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Show Weber State College Comment, June 1986, page 8 Alumnews ‘50 159 ‘67 '68 ‘69 aa Glen Soren Larson, ‘50, received the Silver Beaver Award from the Great Salt Lake Council. The Silver Beaver is the highest honor a volunteer may receive from a Boy Scout Council. It is presented, upon approval of the National Court of Honor, for noteworthy service of exceptional character to youths by registered Scouters. Greg Johnston, ‘59, is a small animal veterinarian in Ogden. He was recently elected chairman of the Weber/Morgan County Board of Health and also serves on the Weber County Board of Adjustments. His wife, Mary Johnston, ‘85, is an English teacher at Sandridge Junior High in Roy. ‘73 trainer ‘74 Sharon Lindquist, ‘69, has been promoted to the position of Investment Officer in the Investments Division of First ae Realty Services Corporation. ‘70 '70, was promoted 1, 1986, and assigned to the Directorate of Materiel Management at the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Hill AFB. Charles Zaugg, ‘70, has accepted the position of Manager of Production Engineering with Evans and Sutherland. a NN ee ae Have you moved? Please notify the WSC '75 aP Army Capt. Howard A. Olsen, '77, has arrived for duty with the Army Military Personnel Center in Washington. He is a special actions and promotions branch officer. ‘80 Daniel Welsh, ’80, is a CPA and worked the past two years as controller for Pepsi Cola Bottling of Corvallis, Ore. He also oversees the finances /accounting for a radio station, cheese factory, and beverage distributor —all of which are owned by Pepsi Bottling. His wife Kathy, ‘77, left her job at Oregon State University 2 years ago to stay home with Katie, aged 2 and one half years, and Dan and Kathy had another baby the end of May (but this issue of Comment went to press before we were able to get any details). ‘81 Scott N. Thomas, ’81, has been promoted to the position of assistant manager at the Americar Fork Office of First Security Bank of Utah. | Alumni - and your new addresses below: may attach your current R. Lynn Stewart, ‘81, has been promoted to the position of assistant vice president in the Computer Division of First Security Service Company. My new address is: L ‘82 r 1 ‘ 1 | i i i | | ! | 1 ! | I | 1 | I ' ! | Gwendolyn O'Neal, ‘84, has been promoted in the U.S. Army to the rank of first lieutenant. She is a chemical operations school commandant .with the 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Ky. ‘85 Jones, '74, is currently serving the U.S. Army Armor School. as an assistant professor of Utah State University a Michael H. Gale, ‘75, was recently appointed manager of office operations at Petersen Specilized Fabricators in Ogden. He was formerly a purchasing agent with Petersen. The company is involved in the fabrication of storage tanks, vessels, support tooling and large O.D. machinery in its Ogden facility. Office by entering both your old Old address: (you mailing label here) Jimmy E. Boydstun, '74, is currently manager of Operations Planning for Information Resource Management at McDonnell Douglas Helicopters’ new advanced development center in Mesa, Ariz. Bill K. Henrie, D.C., ’82, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic from the Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Mo., on April 30, 1986, at the school’s 89th commencement. He plans to begin his chiropractic practice in Colorado Springs, Col., at the present time. Second Lt. La Mar R. Creamer, ‘84, - has graduated from the U.S. Air Force Administrative management officer course at Keesler AFB, Miss. During the course, students were taught to manage and direct adminstrative policies and procedures at a group level or above. Air Force Second Lt. Glenn R. Hover, ‘84, has arrived for duty with the 552nd Tactical Training Squadron at Tinker AFB, Okla. Brent L. Andrews, ‘85, has been going through a three year apprenticeship program at Utah Power and Light Co., Ogden Region Meter Department. This entails learning an I.C.S. study of geometry and trigonometry, algebra, electricity, power measurements, transformers and electronics, etc. There are several 1.C.S. and company exams which will lead to a journeyman’s status. Marianne P. Fuertsch, ’85, has been promoted to the position of employee representative at IOMEGA Corporation's Roy facility. Brad Quinn Post, ’74, is starting his eighth year in business as a private management consultant. His practice specializes in market, organization and technology management. His clients include both public’and private organizations located on the west coast and in other nations in the Pacific rim area. He received his master’s degree from Portland State University in 1976. Darryl E. Zaccaria, ‘70, is working in Seattle as an accountant for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. He and wife Judy have lived there 16 years and have three children. He writes, “We pass by Weber State every summer on our way to visit family and friends in Helper and are amazed at the changes on the Weber State campus.” i ‘84 university. Major Jimmy W. as an instructor at He was assigned military science at June 1, 1986. to the rank of Colonel in the Air Force Reserve on April Marine Major John F. Torsak, ‘70, recently received the Meritorious Service Medal for his performance as the Head, AV-8 Harrier Weapon Management Section, Navy Aviation Supply Office, Philadeiphia from August 1982-June 1985. During this time, he contributed to better pricing, accurate weapons management data files, and the correct forecasting of requirements to the Defense Logistics Agency. Oe at that Linda Quinn Haraway, ’83, moved to San Diego, Cal., in March 1984 and is now a scrub nurse at a suburban San Diego Hospital. She writes, “Also, Leslie Robbins, ’82, married our best man and recently moved to Ohio where they just bought a new house.” Army First Lt. Pattilyn Patterson, ‘83, has participated in Team Spirit ‘86, a Republic of Korea/U.S. Combined Forces Command sponsored exercise held in South Korea. This was the 11th in an annual series of combined/joint field training exercises staged to increase the defensive posture of Republic of Korea and U.S. and com-" bat and support forces. She is an executive officer with the 19th Support Command. He is nationally known for his sustained Snail into the use of cryotherapy, the use of cold in the treatment of sports injuries, during rehabilitation and for some surgical purposes. He is a Fellow in ~ the American College of Sports Medicine and the author of Cryotherapy: Theory, Technique and Physiology. Bruce Bothwell, ‘69, was elected as a board member to the Iowa Association of Alternative Schools at that association’s 1986 state convention in Des Moines. Holbrook, ‘83 D. Jim Barr, '73, has assumed the position of corporate fleet manager for Manna Pro Corporation which has is corporate offices in Los Angeles. Dr. Kenneth Knight, ‘73 received one of two Reasearch and Creativity Awards from Indiana State University at Terre Haute during the school’s 115th commencement exercises in May. He is a professor of physical education and _athletic Grant Seegmiller, ‘68, and wife Sharon (Boothe), ‘56, have raised 5 boys, all of whom served LDS missions. He has worked as an interviewer for Utah State Job Service for the past 16 years, and has spent most of that time in Vernal and Davis County. He writes, “My degree from WSC (History and English) has been most helpful with my profession.” Reed Michael L. Tribe, D.D.S., ‘82, graduated in May from the University of Nebraska College of Dentistry in Lincoln, Neb. He is currently establishing a dental practice in Ogden. He is married to the former Margaret Newman, ‘82, and they have one son. Jay C. Swenson, ‘71, is the Division Manager for central Washington and northeastern Oregon for World Book—Childcraft International, Inc. He has been with World Book Encyclopedia for the last 10 years and has been privileged to win some of the highest awards given by World Book. Dean Stokes, '67,has been appointed president of TSS-Seedman’s, Inc., with headquarters in New York City. The company has 40 retail department and specialty stores in New York, New _ Jersey and Puerto Rico. Dean and wife Cathy have three children and will relocate from Coral Springs, Fla., to Coie: Idand, NY. W. Tom Bokarae, ‘71, recently captured a new position as Assistant Marketing and Public Relations Manager for American Lock and Supply, the U.S.’s largest lock and security hardware distributor located in Anaheim, Cal. After an ll-year J.C. Penney Management career, he earned a BA in journalism from Cal-State at Long Beach in 1984. As a freelance writer, he has contributed articles to several national, regional and local publications. Cathy Payne, ’85, is employed as a test engineer at Gould [AMI Semiconductors and is “using her electronics engineering technology education from WSC every day.” , Air Force Second Lt. Christopher L. Young, ‘85, has arrived for duty with the 71st Flying Training Wing, Vance AFB, Okla. He is a student pilot. ‘86 Tommy Joe Lyons, ‘86, attended WSC from September 1974. to December 1978. He writes, “My only claim to fame” while at WSC—I was “Mr. Weber State” 1977-78. In January 1979, I was called back into the U.S. Air Force and sent to Carswell AFB, Tex. On Oct. 2, 1982, I was told I had terminal cancer. After undergoing several major operations, my family was told that I had only a couple of months to live. Those of you who know me can testify that 1 was never one to go by the book. By the Grace of God, I survived, and today I’m doing quite well. “Because of my disibility, WSC allowed me to attend college at Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, Tex., and transfer my credits to WSC, so I could finish my degree. | started last summer and I'm happy to say that this June (1986) I graduated from WSC wit my B.S. ‘degree in Communication. I'm sure all my friends would agree that a “B.S.” is exactly the type of degree I should get. It has only taken me 12 years to get my degree, but the most important thing is I never gave up and on June 13 you can bet my heart was beating walked across that floor to receive ‘I'd just like to say ‘thank you’ who was praying for me to make like crazy as | my diploma. to everybody it.” |