be accomplished without your help. Pres. See HELP on page 2 Stephen D. Nadauld |