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Show Arts, Letters and Science Arts, Letters and Science 132. Modern Algebra—A continuation of Mathematics 131. S (4). Staff 135. Theory of Matrices—Matrices and introduction to linear algebra. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. A (4). Staff 141. Differential Equations—Ordinary differential equations with applications; series solutions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 54. A (4). Staff 142. Differential Equations—Solution of Laplace transforms ; partial differential equations and Fourier series solutions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 141. W (4). Staff 152. Foundations of Algebra—An axiomatic treatment on an elementary level of positive integers and their extensions. Prerequisite: Math 53. A (4). Staff 153. Foundations of Geometry—Postulate systems of geometry. Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (4). Staff 157. Projective Geometry—Prerequisite: Mathematics 53. S (4). Staff 161. Advanced Calculus—Functions of one and several variables, continuity, Riemann integral, partial derivatives, Taylor's theorems, integrals depending upon a parameter. Prerequisite: Mathematics 54. A (4). Staff 162. Advanced Calculus—Maxima and minima in several variables, vector algebra and calculus, Green's and Stoke's theorems, integrals depending upon a parameter. Prerequisite: Mathematics 161. W (4). Staff 163. Advanced Calculus—Infinite series, computations with series, series variable terms, uniform convergence, power series, improper integrals, Fourier series, orthogonal functions, special functions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 162. S (4). Staff 181, 182. Introductory Real Variable Theory—Set of real and complex numbers. Topology and limits in metric spaces. Borel-Lebesque theorem and its consequences. Continuity, uniform continuity, continuous images of compact sets. Algebra of continuous functions, differentiation. Taylor's theorem with remainder, implicit function theorem. Reimann-Stieltjes integration. Prerequisite: Departmental approval. W S (3), (3). Staff 185. Topics in Mathematics—This course will vary from year to year as the demand may be, over: (a) Topics in Analysis (b) Topics in Algebra (c) Topics in Geometry and (d) Topics in Applied Mathematics. (May be taken more than once for a maximum of 5 credit hours.) Prerequisite: Approval of the Instructor. S (2-4). Staff MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENTAL MAJOR (Freshman Year Common for Departmental and Teaching Majors) (Example Only) Freshman Title A Basic Communications 3 Principles of Chemistry 5 College Algebra 5 Calculus with Analytic Geom. Freshman Activities 1 Personal Health Problems Selected Course English 1, 2, 3 Chemistry 24, 25, 26 Mathematics 21 Mathematics 51, 52 Physical Education Health Education 1 Area Requirements Mathematics 53, 54 Approved Mathematics Physics 61, 62, 63 Physics 64, 65, 66 Area Requirements Selected Sophomore Calculus with Analytic Geom. Approved Mathematics Area Requirements Electives Junior Selected Mathematics and Selected 8 Senior Mathematics 161, 162, 163 Tech. Reports, Physics Selected Business Management Selected W 3 5 14 16 16 4 Engin. Physics 4 4 4 Engin. Physics Lab 1 1 1 Selected 3 6 6 Selected 3 15 15 15 4 4 4 4 4 4 [ 8 8 8 16 16 16 4 4 4 7 8 12 5 4 16 16 16 156 157 |