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Show MS --Class of 1905 Oldest alumni also in 100th year oseph Anderson was born Nov. 20, 1889, just 11 months after Weber Stake Academy first opened its doors, and now, at 99 and counting, he is the oldest known living alumni. “I’ve had a long life, and an interesting one,” he said. The youngest of 11 children, young Joseph grew up in Roy, herding cattle and working on the 40 acre farm. When he was 13 his Dad sent his older brother Alexander to the university in Salt Lake. “Dad (a former railroad man) was a retired postmaster, which wasn’t much back then, and we were poor. I had an older sister, Clair, at the Utah university, and dad decidec to send Alexander. But he told me, ‘I’m afraid I can’t afford to send ycu. You’ll have to wait a year.’ Bui I said no. If I do that I’ll be like al’ the other boys and stay on the farm. So I got a job at the Hardy Tomato Canning Factory, and later rode my horse Jimmy back and forth to Ogden and started at the Academy.” The 13-year old took commercial courses in the new school, and studied shorthand, typing, English, math and other high-school level ccurses. He stayed for two years and graduated as one of 21 in the class of 1905 Joseph and the rest of the students studied English under the direction of principal David O. McKay, who later became president of the LDS Church. “He would make me get up in front of the class and diagram sentences, and he taught us the classics. I remember especially ‘Lady of the Lake’ by Scott. I enjoyed that very much. President McKay was my friend until he died. I think he was the best teacher I ever had.” “Years later when Pres. McKay lay ill at the hospital we talked about the good old days at the Academy and I quoted him from ‘Lady of the Lake’ like he taught me,” he said. Elder Anderson served as secretary to a number of LDS leaders, including David O. McKay. “On one occassion when I wrote a letter and made a mistake — it was not the kind of mistake you see in letters nowadays — he said, ‘Joseph, I thought I taught you English.’” Zoung Joseph and two other Academy boys stayed with an Ogden family during the winter months and continued their schooling in what later became known as the Moench building. Basketball became a popular sport in the early 1900’s and the Academy soon had its own team. Joseph and his classmates began digging the foundation for a new gymnasium the year he graduated. The course work was challenging for the young students, most of whom had begun their education in one-room school houses. A.F.O. Nielsen, an instructor at the Academy who taught shorthand, recognized in Joseph an unusual ability and encouraged the young student to become a court reporter. After graduation Joseph went to work for the old Volker-Scowcroft Lumber Company as a stenographer for $15 a month. “T stayed with a family (while working) and paid them $15 a month. After a time I decided I was not making any headway so I came to Salt Lake City and earned $25 a month working for the Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company,” he said. He served an LDS mission to Switzerland and returned to find a job at the Merchants Bank. He met his future wife, Norma Peterson soon after his return, and the two married in 1915. The couple had the first of their three children by the time World War I came around, so Joseph did not serve in the military. His brother Alexander, however, died in that war. Elder Anderson enjoyed his work at the bank, but his real desire was to work for the LDS Church, specifically to work for the church’s prophet. “T thought, what would be the best job in the world, and that was what I wanted to do.” Elder Anderson tried for a year to become secretary to the Mormon president. He would attend talks by the prophet and others, taking shorthand to prove he could do the job. In February of 1922 his persistence paid off and he became secretary to LDS Church President Heber J. Grant. When Pres. Grant died Elder Anderson became secretary for the church’s First Presidency and served under Pres. George A. Smith, David O. McKay, Joseph Fielding Smith and Harold B. Lee. He worked as secretary to the First Presidency for nearly 50 years. “Tt would take all the minutes and I was also the conference clerk. I would take down all the (general) conference reports and get all the talks out in a pamphlet,” he said. In 1970, at age 80, Elder Anderson was invited to a meeting of the LDS Church’s Quorum of the Twelve to take minutes, which was not unusual, he said. At that meeting four men Joseph Anderson turns 100 this year. much less time away from home. “I’m kind of lazy now. When a fellow gets to be 99-years-old he doesn’t do as much,” he said. At 99 Elder Anderson is not only Weber State’s oldest alumni, but the oldest living general authority of the LDS Church since the church was organized in 1830. “I’ve outlived them all,” he said. Elder Anderson served as director and member of the executive committee and secretary-treasurer of the LDSowned Desert Book Company, as a member of the board of directors of Saltair Beach Company, vice-president and on the board of directors of Gunnison Sugar Company, and was a member of the board of directors of the Salt Lake Garfield and Western Railroad. “T have had a glorious life, an unusual life. I feel I have been one of the most fortunate men in the world,” he said. Elder Anderson’s wife died three years ago, and lately a bout with shingles and other ailments forced him were presented to become general to stop swimming, a practice he had authorities as assistants to the Twelve. The first name presented was Elder Anderson’s. “They hadn’t talked to me beforehand. I was shocked. I nearly dropped my. pen.” His appointment as one of the church’s general authorities took him around the globe in ecclesiastical work. Now, as an emeritus member of the First Quorum of Seventy, he spends pursued for 85 years. “Old age is starting to show itself. I guess I broke a vertebrae in my back, and it hurts me in my leg. I don’t do any jogging anymore,” he said. He has a quick laugh, keen hearing, and though he uses a cane for stairs, is amazingly spry for a man nearly a century old. “I don’t remember names like I used to do,” he said when he forgot a friend’s first name from his Academy years. “Oh yes,” he added a bit later. “His name was Charles.” Principal David O. McKay (above) also taught English to Joseph Anderson (inset) who graduated from the Academy at age 15. “T enjoyed my time at Weber Academy, and I’m still interested in Weber. I guess we can both say we are in our 100th year now.” The Comment is published four times a year, January, April, July and October, for alumni and friends of the college at no charge by the Weber State College Department of News and Public Information, 313 Miller Administration Building, Weber State College, Ogden, Utah 84408-1010. Executive Editor Howard G. Noel Editor Craig V. Nelson Second class postage paid at Preston, ID. POSTMASTER: Form 3579 to: News and Public Information Weber State College Ogden, UT 84408-1010 (USPS 791-360) A number of early professors gather on the outside steps of the Moench Building. |