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Show Weber State College Comment, LE a Jesse Jackson The Rev. Jesse Jackson discussed Central America, disarmament, rural farmers and other foreign and domestic problems during a recent visit to Weber State. He spoke as part of an ASWSC sponsored Centennial year activity to an appreciative Dee Events Center audience of over 6,000 and noted that while not always politically expedient, some issues are morally “right” and should be part of America. Some issues identified by Jackson as the “moral center” were: coeee ne 28h: Magee = on ig aga it ime og Environment “The Bible teaches that one day lions and lambs will lie together. And when lions and lambs lie together, which is an unusual coalition, you’ll have peace in the valley. What is the Bible talking about? It is that even lions and lambs don’t want the forest to catch on fire. Even lions and lambs don’t want acid rain to eat the wool off of their backs. Even lions and lambs do not want their water contaminated and their air polluted. “This is a delicate fabric called Earth. We cannot afford to be exploding nuclear weapons underground. Our earth is too delicate. If the Soviets poison our water, if they pollute our air, if they put dioxin in our dirt, we would call that chemical warfare. My friends, it doesn’t matter who it is, it’s chemical warfare and it is wrong. We must preserve our earth, our water, our air and our land.” Farmers “We cannot abandon 700,000 family farmers and not bail them out and bail out Europe and Japan and Chrysler and savings and loan institutions.” Wages gh TPN worth $2.51 an hour. I don’t mind the Congress people and the judges getting a raise, but a raise with Congress must be PAE gi UO Te ATS PS ENS April 1989, Page 3 Ee covers a plethora of topics Education, minimum wage, women, foreign policy and social programs are just a few of the topics covered by the Rev. Jesse Jackson during his visit to Weber State. linked with a raise for minimum wage. The common people deserve to‘get paid for the work that they do.” the human family. way. Poor Women “There are myths we must destroy. Most poor people are not unemployed. Most poor people are not African American or hispanic. Most poor people are white and female and young. Most poor people are not on welfare. They work every day. They catch the early bus, they change beds in hotels, they care for those who are sick whose bodies are racked with fever, and when they get sick they cannot sleep in the beds they make up every day. We must be a better nation than “There is no moral or political justification for the violation and the subjugation of women. Women are whole people. Half of the nation’s poor children live in a house headed by a woman where there is no man. Women cannot buy bread cheaper, or milk cheaper or a house cheaper because they are female. There’s no basis to suggest that somehow God has condemned women to some _ inferior status. Men are equal, but men are not superior. Men have no monopoly on character or intelligence or will. Let’s be fair about this equation.” that.” Social programs which we can use, that which can advance We must go another 9 Language “If a pregnant woman has prenatal care for nine months it will cost less than $900 even in New York City. A pregnant woman without prenatal care may have a low birth-weight baby that would cost up to $1,000 a day up to 20 weeks in the hospital. Go to any state university for four years, full academic scholarship, it would cost less than $30,000. Those same four years with a full penitentary scholarship will cost $120,000 to $160,000. We’re not talking about left wing, right wing. We’re talking about—it makes better moral judgement to invest in Headstart and daycare and prenatal care on the front side of life rather than jail care and welfare on the back side of life.” “We must not waste our time fighting for English only (as the official national language). We are a great nation, but -we’re just one-third of our hemisphere. Our neighbors speak Spanish for the most part. Even to be business-like we must speak the language of our customers. When the Soviet leader and the American leader meet together they represent oneeighth of the human race. That’s a minority meeting. Half of all human beings are Asian, one-half of them are Chinese. We must speak English plus. We must speak to the world and help lead the world. We must be bigger than one language.” Foreign policy Military weapons “Workers are still making $3.35 an hour minimum wage, which was established eight years ago, which today is E/N SRR “Nuclear weapons have no real use. They can never be used. They cannot be survived. Now’s the time to increase mutually verifiable disarmament. Begin to use some of our energies to make that human rights, economic development and consistency. We can end this war in Latin America and choose negotiation over confrontation and help develop Latin America as we helped develop Europe. It’s right, and it’s in our economic interests todoso. Wecan end that war in the Middle East: Bring Israelies and Palestinians to a common table. Mutual security for mutual recognition. Land for peace, and study war no more. We can end apartheid in South Africa. We can get Cuba out of Angola and South Africa out of Angola — and Zambia. It’s a moral imperative. We must look at the Soviet Union anew. Let’s shift from military confrontation to economic partnership. It would change our options. We must seize this moment to pursue justice in our land and peace in our world. Youth “Young America, you must come alive. When young Americans come alive America is always made better. You must choose hope over dope. You cannot choose cocaine and crack and heroin. You cannot use dope as an anesthesia for your pain. You must be sober and sensitive and caring. Young America, this is your day. It’s your chance and your choice. Give peace a chance. Let’s live together as brothers and sisters and not die apart as fools. Let’s love each other and respect each other and care for each other and build each other. Keep our nation strong and make our nation better and make our world secure. Repeat these words: [am somebody, red and yellow, brown, black and white. We’re all precious in God’s sight. My mind is a pearl. I can learn anything in the world. If my mind can conceive it and my heart believes it [know I can achieve it. Down with dope, up with hope. Keep hope alive. God bless America.” “Tt’s a small world in which we live. Therefore our foreign policy must be an extension of our domestic policy and our values. There must be a foreign policy doctrine based on several basic principles — international law, self-determination, Interlopers BY VIRGINIA L. YATES /Puzzies Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Preparesone’s 9 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 33 Wheat bristle 35 Check wild oats 37 ——dieu Wood sorrels (kneeling Maste ench) beginner 38 Charwoman's Coincide utensil Nerd 42.Member ofthe — snuff fold (O.K.) 46 Watergate — Vista, city evidence? S of San Diego 0 Kind of Hew therapy f and 51 Unusual bloke Consent’: 1959 52 Kalman '\—— Want for operetta Christmas "53 Oneota Cauda nautical trio Two-walied 55 ‘The Hai” fortificat author — Stupid 56 ‘Hasta Excitement luego!" overanational 58 Sugardaddy? park 30 Summers alongthe Seine 31 Donatello specialty 32 British noble family DOWN Hangs in there Little hooter Author Cather Avocet's kin Lasts longer than edger scanners, for short 7 ~~ HED eA iatitece Seen 1 2 3 4 5 fee(be aaue disciple) ot P Anxiety" poet 11 Potes, Serbs, two together 63Tusked cetaceans 5 “—— kleine Nachtmusik Mozart 66 Wires 14 Horticulturist's habitat 15 AS smallest 16 Old tongue 17 Some are private 20 Attribute to 27 Away 28 Pianist Peter 96 Aithor Sarthe ie 34 Inst.at Ogden, 36 Utah Darwin's ship 37 Esposito of the N 38 Brighton sight 39 Jeopardy 40 Ammonia derivative WSC 67Spanishbaby boys ze 99 Author uscaglia 68 Eng. start-up 69 Chestnut’s kin 71 Blind — 74 Malarial alady 75 Sci-fi automatons 79 Pei's winning work? 83 Of gold 84 Pro—— (shared equally) 85 Emulate Julia Child 86 Coliege sports or; 88 Hind 89 Coastortower pr T 91 Attar for 12 101 Resortofa sort 02 Man ina lodge 104 Cochise, for one Beige 112 Under-the. counter ne'er: do-wells? 117 Gasconades 19 Extricate 120 Hi 121 Cinders of comics 122 Idaho senator: 1907-40 123 Like Redford 124 Rise high 125 Writer Waugh 26 Hair-raising 127 Largest salt 95 Wax-covered cheese 6 Likea trillium's leaves 8 — - poly Australia 128 Wit competence 129 “—— F: Me In” yn? 41 ltemstocount 42 Credit union's lake in 47 Rubbish 6 serap! Pierre's 49 Gilt. e.g. gladiolus: akon prile Millo, 54 Movedina curved course 5 rim 59 Condescend 78 Hornswaggler's forte 80 Windbag 81 Hobgoblin’s word di or one in the What’s a three letter word “Institute in Ogden, Utah?” If you are working on a puzzle from the New York answer is “WSC.” Weber State, at least its included in the Feb. 5 edition York Times Sunday Magazine Se 9 a , 17 18 > Tio Tit Jia 73 i? 75 [ie ]i7 fe | ie |* # a sé Py bad a 8 ee a 63 8 er = bitiael bamsmal = n se Lo La 8 % # 61 Kind of tube or 62 Pelvic bones 4 Caper 69 Piace to get set 70 Necessitate 71 Hillsid dugouts 72 Drudge 73 Eee og REL nad 76 cco ods 43°'—— partridgeina a“ 44 oe mere “My Life” Pe oe orest ' denizen's a % me ne be! | ae | pre eS ia ig ree : 82 — 500 (event for Al Unser) 87 Depending on 97 Pt. ot Newfoundland 100 Saturn's 108 Solar-lunar time differential 90 Kennel sound 92 Hurl 10: 2 Macho oh 103 John Lithgow, : “ ‘‘Lizardofthe 110 Nile,” for 111 — 93 Grew swiftly 94 Ginglymus's 105 Winning nil 106 Relative of a viola 107 Reddy or Moody Brockivns roe 1948-57 2. short be 113 Grease job 114 Sub — (secretly) ee 116 Useful Latin abbr. 118 Retirin avis . ric erp Solutions to last week's puzzles appear on Page 5. A new puzzle tomorrow and every weekday. SeNew ork GimesMagazine that means crossword Times the name, was of the New crossword puzzle as the answer to number 34 down. Dr. Samuel Zeveloff, chairman of the WSC zoology department, ran across the clue as he was completing the puzzle. “My brother lives in New York and sends me the Times," Dr. Zeveloff said. "I was kind of surprised when I saw it,” he added. Class of 64 reunion Weber State’s first four-year graduating class will hold a special reunion June 9 in connection with the college’s centennial commencement exercises. The Class of 1964 will be seated in a special section during graduation exercises which will feature the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The Class of 1964 is celebrating its Diamond Jubilee as part of the college’s centennial year activities. “Following the commencement ceremonies, the 1964 committee is planning a memorable night’s activities for both the four-year graduates and those who received the two-year associates degree,” said L. Douglas Olson, Class of 1964 chairman. A reception party and dance is scheduled for the evening of commencement, Olson said. Organizers hope to schedule a week’s worth of activities around the reunion should alumni coming from out of town decide to schedule their vacations during the first part of June. “Our idea is that there will be plenty to do during that week. We hope to have some excellent fun and games planned that they and their children can enjoy,” Olson said. For more information contact Olson at (801) 479-6433 or the WSC Alumni Association at (801) 626-6564. 4 ELL |