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Show Alumni Awards WSCAA jrecipients named PL 4 r. | Rodney Mitzi H. will Brady receive the his and 1985 e Banquet Oct. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in community service or in some other positive way. “We feel that Dr. and Mrs. Brady certainly meet said Stanton M. other Big Sky or profession has brought honor to |church endeavors as he made his way up the profes- sional ladder to his current position as president of ‘he George S. and Dolores Dore’ | ‘Football season, a sure sign of fall and “back to school,” is well underway at WSC. academic All-American. Friends are invited to join the Alumni Association in honoring the Brady’s and Mr. Archibald at the Dore’ Eccles Fellowships” will provide He said this will allow them to develop _|tion to the WSC Department of Nursjing. | | According to Reed M. Stringham,F |Dean of the School of Allied Health |Sciences, “The George S. and Dolores new or refine current methodologies and programs in bedside clinical nursing. Stringham noted that $100,000 would be used to endow the “George S. The Cancun trip is scheduled for March 40-28 with lside trips available to the Mexican pyramids and ‘other exciting and historical places. This will be the fourth annual Hawaii trip for the WSCAA, and it will take place June 15-22. Special rates can also be obtained for qut-of-state alumni and friends so that they too can enjoy these trips. For details of the trips, contact the Alumni Office at (801) 626-6563. and Dolores Dore’ Eccles Critical Care Instruction Unit’ at WSC _ while $15,000 would go to provide scholarships to deserving student nurses, and $10,000 would be used for faculty fellowships in clinical nursing. Stringham said the fellowships will initially be for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three mon- |D. Wade Mack Chair established WSC had recently received a substantial gift with additional funds to be received over a 25 year period. Hurst said, “The college has chosen to iden- _ the dowed chair to be established at the and at the University Medical Center at college and we are grateful to Mr. Mack for his role in securing it through the University of Utah. She received her baccalaureate and master’s degrees from WSC and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Utah in educational administration, research and social psychology. During her tenure at WSC she has served as chair of the tenure commit- According to Dr. Reed Stringham, Dean of the School of Allied Health ane Ann Ward, associate professor of health sciences is the first to be named to the newly established Sciences, the appointment will be for three years with a possible five-year reappointment. During that time the holder of the “D. Allied chair will receive and administer earn- Health Sciences.” According to Dean W. Hurst, WSC vice president for college relations, the new chair is an endowment from the Edith D. Mack Green Foundation |which will eventually total $500,000. ings from the trust for costs associated with the recipient’s professional ac- _In announcing the gift, Hurst noted she joined technology. Before coming to WSC she served as a radiologic technologist at St. Benedict’s Hospital in Ogden, will continue to expand as the fund is added to through the annual donations.” for since 1973 when at Mack in recognition of his many civic accomplishments.” He said, “This is only the second en- establish an endowed academic program in allied health sciences which Chair WSC has been employed faculty as an instructor of radiologic Hurst noted that, “In effect this will Jane Ann Ward of health care education, clinical health care, and/or health care research.” Jane Ward tivities. He or she will continue to serve as a member of the WSC faculty. Stringham said the recipient of the chair “...must have a- record of distinguished contribution in the fields ths. They will allow the recipients to address such education needs as hospital and home nursing services, special bedside needs of geriatric and cancer patients, and the special education needs for nurses in such areas as emergency rooms, critical care areas, rural hospitals, and physicians offices. Mr. and Mrs. Eccles have long been supporters of education and the arts. Mrs. Eccles has served as Director of Ballet West and as a trustee of tify the chair in the name of D. Wade the foundation.” Mack ac- by calling the Alumni Office at (801) 626-6564. | |fellowships and special nursing instruc- Wade Associations, banquet. Reservations are required and can be made release time and/or stipends to nursing faculty or experts in allied health fields. j Alumni on January 28, then fly back to Salt Lake City, Drake} said. has donated scholarships, Eccles Foundation $125,000 to provide Confernce aids School of Allied Health Sciences | Donation a planning the Panama Canal and arrive in Acapulco, Mexico, lleadership roles in addition to her many duties as the the Black & Decker Corporation. wife of the college president. A former Ogdenite, Archibald attended WSC in The Distinguished Alumni Award is given to a | {former student of Weber State or its previous institu- - the mid sixties and played basketball for then | |tions, who by distinguished service to the college, Wildcat coach Dick Motta and was listed as an |state, nation is San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Jan. 18, 1986, sail through '|mittee, and has served on the boards of directors of } |WSC and to themselves. Nolan Archibald has been active in many civic and Association icording to Brad Drake, WSCAA president. WSCAA travelers will fly from Salt Lake and join the others in the National Boy Scouts of America Executive Com- | Alumni The cruise is being planned in association with the Taylor, \chairman of the WSCAA Awards Committee. “They |gave much more than was required by their position Jat the college to the students, alumni and community | {during their years at the college.” ‘| Dr. Brady has been involved in numerous ac|tivities in the community and the nation, including -|many corporations and civic organizations. | Mrs. Brady has been active in cultural groups and jhas served in many community organizations in WSC Canal trips for alumni and friends three of the college during the 1985-86 year. The first is an eleven-day adventure cruise through the Panama Canal aboard the Royal Princess, the second trip is to Cancun, Mexico for eight days in March, and the third is a seven-day trip to Hawaii in June. jand who have distinguished themselves in career, more,” pians Panama designed to recognize non-alumni who have been of service to the college, community, state or nation, and ST PO ede ERASER EEL eketed ELE CEES Mexico, Hawaii, wife WSCAA the Shepherd Union Building Ballroom. The Distinguished Service Award was specifically this criteria CER excursions to [Distinguished Service Awards. Nolan D. Archibald will be the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award. These awards will be presented at the Annual Homecoming HO Se OESEET SE ECA EE ELENA Pee OA SP Cah Ee ete diaale tee, chair of the scholarship committee and as a member of the merit committee, curriculum committee, college relations: committee, human research committee, radiation control committee along with other committees and boards. She is a member of the Utah Society of Radiologic Technologists, American Society of Radiologic Technologists, Western Intercollegiate Consortium on, Education in Radiologic Technology, and Phi Sigma Beta Honor Society in Radiologic Technology. Westminter College. She also is the recipient of an honorary degree from that college. She has been a board member of the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, on the board of the Utah Museum of Natural History, and is a founding member of the Junior League of Ogden. The late Mr. Eccles was known throughout the west for his | achievements in banking and finance. In 1982 he consolidated Eccles and Browning interests into the First Security Corporation. He became involved in international financial dealings in the years after World War II when he was economic and financial consultant to the Economic Cooperation Administration (Marshall Plan). In 1963 he served as general chairman of the 11th annual Monetary Con- ference in Vienna and was a lifetime member of that conference. He also served on the National Advisory Committee on Banking Policies and Practices for the Comptroller of Currency, U.S. Treasury. | In 1981, WSC presented him with an honorary Doctorate of Humanities in recognition of his many business, civic and philanthropic attainments. |