Description |
Hand-written diary of James Miller Christensen (name changed from Jens Moller Christensen). Document contains memoirs from 1846 to 1904 and diary entries from 1904 to 1914. Christensen provides information about his childhood in Denmark, conversion to Mormonism, mission service, emigration to the United States, and overland migration to Utah with the Leonard G. Rice Company in 1867. Later memoirs contain information about his experience with plural marriage and advice he received from Brigham Young regarding the practice of the United Order in Moroni, Utah, and handling business affairs. Throughout the account, he provides information detailing his farming and ranching enterprises. In 1904, Christensen records his travel east to preside over the Scandinavian Mission, and, while en-route, he describes his stops at the Louisiana Fair Exposition and Nauvoo, Illiniois. Thereafter, the bulk of the diary contains information pertaining to the day-to-day affairs of presiding over the Scandinavian Mission. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
James Miller Christensen was born in Denmark, converted to Mormonism, and migrated to Utah with the Leonard G. Rice Company in 1867. He settled in Moroni, Utah, where he farmed, ranched, practiced polygamy, and participated in a failed attempt at the United Order. By 1893, Christensen and both of his wives had moved to Salt Lake City. He served three missions to Scandinavia and, during the final, presided over the Scandinavian Mission. |
OCR Text |
Show 107, 1906, conf Pres. release & appointment, money matters Lorenzo, Social, Trip to Big Falls April 30th Att. Preisthood meeting at 10 & 3 p.m. assisted in the apointment of the Elders and at 8:30 a general meeting where the authorities & apointments were made Known and Sustained, President Evansen was released to go home, in a near future, & Elder Ephraim Petersen was apointed to take his place, a good feeling prevailed amang Saints & Elders, no jars or ill feelings reported. May 1st Rested. answered corespondence, associated with the Elders, advised on matter pertaining to Conf. work. & at ev. att. Mutual Conf. a good progrem was rendered, showing a tendency to deep, & religious taught, also some good tallent. Hall well filled. wrote Lorenzo permiting him to loan $1000.00 of my Wool mony at 6% to be paid on 6 months notice. 2nd associated with the Elders, made a Visit. took Supper with a Br. Carlsen, and at ev. attended a Social got up by the Saints to which all Elders were invited free, a good program was rendered. had a photo taken of a grup od Elders, during day 3rd In Comp. with a gruop of Elders & Saints, took train to 15 minutes ride. then walked a distance to see some large Watterfalls, & an electric power plant. ret. at 3 pm. 108, Dine with a frind, at Kristiania, Conf. canc., Conf. continued May 3rd was invited to dine with a well to do man of 80 years. a staunch frind of our people a Mr. Olsen. at 7:30 took Train for Christiania abt 300 miles South, & arrived ther at 12:10 on the 4th was met at Station by Pres. Torgesen & a number of the Elders. I went to Office & stayed there while Secty. Jorgensen was assigned room in a Hotel at Millergade 22 at Ev att. a consert in the Church Hall a fine program was rendered, & house was filled, over 500 souls present. Elder Thor Nielsen & Family made me very welcome, recd. Letter from Home, no complaint 5th Saturday, rested, got aquinted & interviwed most of the Elders, & in the ev. at 8 o clock att. first Conf. meeting. all the Elders from 11 brances gave reports. 6th Sunday. att. S. School Conf. at 10 a.m. a good program rendered by Kristiania School, & reports from all the Schools at 3 & 7 o clok. general meetings, at 7 the House was packed, I had a bad cold, yet spoke for 50 minutes to attentive listeners, a good spirrit prevailed. 7th Preisthood meeting convened at 10 a.m. to 12:30 & again at 3 to 6. here reports of individual Labor was given, also instructions |