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Show Registration Late RegistrationAny registration completed after the fifth day of classroom instruction each quarter is subject to the late fee penalty. Registrations after the second week of the quarter must have the approval of the Dean of Admissions and Records. In all such instances, the late entrance into the class must have the approval of the class instructor" before consideration for acceptance by the Dean of Admissions and Records. Normal RegistrationNormal registration for any one quarter is 15 quarter hours, exclusive of one hour of physical education activity (usually taken each quarter of the freshman year). Freshmen students are not permitted to register for upper division courses. Sophomore students may register for upper division courses with the signature of either the course instructor or the department chairman. Maximum RegistrationMaximum registration without special permission is 19 quarter hours. A student may register for additional hours with the signature of the dean of the school in which he is majoring. Petition forms requesting such approval are available in the offices of the deans and the Registration Office. Audit Course RegistrationThese are courses for which no credit is desired. Only lecture courses may be taken for audit. No student participation is permitted. Laboratory and activity courses may not be taken for audit. Courses may be taken for audit and included in a full-time registration at no additional charge. Classes taken as audit by the part-time student are charged at the regular tuition rate. (See Fees, Tuition.) Credit/No-Credit RegistrationAny student may register for courses on a credit/no-credit basis. Freshmen students may register for only one course each quarter. A student who has completed 44 hours of college credit and who is not on academic warning or probation may register for no more than two courses each quarter. The student should declare this kind of registration on his original registration but will be permitted to make a change within the first four weeks of the quarter. (See page 28 for complete policy and procedure.) Changes in RegistrationA student who wishes to make a change in his/her schedule of courses may do so by personally making supplementary entry to his/her Official Registration Card on file in the Registration Office. Such changes should be made within the first two weeks of the quarter. Adding CoursesNo class may be added after regular registration without the permission of the instructor. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for each class added after the first week of the quarter. Withdrawal from Individual CoursesA student may withdraw from individual courses only during the first 60% of the quarter or of the duration of the course if the course begins or ends on a date different from the dates of the regular quarter. No individual class may be dropped the final 40% of the quarter. If the student withdraws during the first two weeks of the quarter, no record of the course will appear on the Permanent Record Card. If the student withdraws after the end of the second week, a W will appear opposite the course entry on the Permanent Record Card. If a student stops attending a class without officially withdrawing, he/she will receive an E for the course. The complete policy and procedure for making changes to one's registration and the schedule of deadlines for making them is published in each quarter's class schedule. Withdrawal from SchoolStudents are permitted to withdraw from school any time during the quarter. School policy requires that a complete withdrawal from school must be approved by the Director of Counseling. A student withdrawing from school must obtain a Withdrawal from School form from the Registration Office and process it according to instructions, which include clearance approval from the Director of Counseling, Library, Campus Police, etc. A student withdrawing completely from school is subject to the same grading policy as a student withdrawing from an individual class. (See Withdrawal from Individual Courses). 24 Tuition and Student Fees TUITION AND STUDENT FEES Tuition and student fees are established by the Utah State Board of Regents. The following schedule of such fees includes: tuition, building fees, and student service fees. Tuition and such other charges as appear in the catalog and other college publications are subject to change without notice, if necessary. Ten credit hours per quarter shall constitute a full load for tuition purposes. Resident or non-resident students enrolled for ten or more quarter hours will be assessed full tuition. Part-time resident or non-resident students (those enrolled for less than ten credit hours) shall be assessed tuition on a per credit hour basis proportionate to the tuition paid by full-time students (exceptions: a part-time student taking one or two credit hours shall be assessed at the two-hour tuition rate). AUTUMN, WINTER AND SPRING QUARTERS SUMMER QUARTER Credit Hours Resident Non-Resident Resident/Non-Resident 1 or 2 $ 39.00 $ 72.00 $ 36.00 3 53.50 103.50 49.00 4 68.00 134.00 62.00 5 82.50 167.50 75.00 6 97.00 195.00 88.00 7 111.50 225.50 101.00 8 126.00 256.00 114.00 9 140.50 286.50 127.00 10 or more 155.00 317.00 140.00 Continuing Education and Off-CampusStudents enrolled in credit courses offered as Continuing Education and Off-Campus courses are assessed tuition on the same credit hour basis as provided in the regular tuition schedule shown above. Non-Credit Courses, Workshops, etc.Charges for non-credit courses workshops, etc., are established by the college and will be announced with the course offerings. Audit CoursesCharges for auditing a class are at the same rate as regular credit classes and such hours will be counted as part of the student's total credit hour load. Late PaymentA late payment fee of $10.00 for full-time students or $5.00 for part-time will be assessed students paying tuition fees beginning the sixth day of general college instruction each quarter. Registration Change FeeA fee of $1.00 will be assessed for each added course to a student's original registration beginning the sixth day of general college instruction each quarter. This includes a change in section number of an existing course or the substitution of another course for one dropped. Teaching FeeA charge of $36.00 per student will be assessed Education majors during the quarter in which their registration for off-campus teaching occurs. Music FeesA fee of $36.00 will be charged to each student taking a private instruction course for credit. This fee should be paid at time of registration and must be paid by the end of the fifth day of general college instruction. A student will receive nine private lessons. Lab FeesStudents enrolled in the following courses must pay a lab fee in addition to regular tuition for the following types of classes: Audio Visual $20.00 Ceramics $ 7.50 Jewelry Making 5.00 Sculpture 5.00 Bowling $10.00 Sailing 8.00 Scuba Diving30.00 25 |