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Show Arts, Letters and Science Arts, Letters and Science DENTAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM This program is under the direction of a licensed dentist. It is designed to prepare individuals who wish to serve in dental offices and clinics. The course of study is nine months in length and consists of formal class-room and clinical instruction and on-the-job practicum. The course of study has been developed in cooperation with an advisory committee composed of professional and lay personnel within the state. A Certification of Completion will be awarded to persons who successfully complete the course of study. Description of Courses 001. Professional Orientation—An introduction to dental assisting and the profession of dentistry. First quarter (1) Staff 002. Dental Materials (Introductory) — Identification, characteristics and manipulative techniques of commonly used dental materials. First quarter (3) Staff 003. Dental Materials (Advanced)—Continuation of Dental Materials 002. Second quarter (3) Staff 004. Patient Education and Public Health—Dental assisting as applied to patient education and public health. Third quarter. (1) Staff 005. Dental Instruments and Equipment—Identification, nomenclature, use and care of instruments and equipment. First quarter (2). Staff 006. Office Management—Essentials in bookkeeping used in dental practice. First quarter (1) Staff 007. Office Management (Intermediate)—Continuation D.A. 006. Patient record keeping. Second quarter (2). Staff 008. Office Management (Advanced)—Methods of efficient office management, supplies, inventory. Third quarter (2) Staff 009. First Aid—Emergency care in a dental office. Third quarter (1) Staff 010. Oral Anatomy—Growth and development of oral structures. Tooth form and functions. First quarter (3) Staff Oil. Physiology and General Anatomy—Survey human physiology and anatomy as applied to dental practice. Second quarter (3) Staff 012. Microbiology and Sterilization—Microorganisms as agents of infections and sterilization of instruments and supplies. First quarter (2) Staff 013. Pharmacology and Nutrition—Study of common drugs and dietary consideration of dental practice. Second quarter (1) Staff 014. Histology and Pathology—Review of structural elements (tissues, organs) involved in disease. Second quarter (1) Staff 021. Typing—Practice necessary for effective business practices in dental assisting. Second quarter (1) Staff 022. Typing (Continued)—Additional typewriting experience. Third quarter (1) Staff 023. Business English—Composition as related to daily dental office practice. Third quarter (2) Staff 030. Chair Side Assisting—Clinical experiences, first quarter. (2) Staff 031. Chair Side Assisting (Continued)—Continuation of D.A. 30. Second quarter (2) Staff 032. Chair Side Assisting (Advanced)—Continuation of D.A. 31. Third quarter (5) Staff 035. X-Ray Theory—Lectures and clinical experience in taking, processing, identification, and filing of radiographs. First quarter. (1) Staff 036. X-Ray Theory (Continued)—Continuation of D.A. 035. Secondary quarter (2) Staff 042. Prosthetic Laboratory Procedures—Fabrication of dental laboratory materials. Third quarter (3) Staff 045. Dental Office Practicum—Observation and practical experience in a practicing dentist's office. Designed to give student on-the-job experience in dental assisting. First quarter (no credit) Staff 046. Dental Office Practicum (Advanced)—Continuation of D.A. 045. Second and third quarters (no credit) Staff First quarter registration—Dental Assisting 001, 002, 005, 006, 010, 012, 030, 035, 045. Total 15 credits. Second quarter registration—Dental Assisting 003, 007, 011, 013, 014, 021, 031, 036, 045. Total 15 credits. Third quarter registration—Dental Assisting 044, 008, 009, 022, 023, 032, 042, 045. Total 15 credits. 150 151 |