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Show STUDENT LIFE The departments and programs in Student Life provide support services relating to the enhancement of personal relationships and open problem solving climates on campus. An over-all goal of Student Life is to assist students requesting any student life service and/or other information concerning the College courteously and promptly. Students will also be assisted in becoming aware of services, activities, and programs available to them. The personnel in Student Life will assist in designing, developing, implementing and evaluating programs to expand students' personal development and enrich co-curricular opportunities. The responsibility of the Executive Director is to coordinate all Student Life services. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS The Associated Students of Weber State College operates under the ASWSC Constitution. The ASWSC provides the opportunity for students to serve either as an elected student officer or on several committees. Elected student officers include the student body president and vice presidents. ASWSC committees and groups include Academic Assembly, Leadership, Elections, Community Service, Orientation, CLIC, Ombudsman and others as organized. ELIGIBILITY FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES The College specifies that a student must meet certain standards of eligibility in order to participate in student organizations or any other extra-curricular activities. An Eligibility Committee composed of administrators, faculty, and students is administratively appointed to interpret all rules governing eligibility and determine eligibility of all participants in organized studentbody activities according to the following standards: 1. A student must be matriculated and registered as a full-time student. A student changing to part-time status as a result of withdrawing from a class during the quarter automatically becomes ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities. If there are extenuating circumstances involved, the student may make a written appeal to the Eligibility Committee. 2. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. 3. A student placed on disciplinary probation is deemed ineligible. The following activities are among those for which a student must maintain eligibility: 1. Student government and other student leadership and service activities. 2. All student organizations, including social and service organizations, sororities, fraternities, ethnic and religious and other similar organizations. 3. Music and dramatic events. 4. Debate and public speaking. 5. Publication staffs. 6. Chatonelles, song leaders, and rally men. 7. King and queen and other similar contests, such as "Miss Weber State," "Ski King and Queen." Any student who participates in any of the activities concerned without meeting all of the criteria of eligibility, including full-tme registration in the quarter during which the student participates, places both himself and his organi- 37 |