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Show > ee Weber State College COMMENT January 1985. page 4. WSC prof and Chilean scientist swap notes because of a lack of prey. Now, Dr. tion exchanges between Weber State College professor and a Chilean scientist have resulted in Jaksic said, it appears that lack of prey may not be the reason, but rather one species of bird drives off the other as a matter of territorial rights and that the different hunting patterns emerge so that various species do not interact. better education programs in Chile, a recent visitor to the U.S. said. Dr. Fabian Jaksic, of the Catholic University of Chile is working with Dr. Carl D. Marti of the WSC department of zoology on a grant from the National Science Foundation to increase in education and research science developing countries. Dr. Jaksic and Dr. Marti are both studying the hunting behaviors of predatory birds, Dr. Jaksic is focusing on hawks, falcons, eagles and kites, while Dr. Marti is a recognized expert on owls. Dr. Jaksic said, “This project is jessentially being conducted soci that L Viry He said, “Perhaps what these birds ae are doing is trying to minimize aggressive encounters. We have a strong suspicion that that may be the case. Don’t ask me why they are aggressive. We first have to find out how pervasive these phenomenon are.” Dr. Marti has visited the Catholic awe Dar give dur University in Chile once and will make one more trip before this project is ac- tually completed. Dr. Jaksic has been to WSC twice, and will also make one more trip here. “It is really better for in Chile, him to come here,” said Dr. Marti, the research must be done in a develop“because we have better research ing country. The intention of the profacilities, where their's are limited.” ge is that an American researcher “We are making good progress, and the with interact there, go will generating other projects in the prostudents, lecture and supervise as the cess, which is the whole idea behind expert in the field.” the grant,” said Dr. Marti. “We are He said that one of the results of supposed to establish cooperation betgrants such as this was the establishween U.S. and foreign scientists.” in program of a doctorate ment There aren’t many colleges or profesecology at the Catholic University. sional journals anywhere in South He said, “I’m very excited about that America, said Dr. Marti. Because of program. As far as I know it is the only this, Dr. Jaksic was sending his articles one of its kind in South America.” to American journals for publication. The two are currently studying the Dr. Marti reviewed several of these arwhen, where, why and how of ticles and thereby became acquainted predatory bird hunting habits. It with Dr. Jaksic. lseems, Dr. Jaksic said, that hawks and The two scientists have plans to colleagles and other such birds have a hard laborate on future papers and would time getting along together. He like to organize a national workshop in Dr. Carl Marti(above), Weber State’s resident expert on owls and professor of said that it has long been known that Chile, bringing in five or six well zoology, became acquainted with Dr. Jacksic of the Catholic University of Chile some birds hunt at night while others the - scientists from around hunt in the day and it was assumed | through articles that Dr. Jacksic has had published in American professional jour- | known world. that things naturally evolved that way | nals. ne ae ae ao ae inckley automobile agency in * oo : — While Mr. Hinckley was busy in | @% Washington ‘in Mrs. Hinckley business and government service, ran the automobile maintained the family home in Ogden. She was founder and member of the first Board of Directors of the Ogden YWCA, first president of the Womens’ Auxiliary of the Utah Wool Growers Association, president of the Hinckley automobile agency, and a charter member of the Ogden Soroptomist club. Abrelia Seely Hinckley ent scholarship endow- honoring Abrelia fund Seely Hinckley has been established by her children at Weber State College. | The $50,000 funded by endowment Robert H. will Hinckley, be Jr., Mrs. Betty (Preston) Nibley, and John S. Hinckley, and in behalf of the late Paul Ray Hinckley. The WSC Foundation will receive earnings from the fund each year and distribute to the college those funds earmarked for scholarships in the areas of business, computer science, economics, education, engineering, physical science, political science, prelaw or pre-medicine. The primary aim of the fund is to provide scholarships for students of superior achievement who otherwise would be unable to or delayed in attending WSC. She has been characterized as a practical, down-to-earth, common sense woman who abhorred sham and pretense. She loved people and was at ease with them whether in the nation’s Capital or on the ranges of Utah. WSC Development Director Don Spainhower said, “This endowment is a fitting tribute to a woman who excel- led in many fields of interest: family, business, politics, community service and philanthropy. She would be pleased that her children have established this scholarship fund to provide an opportunity for many students to receive a quality education.” Mr. Spainhower credited John S. Hinckley for initiating the idea and estate planner Alden B. Tueller for his consulting services in the establishment of the Abrelia Seely Hinckley Scholarship Fund at WSC. market. Escape tax on the stocks “ae appreciation, and at the same — time step up your tax basis on your holding. Interested? Call the WSC Development Office, (801) 626-6568. The stocks of these and many other fine companies may be yielding only 5 percent or less. _ Abbott Laboratories Amax, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies Bristol-Meyers, Co. Digital Equipment Eastman Kodack Eli Lilly & Co. Ford Motor Co. General Dynamics Corp. General Electric Co. General Mills, Inc. IBM Johnson & Johnson Kaiser Alumninum & Chem. t Pepsico, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. *® Proctor & Gamble § Raytheon Co. SmithKline Beckman Sony Corp. ‘Tandy Corp. Warner Communications Wyerhauser Company 0% q s Give the appreciated stock to the ®% Weber State Foundation, then ‘ buy back the same stock on the By gifting these securities to a WSC Lifetime Income Trust : could: yOu eSubstantially increase your anyyal income eReceive a large tax deduction e Avoid all capital gains tax eEnsure your retirement income eMake a significant gift to WSC This is how it works: eSecurities are transferred to a WSC Foundation Trust. eThe trust reinvests your gift for a higher yield. Neither you nor the trust pays capital gains tax. eYou and your spouse receive an annual income for the rest of your lives. eYou receive a large income tax deduction the year you make the gift. eWhen you and your spouse pass away, the trust is used perpetually by WSC to educate students. For more information, handled in full confidence, please contact: Don E. Spainhower Development Office--1011 Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84408 or phone: (801) 626-6568. . Was: Robert Henry Hinckley, nationally recognized government and business as SO Do you have appreciated stock and capital gains problems? She was the wife of $ @ e OF leader in Utah. distinguished herself civic and womens’ dea EEO Mrs. Hinckley a prominent tn eit as Ghat Paste we memorial O35 ESE LOE OE OE EE EE EROS NOOR ee ; ; Hinckley scholarship endowment formed | § mer thal fes: Ma: Gor stitt |